
Google Split

Looks like Google Drive and Google Photos are splitting up and this is what everyone needs to be aware of after the separation.
It's more like a separation of both programs so that they can be independent of each other.



Movie Streaming

If your looking for a new movie streaming site you can check the link below, but there is no telling how long these sites will stay open once they're known.



Easy Phone Charging

Phone charging is becoming a profitable business and soon you will be seeing this portable charging places near you. I don't understand why these devices have not yet shown up in a mall near me.



USB info

Very interesting information from the USB inventor and how he mistakenly created something that he would figure everyone would get right on the first try to use the product.
But there is always a reason why things are made a special way.



Google Calendar Update

Looks like Google Calendar has a recent outage that affected many users and for those users who use it daily, it was a big loss of them. Some users were able to get back on track by using the mobile application.
Now, this incident should teach others to set up backup plans in the future so that they are prepared in advance should this happen again.
Maybe it's about time for Google Calendar to change it's program and offer an offline option.



Public Library Update

Looks like the public library is at risk of being obsolete. With pressure on the local government cuts, the library is slowly but surely disappearing from existence.
With the information highway offering vast information accessible to everyone, the library has now shifted to the web.
I do believe that this is the way of the future and libraries will eventually cease to exist. Stay tuned.



Consumer Reports Surface News

Looks like Consumer Reports changed their mind on Microsoft Surface laptops. Looks like after the 2nd year the laptop breakage has increased for the company when compared to other products in the same market. Although Microsoft defends heavy its product, the company is still new in the hardware business. But reliability is still a major factor and the Surface it's not living up to its name. The most common causes of the units were that the machine froze, shut down unexpectedly and touch screen unresponsive.

Looks like it's back to the drawing board for the company to fix out its software kinks.



Florida City Ransom

Not too long after Detroit had a similar ransom attack, this Florida City was recently targeted and the end results were not pretty. The city was forced to give in to the ransom demands in order to salvage their remaining system.
Their payoff is now going to inspire many other hackers to do the same and to continue ransom attacks.



Amazon Replaced Jobs

The new workforce is becoming a reality and it's only a matter of time before everyone else picks up the slack. They can work non stop and eliminate roles very quickly. The new industrial revolution has begun.



Baltimore's Hostage

A sad ransomware story from the city of Baltimore on how some hackers held the city hostage because of poor infrastructures. I hope this is a lesson learned and that it will be mandatory for all cities to upgrade their old infrastructure.



Chrome Alert

Looks like the Chrome browser no longer clears data and history. In order to do that you will have to use other third party software to remove this information.

Hopefully, this will clear this problem up soon, or do they really want to?



Online Forms and Surveys

Need a simple and easy way to make online forms and surveys. This site will show you where you can go to create these forms and surveys and tells you their differences when compared to other sites.



Console Games

Looks like some console games are now easily available for users to play online. Here is what you need to know to be able to play these games online for free.



NextDoor App

Here is an application of neighbors shame you and it's so wrong for others to do this that the users don't understand how a negative impact they are doing to their neighbors, regardless if they have good intentions or not.



Prime Drones

Looks like delivery drones are going forward with the help of Amazon. And if all goes well this could be the start of affordable shipping as we know it.



Airbnb for Cars

Looks like car renting will never be the same when everything gets finalized by this company. Know about renting homes and private condo. Airbnb is now moving into car rental and I must admit it will definitely change the rental business and I hope it will make things practical and affordable for everyone.
It's long been awaited and now this could be the end of car rentals as we know it.



Family Tree Now

Family Tree Now is sharing personal information to other users and before the data is shared you must first confirm if your data is on their website and opt out. Otherwise, your information is going to be sold.

Opt out


Human Composting

Looks like one state is taking green to a new level and we could see now a new alternative to cremations and burials in years to come. Very interesting to see when it's neighboring states will join the new generation of composting.



Biometric Car

Looks like cars are soon to become biometric and you should be getting ready for a keyless world moving forward. This will change everything moving forward and could bring cars to the next generation.



Cars2Go Theft

Looks like over 100 cars are still missing from this company and even though it may appear to look like a hack, it's not but an ongoing theft problem with company app.
