
Admin Add-on via DOS

Want to easily add an administrator account on a computer without the hassle of opening menu's. Try doing it in DOS and see how simple and easy it is to do.



Optane from Intel

Think of this as a memory modulator that will speed up your computer to load whatever you want it to load quicker and faster. It's new technology made by Intel to adapt to improve your computer speed.



Xvirus Antimalware

Everytime I see something new I want to let everyone know about it, so that they can try it out themselves and give me feedback. Today it's Xvirus Antimalware that works well with Windows. For user's looking for a freebie, here you go.



MAC OS Night Shift

Now when you have to work late at night you don't have to worry about the MAC bright screens anymore. The Night Shift free ad on software, promises not to disrupt your sleep schedule. It's a great add on and I suggest all user's to download it.



Goodbye ATM card

Looks like the ATM card could sooner than you think disappear all together. It looks like Wells Fargo is adapting new technology to eliminate the use of the cards.
It will be a while before the transition is spread across other banks, but it's the future of banking as we know it today.



Another Data Breach

Looks like this time it was Verifone and it doesn't look good for the moment. That's because Verifone is the company that most gasoline stations use for consumers to purchase gas.
Verifone is stating that the breach was contained, but the way I see it, it will take months to really figure out how bad the breach really was.



Ford Smart Service Kiosk

Looks like Ford is revolutionizing the repair shop service drop off using new smart service kiosk. And if the service moves ahead, you can bet other car industries will follow. It not only makes it easier for the customer to drop off and pickup. But simplifies customer service.



Take Ownership

Here is a great software to help IT Administrators get their work done in easy steps. It's a great tweak and it let's user get things done when they are in a hurry.



Cold Turkey Writer

Need to write something and get interrupted occasionally that you never get to finish your paper. Here is an ideal program for the user's to get the job done right and in time. The program at first asks you what you want to achieve and then locks you from doing anything else, except finishing your paper.



Why The Internet is so Slow

Here is some great information on why our infrastructure is so slow. And it's not what you really think, because it goes back to the top. And it's not likely ever to change, unless the government get's involve and enables competition.



Apple Cloud Setting Update

It's a good time to change your Apple cloud settings now, before you get hacked. It looks like stolen Apple ID's are a hot item and now hackers are easily getting a hold of user's cloud devices. So if you have Family Sharing feature on, it's time to turn it off.



Properly Clean a Flat Screen

Here is the to do list on how to clean a flat screen or monitor. User's who do not follow the instructions carefully, will in the long run damage their screens. So I suggest everyone to take a few minutes and read the information below to clean a monitor.



Malwarebytes gets Tougher

Looks like Malwarebytes is taking a strong stand on unwanted programs. And if they stay focus and keep on top of their game. It could be a while before it's competitor's can catch up.



Microsoft Services Up or Down

Are your Microsoft services up or down. Simple question with the help of Microsoft Azure status. It will simply tell you if it's running normally or your having network problems. Great utility for monitoring your cloud services.




Here is the open source key for those WannaCry user's who were victims of the outbreak. The user's must not have rebooted the computer and currently have the ransomeware software running.
It's not the perfect tool, but a move in the right direction.



Google Keeps Addon

Looks like Google Office suite is getting bigger and better. Now Google Keeps, similar to Microsoft sticky notes has a new add on for Google Apps. Now you can keep them accessible with your documents where ever you go. Check it out and enjoy the free perks.



Ransomeware Threat

Looks like corporations are not the only one who fear ransomeware. It looks like a few police stations nationwide are getting infected and because of their infrastructure setup, it can cost them greatly. Let's just say criminals can go free because the evidence that is being entered into the police database are no longer accessible. Talk about tasteless justice.



Unsecure Backup

Looks like the US Air Force fouled up recently on a backup and some how someone forgot to encrypt it and password protect it.
No one is saying how top secret these files are, but it's a simple screw up from Administrators not double checking their work. If your going to put anything online, make sure it's secure and password protected.



Automate Gmail

Gmail has some great features that can make things easier to do, if you use it effectively on the work force. Not only will it save you time, but you will look more professional. Check it out and start using it today. Canned responses has many useful methods that anyone can utilize daily.



WannaCry Patch

Looks like Major Geeks are helping out user's who want to patch that ransomware virus that recently made headlines.


Patch via OS

Get 50% off by pay only $14.98 for the year by installing this malware fighter software below.

Malware Fighter 2