
Iphone X Clear

Looking for a unique way to make your new iPhone X different from others. You might want to look into this and although it might be difficult at first to get use to. I must admit it is unique.



Fix Pc Low Speakers

Having a problem with Windows speakers playing a volume low. Here's is some help on how to fix this problem. Most of the times a computer reboot will solve your problem, if not then follow these steps.



Salary Lookup Service

Looks like Equifax just opened up a salary lookup service for companies to verify employment, applying for a car or home loan. It's a great service to satisfy employment history, now I am wondering how accurate it's going to be and if its really going to make a decision when applying for a loan.




This software has been around for sometime and hopefully today it will help you unlock your computer. It's a great administrator software that is useful in the real world today. Don't delay repairing a computer, because you don't have the administrator password. Get Unlocker today.



Awair Glow

Tired of manually turning on and off devices in your home to meet the air quality. Here is a handy device to help your appliances get smarter. It's a new generation of making appliances smarter.




Already using the cloud and don't know if your organization is using the resources effectively. This software helps you diagnose your environment and gives you in real time your monthly costs of Azure vs AWS in the cloud, plus more. It's a great way to review the decisions you already made in the cloud and if it's cost effective.
Besides that it gives you a better view of your environment and recommends what you need to do, to get better performance for the value. It's the artificial intelligence of your organization cloud products.


Password Auditor

Need to verify if your organization is using strong password protection on high privilege accounts. Here is a handy software that works with the active directory to show the user's who are still using weak passwords in your environment. This will help the system administrator create a tougher password format for their environment.



MS Office 2016 Referemce

Use Microsoft Office 2016, then this reference card will come in handy to help you overcome your everyday Office problems.



Yammer in Business

Why would anyone want to use Yammer in business? Great question and here is the answer. If you have Office 365 and have Yammer installed, users can get into direct contact with others users in the organization by using Yammer. This eliminates constantly emailing the individual and gives you access to user's on the fly. Its similar to your regular online posting boards, but this is just for company employee's who are on the Office 365 domain. Groups can also be made in Yammer, like Human Resources, Sales, Quality Control, Training etc. It's a great place to share internal information.
Another group that can be made is a Yammer 101 group that has technical information for user's who need the information.



Trace an Email

Here is good information on what to do when you want to trace an email. Usually a user will want to trace an email coming from a spammer or and individual who is causing some kind of situation within your organization.



Enhanced Migration Toolkit

If your concern with security on Windows OS you might want to look on installing this feature into Windows to get more protection. It's a great software to stop exploits.



Old PC Hardware

Take a look back of computer hardware from the past. It wasn't long ago that these devices were the top main tools used by many technician's. It's amazing on how times and technology has changed. Go back to memory lane.



Windows Analytics Device Health

Looking for a better way to diagnose Windows 10 problems. Here is a handy software to help you fix these ongoing problems. It's a great add-on for technician's trying to keep everything running smoothly.



MP3 Converters

Looks like the battle is still on with the RIAA and other companies on ripping music streaming. Now regardless of what these companies do, other companies will eventually pop up and easily take over what the last companies were able to achieve. Right or wrong is not my fight but somehow they will just keep coming stronger than before.



WhatsApp APK

Here is a great software for WhatsApp user's who accidently need to recall or revoke a message. Any user who has already used WhatsApp already knows that once a message is sent to a user, there is no way to delete it. Hopefully this will alleviate Android user's for the future.



Acting Classes Online

Looks like this famous actor is going to give everyone a good lesson when it comes to acting. Not only is this going to have many viewers, but it opens a market online for acting. Now anyone in their home can easily take classes online to act. Great incentive for anyone to jump in.



Sharing Netflix Password

For those user's who were not clear when the law was passed a few years ago, here is the information again. I doubt it that Netflix and other media companies will prosecute anyone, but don't be upset if they suspend your account. Know your rights now before hand.



Bad Rabbit Ransom

Ransomware is on the rise and I hope user's have their computer virus and malware software updated so that they don't get infected. If your curious how the ransom works, here is the details.



Enable Win 10 Exploit

Here is a great way to enable Windows 10 Exploit protection and how keep your computer protected daily. Windows Exploit Guard hopefully is here to stay.



Ransome MAC attack

Here are some steps to take if your MAC one day gets a ransomeware attack and what to do after you get a lock screen. The next steps you take are unfortunate, but you can still get help. Worse scenario you can emial Macworld for help at mac911@macworld.com with screen captures. Good luck.
