
Testing AI on your pc

This is going to be one of the beginning test of many others to come to see how well your computer handles AI tasks. 

It's certain that in the near future your next device will be ready to handle more AI performance but if you are looking to take a bench test for your current device click on the link below to begin. 


Home Garden

It's kind of a crazy idea but with the prices of food going sky high and the chemicals that everyone is using it does make sense to begin growing things for yourself.

Here is a pretty cool home garden that someone was able to create at home, so if you have the space it's not a bad idea. 


Renting in Japan

This is the most insane thing I heard and I too thought it was a joke until I read some more information on the site and what these users do and how they use the services.

If you are travel aboard and can find a good translator, it might be not a bad idea to easily rent a tour guide to show you around the area so that you can get your money's worth from your trip.

It's also not a bad idea to rent someone someone to show you the ropes in case you run into problems. You can even rent a companion so that you have someone to talk to and have someone to hang out with to make a memorable moment.

It's has it's pro's and it's cons but if used effectively in could be a great resource in the long run. Feel free to look into the service and see if it's for you. 


ChatGPT users

ChatGPT has already hit over 200 million users but the real question is who is really using it and how are they using it in their daily lives. 

With AI still in it's infancy state, we are still waiting to see how it is changing out lives and what advancement and improvements is it really making among users. 



Google Shop

If your going back to school soon Google can help you back your shopping easier to do so that you can stick to your budget and get more for your money.

You need to check out these new features available to change your shopping experience. 


Ars Technica Closing

It looks like this is the end for Ars Technica on CPU and GPU news and reviews and it comes to show you that slowly but surely these sites are shutting down.

It's only a matter of time before other sites follow suit and either they evolve to new strategies to deliver content or just throw in the towel.

The clocks are ticking and time will tell on what direction you should move to. 


Cool AI Tools for Vacation

If you are going on vacation you might want to try out these cool AI tools to make your traveling easier to do. Now AI can take you to new places while learning new things and experiences.

Take a long on what you can be missing out on your next trip. 


Bulletproof Vests Science

It's a crazy idea that manages to saves lives, here is the secret weapon that keeps millions of people safe around the world alive without a scratch.

This invention was able to bring back to life victims in the cross fire.


WhatsApp Giphy & AI Stickers

It loos like now users will easily be able to use Giphy and AI stickers on WhatsApp as the company keeps on adding new content to it's messaging application.

This has been long overdue and if they still want to stay relevant with it's competitors they need to keep up to date. 


Plaud NotePin

Here is another AI wearable to try to succeed where others have failed and although it sounds like a good idea for AI note taking it's going more that note taking to convince users that they need this device.

Consumers need the device do more to justify the cost and until someone comes up with a good device you are just going to see companies like this come and go frequently. 


TPM reset on Win11

This is an ongoing headache for many users and this is some great resource information when it comes to TPM with Windows 11.

Hopefully in the future Microsoft will resolve this annoying message and clear the way TPM headaches.



Statue of Liberty Info

Curios what's inside the Statue of Liberty in New York City, here is a great guide to the lady liberty that it keeping the structure standing to this date.

Lady Liberty has has come a long way and it's amazing on how the iron and steel keep this structure alive. 


Freedom to

Tired of getting distractive from websites and applications when you are trying to get work done, here is a great software to give you more productivity by blocking sites to keep you focus.

Hopefully the goal is to make employees more productive and less focus on advertisements and news.


Reclaim AI

Here is the smartest calendar app that optimizes everyone's schedule for better productivity, collaboration and work life balance.

This application is great for makers and doers to work better with your team. It has so many perks that it can easily automate your meetings to create a better meeting culture for your company.

Check it out and see if it improves your work life balance.


Paris Pneumatic TimeKeepers

Interesting information on how clocks were synced in the old days before the invention of atomic clocks. In Paris is was crucial for time to by synced across town and to solve this problem they created a  pneumatic system. Which to this day is beyond anyone's imagination. 

It's things that like that shows engineering at it's best. 


Fix MS Planner

Microsoft Planner is no stranger to Windows and after the recent overhaul the software has been revived by some great developers.

With this, you can guarantee from time to time the software is going to have it's ups and downs until it begin to play friendly with the entire M365 suite.

If  you run into problems, here is a great start to begin troubleshooting the software main issues. 


Copilot in OneDrive

Have a license to Copilot and want to know on how it connects with OneDrive and how to utilize it's features. Then click the link below to get more out of the software and take you to a new journey using AI.

As time goes back Copilot will not only be your best friend but save your valuable time when you begin to use the office suite. I promise when you begin using the software it's going to definitely be a great changing experience going forward. It's definitely going to be a game changer going forward. 


Messenger Journey

Here is an journey of evolution of instant messenger applications from 1998 to 2024 and you must admit it's has been a long journey in the waiting.

It shows you the user base count and how other messenger applications evolved as time went by.


Fix GPU with Fan Running

If you have a problem with your current GPU running with fan spinning, check out this quick tip to get your video display backup and running.

This may not solve the problem all the time, but at least this is a good troubleshooting step in the right direction for the fix. 


Google Translate identifier

Trying to transcribe someone's language but unsure what language it is, here is when Google translate takes it a step further by just detecting the language.

There are just times that you just want to know what it means regardless and Google simplifies just this.