
Largest Email Migration

It looks like Microsoft just completed the largest email migration that consisted of 2.1 million mailboxes with  2.3 petabytes of data to Azure cloud.

It's the largest migration done by a health system wanted to go digital. 

Now it's only a matter of time before bigger firms climb aboard. 



Fix Asus Pswd Bios

If you have an Asus motherboard and trying to get into the computer but having problems with the bios password. Here is a fix, but note that putting a password on the bios does not offer much protection and if the system gets corrupted, your options are very limited. 

Your alternate bet is to use bitlocker and encrypt the drive for security. 



EV Charging Changing

 EV charging is currently super slow but this technology is now changing. The new level 2 service will be speeding up the charging process to eight to ten times the charging power than we had before. This is the next generation of electric vehicles going global. 



Free Outlook Reality

 If you are using free Outlook here is the reality, sooner or later unless you delete your emails or documents you have saved. You are most likely going to have to pay if, if you exceed your storage capacity. 



In Ear Translator

 This is very interesting to have a portable device that can simply translate languages in real time. This will definitely save a lot of time translating conversations. Now let's see if they how far they can go. 



Fonix Ransomware Shut Down

It looks like some ransomware operators  recently shut down their operation and released the master decryption key allowing victims to recover their files for free.

It will be very interesting to see the reason for all of this, hopefully they just wanted to send out a message. 



iPhone Digital Key

 It looks like the iPhone is getting an upgrade to unlock your car. Apple's digital key system will keep on working ever after the iPhone battery runs out, but it will only be for a few hours. So let's hope they perfect this feature and roll it out soon so that we can get in and out of cars without any hassles. 



Signal vs Telegram

 If you want secure conversations then these two messaging services are worth looking into, now the only problem is which one is better. 

Let's just say both are similar but Telegram is for profit and Signal is not and it's only a matter of time before both companies become expensive.

So take advantage of the opportunity and test both of them out and enjoy them while they are ad free. 



Win Memory Diagnostic Tool Stuck

 Every once in a while you will get a blue screen of death and it will say something like Windows is checking for memory problems. When this occurs your best bet is to login to Windows and disable all applications and review recently installed programs which could be the problem.

For more information see the link below.



Enable Hyper-V in Win10 Home

 Here is the guide to help you install Hyper - V on your Home Edition of Windows. Hyper -V does have some great features in Windows and it should be available for everyone to test and use.


Script to enable Hyper -V

pushd "%~dp0"
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
del hyper-v.txt
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL


Insert Word into Word

 Here is a great way to insert an existing word document into another word document. It's easy to do and with just a few clicks you have two documents together. 



Power Plan Changes

 It looks like Win10 power plan keeps changing in Windows 10 after a reboot and after updates. It looks like a Windows bug and hopefully they will be patched soon. 



Access Mac files from Win

 If you want to access the files on your Mac from Windows here are the simples steps to take to get access to your files. Mapping your drive will get easy access to your files when you need it. 



Cut & Paste Overhaul

 It looks like Microsoft is improving the cut and paste feature and soon you will be able to do more with this feature. It's about time for the needed improvement. 



New Edge will not Uninstall

 It looks like Microsoft incorporated the browser into it's software and there is no way to uninstall it.

So if you are thinking of just removing it to save space, you can forget it. 



Low Orbit Satellite

 It looks like some early testers are liking the idea of low orbit satellites and the concept that they can easily connect to other services for connection.

Just think that now there is a possibility to connect everyone anywhere. 



Eco Printing Subscription

 It looks like someone figured out on how to make a printing subscription for home and small businesses.

If the price makes sense then you can bet that it will change the way we print. 

Hopefully this will come to the U.S. real soon. 



Sample Pricing:

Brother Launches EcoPro Supplies-Subscription Program
  • A 12-month plan priced at £29.99 (approximately U.S. $40.00) per month, for printing up to 6,000 pages per year, saving users up to 70 percent on supplies,
  • A 24-month plan priced at £25.99 (approximately U.S. $34.00) per month, also for printing up to 6,000 pages per year, saving users up to 70 percent on supplies.


Cyber Attacks for Remote Workers

 It looks like ever since worker having been working from home, cyber attacks have increased and that's mainly do to the off guard sudden move to remote.

Now the new threat for companies is to fear cybercriminal attacks from within it's network operations and it's remote users. 



YouTube Playlist

 Here is a great way to create a YouTube playlist without an account. Now entertaining your guest or friend can be as simple as picking your favorite songs and opening the playlist. Great way to get a party started.



Lock FB Profile

 If you are concern on users getting Facebook profile pictures here is a great way to lock your profile so that user's do not download and steal your pictures. Identify fraud is increasing and users will do almost anything to impersonate someone else. 
