
Steam Reality

Stream made it clear to it's customers that console owners now obtain a license to play digital games, not ownership and users must weigh their options when purchasing digital titles. This clears the misinformation from software manufactures and they no longer can mislead customers about game ownership. 

Should the company later on decide to close, let's just say all these digital games will be in acessbile. 


Can VPN's be Hacked

Utilizing a VPN offers significant advantages for online security and privacy. While it is technically possible for a VPN to be hacked, this risk does not negate its value. For those who frequently travel and require internet access in various locations, a VPN provides a safer alternative to connecting to public Wi-Fi networks indiscriminately. Implementing a VPN can help protect your data from potential threats, so it’s wise to take proactive measures to safeguard your online privacy. Overall, using a VPN remains a beneficial strategy for enhancing your digital security while navigating the internet.


CA Hates their Tesla's

It looks like everyone is waking up from their EV fever and realizing that the vehicles are still not there. There cars are to small for carrying more than one prisoner, the front is too cramped and autopilot interference and let's just say it's very vulnerable and the list goes on.

This is just another examples of politics in the making because if the police department would have done their research beforehand, they would have realized that the vehicles are useless.

This is another public relations stunt in a time where public safety should be the priority.


Tesla Cyber Truck Recall

The EV company is still getting backlash and it's not going to be the last. Wait until owners realize that all they did was to buy a big junk of steel. 

The Cyber Truck was never my favorite vehicle and I cannot even picture myself driving the big piece of tin around the neighborhood and try to get parking. I am curious to see what will be the overall outcome of these cars as time goes by. 

In the end who is going buy a used Cyber Truck and will it's resale value really be worth something in the long run when it's time to get rid of it. 

Maybe Tesla should be focusing on creating Cyber Trucks for the military or for security convoys that can make use of all the steel for protection. 


Robots New Level

Do not get confused that robots are starting to have similar behavior movements like humans and it will only be a matter of time before someone pieces everything together and create a humanoid bot.

The future has already arrived. 


Meta AR Project

It looks like Meta is taking steps to stay on top of the game when it comes to AR and I must admit is a great move against it's competitors and they might have something here that definitely be considered a game changer.

AR glasses like these are popping all over and it's up to these big giants to take a leap and take it to a new level. I would definitely consider getting one, since it can easily blend to the real world. 


Amazon Other Companies

Curious on what other companies Amazon owns, take a look at the link below to see what this big giant ecommerce company owns.

You will be surprised on how it's quietly expanding into other areas. 


N Korea Crypto Inflitrate

It looks like North Korea hackers are getting better with there recent cyber hacks. Now they are getting jobs at some crypto exchanges with fake identity to exploit these companies in upcoming years. It still unsure on what their plans are but it definitely can be disastrous. 

Even though this is still in it's early phases it just shows how easily they can get access and eventually leave unimaginable collateral damage. It's identity theft, only in a larger scale. 



Meta Glasses Dox People

It looks like Meta glasses are using facial recognition to dox users identities and it's future is concerning even though they are saying it's not to be misused. But with virtual reality getting momentum it's going to be difficult to control what the future outcome will be.

If you are using these devices I would be cautious since it's still in the early development stage.


Sleep Data

Wearables have become very popular with consumers and the only problem is that all the information that these devices are getting has to be used in an effective way so that the user can keep track on days were they were able to perform better than others. 

Hopefully as time goes on the analytics will help the user understand on how affective they can become if they adjust their sleep schedules. 


23andMe DNA Data ?

Here is a great article regarding 23andMe DNA data that some users are using to narrow down there family tree. Now once you sign up and get your results let's just say the majority of users move on.

Now the concern is what happens to that data afterwards and who will have access to this if the company does decide to close it's doors.


Waymo Security Problem

Waymo taxi cab encountered something out of the ordinary recently and I am hoping that the company can come up with a fix to prevent things like this from happening.

Let's hope that they can put rules in place to safe guard passenger at all times.


Disney Slack Hack

It looks like Disney was hacked by the social media communicating device known as Slack after it leaked out a terabyte of data. Now the company will refrain from using the application and force to change it's communication methods. 

It's just a good example of how easily security breaches can incurr in everyday chats communication devices. I must admit I do not think anyone saw this coming. 


Win 11 Fall Update

The update is coming in sections and Microsoft will be rolling out these updates with new tools, features and security fixes. 

Hopefully the new roll-out will resolve current ongoing Windows 11 issues in the coming months.


Cybertruck Results

If you are getting ready to purchase a Cybertruck here is some good information to take in mind before you make that big purchase. Not only does it take over an hour and a half to charge the vehicle but the overall cost may not be exactly what you thought.

Electric hopefully overtime will be cheaper but right now, I really don't see it cost effective for the big purchase.


iOS 18 Update Problems

The update is not there yet and if you are planning to upgrade, I would just hold off for a while until Apple resolves their issues and releases new patches for these fixes. You can check from time to time on the Apple website for an update, but It's going to take time. 

Take a look at what the current problems are listed now. 


Best VR Headset

Everyone is enjoying their new virtual reality headset but just only a few of the devices are making the cut to outperform the others.

Now this is definitely a new era for virtual reality and going forward these devices are going to get more portable and wearable. Get ready for the next era of virtual reality. 


Nuro autonomous

This tech company is going beyond delivery robots and can soon overtake the delivery market. It started seeing growth in it's early years and now if some company wants to go driverless it's now able to license the software to them.

It's going to get interesting on what companies are going to be the go to company when it comes to autonomous driving. So get ready for the future.


AI Apply Game Changer

This new AI application is definitely a game changer and it will definitely give you a shot on getting a job quicker with the help of it's integrated meeting applications.

If you still are unsure check out the video below and see how it can simply help you achieve your goals to ace that job interview.


OpenAI o1

It looks like ChatGPT new model is out and it's going to solve harder problems with it's ability to think. Now do not expect the answer to immediately be given but take time since it's processing the request.

I am going to keep my eye's open to see what new developments will come from the next generation of AI.