
Hack a PC in seconds

Looks like this software is easily hacking computer in seconds and just makes again Windows security features useless. Good to know that Microsoft has still a long way to go when it comes to security.



Amazon Echo Tricks

Still wondering if you should or should not buy an Amazon Echo. Here are some reason's why user's do buy the Echo and what you can do with it.



x86 vs 64 bit

Ever wonder why some computers have to file folders saying x86 and 64bit? The answer is simple because it helps to resolve some of the developers problems when user's install software.



Google Services

Looks like these Google services have yet to be revealed and I guess the work continues, until one day the service be


Always remeber these:
Google Keep
Google books nGram Viewer
Pronounce big numbers
Character Draw
Type 80 characters without special keyboard
Google Art Project
Digital Cheat Sheet
Google Trends
Search Terms
Google Express
Sound Search
Animal Noises
Gboard for iphone
Google One Day Donate


Youtuber's Delete your Video's

Youtube tutorial's on getting more user's to subscribe to you and the how to get more user's on your channel theory. It's good advice if you just starting doing tutorials or how to video's.



Ransomware hits Android Smart Tv's

I am not going to like the idea one day that ransomware will invade my television and I hope someone comes up with a fast fix before this get's out of hand. Not a good idea and it's going to definitely get me upset.



Outlast your iPhone Storage

Anyone who has an iPhone already has learned about reaching their storage limitations. Here are ways to reduce that problem so that you don't fall short on storage when taking pictures or recording video.



Excel Caution Hack

Looks like Excel has exploit with users who have the software WhatsApp installed. It's a must read if you have Microsoft Excel and the WhatsApp installed on your computer.



Exploit disables iOS Texts

A new exploit just showed up just recently that disable's iOs texts forever. It was warned to us by security experts years ago and it looks like this is the beginning of very serious things to come and interrupt our daily lives.



Sling DVR

Looks like Sling Tv is taking streaming television where it's never been before by adding DVR to it's showing line-up's. It's a great feature that's been long over due and it's the start of more streaming DVR service to come from in the future.
It's still in beta but this shouldn't keep you back from subscribing to them.



B Batteries

Ever wonder why some batteries are no where to be found? Take a look at B batteries and how they just simply disappeared as time went by. It's not like you can't find them, but eventually it will be obsolete. I can't ever remember ever seeing a B battery. Can you?



Unlimited Access for Prime User's

Have an Amazon Prime subscription? You might want to take a look at the FreeTime Unlimited service for your children, which not only has more shows but educational apps as well.



Phone and WiFi Malware

Looks like this new visitor is gradually taking over gadgets and if your not careful it could even go further and take over all of your electronic equipment that you use daily.
So far it's not here in the states yet, but for the way it's spreading out on the internet. It's only a matter of time before it reaches all of us. And the only protection that user's have for now is to have their internet service provider quarantine



Month to Month Cell Phone Insurance

Here's the real scoop on having month to month cell phone insurance plan on you phone. From the article it looks like the plan is a waste of money unless your one of those individuals who is careless and have bad luck when it comes to phones.
In my opinion save the money and when you eventually encounter a problem with your phone, either fix the old one or buy a new one.



Netflix Downloads

Want to download Netflix video's now. No problem with this cool software, but there is no telling how long this will work once Netflix counter backs the online privacy.



Blank Pc Screen

What to do with a blank Pc screen. This is the start of your computer repairing problems. If your patient enough, sometimes the fix can be simple. But if all these tips still does not get your computer up and running. Your best bet is to get hired help.



Hardware Inventory

Looking for an inventory software for your network for system administrators. It's has a lot of information for the everyday user. That can be useful in many other projects.



Porn Pc Policy

Looks like porn will soon be harder to access on a computer if this bill passes. It's not only going to block you from accessing porn sites but you will have to pay a one time premium to be able to access porn. It's a great idea for parents who want to limit porn access in their child lives.




Online privacy keeps on getting out of control and to help battle this fight this software comes to the rescue to keep your information private.



Obituary Searches

This is a very sensitive issue and it's always good to know when a dear friend or someone special has just passed away. It's the blue print to finding out if someone did pass away.
