
Gooligan Malware Check

Looks like this new Android malware is infecting many user's by the minute. The infection takes place by opening an email or via web page and it doesn't stop there.
The only way to make sure you haven't been attacked it to verify your email address via the link below. I advise user's not to open any email that's they are not familiar with and if you don't know the user delete the email all itself.



Public WiFi Beware

Public WiFi has it's good and it's bad. Today they are reviewing it's security risks and why you should be concern when connecting to these free services.



Directv Now Review

Recently Directv came out with a mini subscription version for streamers and here is the scoop on whether or not the service is worth it.
Well for the money it looks good against it's contenders but only time will tell when more player's get in on the streaming wagon.



Ultimate Boot CD

It's time again to update your Ultimate Boot CD that been recently been updated from September 2016. The new update brings new bugs fixes and definition updates and it's still a great utility disk for technician's and do it yourself users.



Audio Grabber

Free audio grabber lets you rip music files so that you can easily play them where ever you go.
Technology is changing daily and it's important to keep up to date with software that's going to make your life easy.



Virus Removal via CMD

Yes your best bet to remove any virus goes back to the DOS command prompt and if you hate going back to the old school method. I just want to let you know that this method is still effective.
Sometimes going back to the basic is the best way to get things done right.



Reset Win Pswd

Your locked out of Windows and need to reset your Windows password to get access. Here is another useful site to get you out of a jam and help you get those files you need quickly.


  1. Use the Windows repair disk to boot your computer.
  2. Choose your preferred language.
    Note: The method was tried on Windows 10. The repair disk options may differ for other Windows versions.
  3. Click Troubleshoot.
  4. Click Command Prompt.
  5. In the CMD window, type the following command and press Enter:
    copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
  6. Now, type the following command and press Enter:
    copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
    Note: You will see the Overwrite c:\sethc.exe?  confirmation if you have done this method in the past. In this case, type All and press Enter.
  7. To quit CMD, type exit and press Enter. Restart your computer.
  8. At the login screen where you enter your password, press Shift key for five times. A CMD window will show up.
  9. Type the following command and press Enter:
    net user username password
    Important: Here, the username is your user account name and password is the new password you want to set. If your username is ironman and new password Jarvis, the command will be:
    net user ironman Jarvis
  10. Now press Enter.
  11. Exit the command prompt.
  12. You can login to your Windows machine using the new password.
with compliments of fossbytes.com


Win & MAC Password Help

Somehow you lost your Windows or MAC password and need to get into your computer to get a hold of important files. No problem with the help of this link.
I am hoping user's use this information wisely and not do anything that's wrongful.

Store 1
Store 2


Traffic Lights Get Easier

Looks like traffic light technology is getting to the automotive industry and if all goes well. We can sure expect to see it in upcoming models. Not only will you be able to tell when the next traffic light will change. It will warn you to slow down, because for one reason or another, your not going to make that light. The technology has so much to offer for drivers and city traffic headquarters that hopefully it will give better information for daily commuting traffic. Stay tuned.




DvD Ripper

Here's a great DvD ripper to clone your favorite dvd's where ever you go. Burn those favorite DvD's so that you can enjoy them for a lifetime.



Win 10 File Default

For those user's who are having file default problems in Windows 10, here is the fix going forward to correct the file format problem. All other versions of Windows was quite simple going to the file folder. Now with Windows 10 and it's current apps. This is a little different.


Dvd Repair

This bug keeps on coming and going for some user's and if you sit down and analyze it, you will realize that it's a Window and Manufacture software error bug. Microsoft will never admit it and the manufactures will deny it. But both parties are to blame for selling you a product that works when it wants to work. The reason for this is because either side don't sit down together to get work out the problem. It's easier to pass the buck and blame each other.
With this comes this great utility that hopefully will fix your problem for the time being until another major software update. Good luck.



At&t Cord Cutter Service

The future of cable is here and before a number of subscribers bail out, At&t is jumping on top of it's game to come out with cord cutter plans for streamers. The prices are still quite high but still cheaper than overall cable service so many have been paying for years. If your a cord cutter, or soon to be I would definitely consider this move to easily move off of cable.



Refurbished Review

Some companies lately are advertising computer items at unbelievable low prices and here is the real scoop on that. Although some user's think refurbished items are a steal for consumers. Here is the reality of what your really getting.
I am not a fan of refurbished items and unless your willing to risk the investment cost. If that's worth the risk then I suggest you go for it and take a chance.



Negative Review Lawsuit

Looks like a Texas student sure got a lesson in law when she hired a lawyer for an accident that she had and became upset with the outcome. In response she left a negative review and the firm went after her.
It's very interesting to see the power of social media when it comes to negative reviews.



Easy Steal

This device is making it very easy to steal your car. It's been out for a while for car thieves and it's getting a lot of attention. I just hope the authorities and manufacture re-establish control.



Speed Chrome

Tired of Chrome running to slow. This software tidy's Chrome to what it should be and make sure it's running with less usage.



USB Stick Toolkit

Having a USB emergency toolkit is always a good idea to have around. You never know when your going to use it and it might just get you out of a jam.

Malware Blaster



Easy manage mobile devices on your computer so that everything is backup and easy transfer files from one device to another. It's a great management tool to keep everything running smoothly.
