

 This scary application is preserving family photo's by animating them. You not only can take a family photo and make it come to life but the 3D affect is so realistic and amazing that it will surprise many.

Give it a try and see what everyone's talking about. 




What is Crypto Currency

 There are various ways to explain this but hopefully these video's below will explain what crypto currency is and why should you be concern about it.

Let's just say with Crypto no one controls the currency value, transaction fees are minimal, to almost no fees at all. No bank and government cannot control the currency and crypto can basically do whatever it wants to do around the clock. 

Going Crypto will definitely change on how we bank, and how financial institutions make money, so it's a big threat to financial companies and governments who like controlling their currency. 

But recent moves has changed all that and it's only a matter of time before more users, companies and vendors adapt the new way of life. 

The future is coming for crypto so get ready. 




Ready for a movie night then check out the Netflix party using this neat Chrome add-on so that you can enjoy your favorite movies with your family and friends where ever you go. 

It's a great application to keep everyone together to enjoy your special movie night. 



Temporary Email

Need a temporary email to sign up for a site but do not want spam emails coming into your inbox. Check out Email on deck to help you with your email problems. 



EV Problem

 Electric Vehicles are great but here is the ongoing problem with EV vehicles and the challenges they face to compete with gas powered vehicles. 

Eventually these EV markets will adapt but it will take time because of the charging adaptation. 



Google Startup

 It looks like Google recently acquired a start up company named Neverware that squeezes extra life out of old Windows and Macs.

This is a great move for Google so that it can still gain market share on outdated hardware. Let's see how far companies are willing to adapt. 




Microsoft Death Star

 Microsoft recently unleashed it's Death Star against SolarWinds hackers and it was just a matter of making a series of dramatic steps against the attack. 

It just shows you how the firepower can be good for the force. Now there is no telling if the hackers will counterstrike from the dark side.




It looks like Microsoft next OS is already in the works and they have simplified the UI. You have limitations but it will be very interesting on how the new OS plays out in Spring 2021.



Lease Trader

Are you stuck with a lease vehicle and wished there was an easier way to get out of your lease without the headaches. Here is a site that can work both ways for you.

If you are a buyer and need a car but do not want to leave the down payment, then this site is a simple way to take over someone else lease agreement and ride the car to the end of the contract. 

Another option is that if you are currently a lease holder and for whatever reason do not want to be locked in your lease then with a good incentive offer you can get out of your lease. 

I wished I knew about this company a long time ago, it would have made my dreams come true. 



Largest Email Migration

It looks like Microsoft just completed the largest email migration that consisted of 2.1 million mailboxes with  2.3 petabytes of data to Azure cloud.

It's the largest migration done by a health system wanted to go digital. 

Now it's only a matter of time before bigger firms climb aboard. 



Fix Asus Pswd Bios

If you have an Asus motherboard and trying to get into the computer but having problems with the bios password. Here is a fix, but note that putting a password on the bios does not offer much protection and if the system gets corrupted, your options are very limited. 

Your alternate bet is to use bitlocker and encrypt the drive for security. 



EV Charging Changing

 EV charging is currently super slow but this technology is now changing. The new level 2 service will be speeding up the charging process to eight to ten times the charging power than we had before. This is the next generation of electric vehicles going global. 



Free Outlook Reality

 If you are using free Outlook here is the reality, sooner or later unless you delete your emails or documents you have saved. You are most likely going to have to pay if, if you exceed your storage capacity. 



In Ear Translator

 This is very interesting to have a portable device that can simply translate languages in real time. This will definitely save a lot of time translating conversations. Now let's see if they how far they can go. 



Fonix Ransomware Shut Down

It looks like some ransomware operators  recently shut down their operation and released the master decryption key allowing victims to recover their files for free.

It will be very interesting to see the reason for all of this, hopefully they just wanted to send out a message. 



iPhone Digital Key

 It looks like the iPhone is getting an upgrade to unlock your car. Apple's digital key system will keep on working ever after the iPhone battery runs out, but it will only be for a few hours. So let's hope they perfect this feature and roll it out soon so that we can get in and out of cars without any hassles. 



Signal vs Telegram

 If you want secure conversations then these two messaging services are worth looking into, now the only problem is which one is better. 

Let's just say both are similar but Telegram is for profit and Signal is not and it's only a matter of time before both companies become expensive.

So take advantage of the opportunity and test both of them out and enjoy them while they are ad free. 



Win Memory Diagnostic Tool Stuck

 Every once in a while you will get a blue screen of death and it will say something like Windows is checking for memory problems. When this occurs your best bet is to login to Windows and disable all applications and review recently installed programs which could be the problem.

For more information see the link below.



Enable Hyper-V in Win10 Home

 Here is the guide to help you install Hyper - V on your Home Edition of Windows. Hyper -V does have some great features in Windows and it should be available for everyone to test and use.


Script to enable Hyper -V

pushd "%~dp0"
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
del hyper-v.txt
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL


Insert Word into Word

 Here is a great way to insert an existing word document into another word document. It's easy to do and with just a few clicks you have two documents together. 
