
Amazon Prime Update

We have been waiting for this for a while already and now Amazon Prime is changing it's design for the better.

Get ready for a new way of programming to take Prime to new levels of entertainment. 


Slack Free Plan Changes

Slack is changing it services and how it's free plan works and if you are currently using Slack this is what you should be aware of.

Unfortunately, the free plan will have it's limitation now and going forward they are basically slowly forcing you to pay for it's service. So be ready if they sooner or later discontinue the free service. 


Email Hacked

Here is a great way to tell if your Outlook email has been compromised. In today's world you never can be for sure if a breach occurred with all the malicious program that are out there.

If you sense that your Outlook email was hacked, there are some great helpful tips that you can use. 


Kiwi Application Monitor

Here is a great way to monitor your applications and keep you inform on certain events that take place. It's a great program to alert you when things go on your computer so that you can automate other things. 

It's a great software to monitor application and memory usage. 




Pc Doctor Toolbox

Here is a diagnostic software used by most computer repair companies to diagnose your computer problems. Now is the time to register for a free license before it's too late. 

I would recommend that you register the software and install the software immediately so you have it on hand should you ever need to run diagnostics on your computer.


Apple First EV Results

In so many simple words it was better off if Apple would have purchased Tesla instead of trying to invent the wheel. As far as being innovative with the EV industry it so far as been a big failure for them. 

In my opinion, it's easier to find a new EV startup company and buy the company outright instead of spending unnecessary expenses in Research and Development.

The technology is already there, it's just piecing them together and creating a vehicle that will meet cutting edge technology. 


Lockheed Drones

This is like starting to look like the movie Stealth or better yet AI Drones that will team with the U.S. Air Force. It's only a matter of time before AI Drones dominate the sky, now I just hope someone did watch all the Terminator sequels so that they can really understand what they are doing. 


Meta new Movement

It going to be very interesting to see how Meta transforms itself into the metaverse. It would have made sense if Meta just created a new company for the metaverse, but we all will have to wait and see how it's going to play out in the coming years. 

I am definitely going to keep an eye on Meta and see on how they link the dots. 


ChromeBook News

 If you are a Chromebook users here is some good news for you, the multitasking OS may soon allow vertical, horizontal, three-way, and four way divisions.

This will make the device even more productive. 



Telsa Laid off Talent

This is going to be very interesting in the next few years when Telsa the leading EV auto maker starts getting fierce competition from it's rivals. 

All that these companies need to do is just catch up and then the EV games will begin and it will be very interesting to see who will be on top and who now's has the latest technology. 


VPN Kill Switch

What is a VPN kill switch and why you should use one. Let's just say it's a better way to connect and keep your information private. In todays world privacy is always a top priority when connecting online. 


Vodafone going Cloud

Here just another example of how companies are easily migrating into the cloud to enhance it's ability and improve their network performance. You can bet that more companies are going to start embracing the cloud as time goes by. The future of the cloud is here to stay. 



iOS Launch Lockdown Mode

Apple will launch lockdown mode to protect users who are targets of digital security. It's a great move against future hacking attacks. The goal is for Apple to me proactive against security concerns. 


Revamped Google TV app

Looks like Google TV is changing it's application and highlights feeds so that movies and shows can easily be searchable and shareable.

Let's wait and see how user's react to the new changes and if it does make a difference. 


Find Flights that Save

Here is a great way to find loopholes in airfare pricing. These are the flights that the airlines do not want you to be aware of. See what flights you can find at skiplagged at a discount to save you money. 


Apple Pay soon to pay for Fuel

It's great to know that Apple Pay will hopefully pave the wave for paying for fuel contactless payments. It's nothing new just another easier way to refuel and go on your way. 


The Solution to High Gas Prices

There is a solution to our current gas problem but not many people will want to accept the reality of what needs to be done.

We have been too long reliant on one particular type of energy that it's time for a drastic change now. The longer we wait for the change to happen, the more difficult it's going to be to accept that change.

It's time for us to wake up and start making changes so that we can no longer have a gas price problem. 



California's solar car is going to change the EV business due to the hassles of charging. Now imagine buying a car at an affordable price and then be able to drive 40 miles per day which is enough for most users.

These cars are already in production and you will start seeing them soon by the end of this year.




Recent Autonomous Problem

Not too long ago a fleet of self-driving cars gathered together and blocked an intersection in San Franciso for several hours for no apparent reason. 

Now many assumed this was a robot uprising but in actuality, it was a problem with the platform software. It's beyond me why this would occur and it's a strong message for cities to be prepared for the worse when disaster strikes. 

The future is now but at what costs. 


Women digital Footprint

With the new overturn Supreme Court decision women now need to hide their digital footprints because their online data could not be used against people seeking abortions.

It's pretty sad that it has come to this but now they can be subject to policing.

Let's hope something changes soon or their privacy could be at risk. 
