
Win 10 Major Update

This update will take a while to be deployed. But once it's installed you can expect more out of Windows 10 to simplify your daily life.



Cable Cord Cutters

For those user's who already cutting the cord here is some additional information to stay free of cable bundles. There is a lot of stuff available now than there was before. Consumers have a new choice.
If you can sacrafice the new channel line ups and modern way of playing movies, then cord cutting is for you.



Chromecast App

For those user's who were trying to install the Chromecast application and can't seem no to find it anymore. We'll there is a great reason for that and that is that Google no longer supports the application and shut down the service.
Now for the good news, Google has incorporated casting into it's Chrome browser so all that you have to do is find the Cast application and double click it, to Cast.



Malwarebytes Bug

Looks like Malwarebytes has a bug with Windows Defender that now it's disabling the service. The software for a while was working nicely together. But with Microsoft new updates, it looks less likely that it will be fixed anytime soon. Hopefully Malwarebytes will get their game together and get things go back as they were.



Mile to Empty

Looks like car manufactures are not telling you the truth regarding how many miles left when your car gauge reads empty. It's sort of misrepresentation of what the gas gauge was meant for but car manufactures will give you a million reason's why their way is the right way.
So for those user's who really want to know, then here is the information.



Best Laptop 2017

Here is a list of best and worst laptop manufactures. There is no guarantee that your laptop is going to last forever, but it's go to know who is making an effort building a better product.



Free Music Tracks

Love music then you should see what music tracks are worth download from the link below. Sometimes the best things in life come in a musical way.



BeeLink Sea I

Looking for a DVR recorder to play your favorite movies and do whatever you want to do with them later on. This box is sure out there and give you a lot of options and storage capacity for the next generation of things you might want to do with an entertainment device.



Apple Pay Safe

How safe is Apple Pay, let's just say it's the same as using your credit card online. As for safety only time will tell how secure Apple Pay will be. It's very convenient and the new generation of paying on the go.
My advice is to setup alerts and monitor on a daily basis if you use it a lot.



Get Fiber

Want to know what it will cost you to get fiber in your area. It's not cheap, but if you can get connected, you can expect the speeds to be higher than your typical local carrier.
It will take a while for prices to go down, but keep your eye's open, this can just be around the corner.

Average Estimate for Home Users


WiFi Extenders

Here is what buyers should know before purchasing a WiFi extender. Not only does it depend on where to place your WiFi extender but the type of WiFi you should use to always keep connected.



Cinema End

We'll better go to the movies now while it last, the cinema has we know it is about to end soon. Now movie goers have new ways of watching movies that the cinema being dead is long over due. Until that time comes, everyone should enjoy the last days of the famous movie theaters.



Maximize Benefits

Here are two great websites for retiree's or individuals who parents or significant other's are planning to retire soon. It's best to see what time is beneficial for you to reap in those benefits. You'll pay a small price to see what is your best benefits.

Maximize SSA
SS choices



Need to keep track of a loved one's finances. Here is a great company to keep family members alert when suspicious activity occurs on their credit card or bank accounts. It's design to keep tabs on one another.



Health Care Calculator

Health care is on the rise and if your planning on retiring. it's a good idea to see what your health care cost are going to cost you years down the road.



Debt Help

Need some help with your debt so that you and your family don't suffer drastically. Well for a monthly fee of less than $30- a month, this site helps you get back on track.



Best Financial Adviser

Looking for a best Financial Adviser but don't know where to start. Start here and screen your financial adviser so that your just not handling your money to anyone.



Broker Check

Have an investment broker and want him checked out so that you can make sure your not a victim or a casualty of financial fraud. Have the broker reviewed at this website below. And decided whether or not you still want your financial investment handled by that individual.



Troubleshoot IP WiFi Network

Here's a cool software to troubleshoot those IP WiFi network connections for devices that your having problems connecting with. It's a great tool for the network administrator.



Recover from Raid 0, 5

Using Raid 0, or 5 and need to recover a drive. Well good luck and maybe this software can help but the chances you have for recovery using this type of raid is slim.
