

Using your computer around the clock. Then it would be a great idea to install this sleep pattern software on your so that your sleep patterns are in sync while your computing.



Dropbox Secrets

Here are a few Dropbox secrets that many user's are unaware of. Maybe if you know that you can do this things you would want to use dropbox even more.



New Router Buying Tips

Are you in the market for a new router, well if your getting ready to buy one. You should read this first so that you can get a quality router that meets your needs.



AOL You Got Mail Guy

Remember American Online and the helpful guy always reminding you that you have mail. We'll look no further because if your using Uber lately. Chances are that you can one day meet up with him.
It's nice to link up to the past to something that changed the world on how we send and receive emails today.



Fake Store Apps

Looks like hackers are already starting their shopping season early this year. Not only were they able to create a fake store apps, but confuse many individuals on thinking that it's for real.
So the next time you decide to click on one of those pop up ads, think again.



iPhone will not turn on

Having problems with your iPhone not turning on. Here's what to do to get your phone up and running. Some of the instructions sound foolish, but when your out of communication from other's it's worth to go back to the basics to make sure your phone is up and running.



Free Meter

Want to monitor your broadband usage and compare it to other days of the week. Here is a great software to keep you always connected.



Amazon Breach

Looks like because of the recent Yahoo break, some Amazon user's are getting emails to change their passwords. I advise anyone who owns an Amazon account to setup 2 step authentication for an extra defense of security.



Photo's Last

Ever wonder how long your photo's will last? We'll if you have photo's on a CD or DvD, you should now be taking proper measure's to make sure that they last you another fifty years. Now that technology is changing and CD's and DvD's are soon to be obsolete and you  should insure that these images that you have been collecting for such a long time can be enjoyed for years to come.
Here is some good information on what you should do with them before it's too late.




I must admit this is a nice sweet laptop and I would just love to get my hands on one. It's just too pricey for me. The multi-touch bar is a gamble, but time will tell. Get ready.



Wireless Carrier Termination Fee's

Want to get out of your Wireless plan but need to figure out the termination fee's to see if it pays. No problem with the help of this online calculator to calculate your fee's.



Chrome OS

Have an old computer that's still good but the OS is old and wish you can use it every day. We'll if it's a computer from 2008 and above, here is a handy idea to upgrade the OS and use it daily. By installing Chrome OS you not only extend the life of your computer but push the way have been using your computer in a different way.
If you can adapt to a Chrome way of life, your life will be easier accessing all your information online. It's not for everyone, but it a move in the right direction.
The OS builds have been updated since April 2013, but it still works and hopefully it will recognize all of your drivers.

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Christmas Wish List

Here is a great place to make up a list for the things you most want this holiday from others. Especially for those individuals who you always have a hard time getting them a gift.



Dorm Hacks

It's great that your away from home, but being in a dorm with a tight budget requires you to enhance your technical skills so that you can show other's that the impossible can be done.



EMS Phone Charging

Your in a state of emergency and need to charge your phone. Here are the key elements that you will need to get your phone charging so that you can make that call for help or just to contact a loved one.


Other Link


Google Results

Ever wanted to know what each state google's the most on. Very interesting to see what most user's on googling on Google.



Free Movies via Vudu

The battle of streaming is now going on and with this many providers are trying to gain new customer loyalty. With this new tactic going on, companies like Vudu want your business and in order to compete with other providers and content they need to offer freebies. This is now your turn to get some great freebies.




Every once in a while I find some great software online and today is catered to MAC user's who are simply looking for a quick scanning editing software. A sweet program with a lot of power.




Network Administrators wanted an easy solution to maintain their networks have a easier way to monitor all their infrastructure from one place. It's the start to taking control of security throughout your environment.



Webcam Hacks

Here is the solid information that everyone has been talking about for a while regarding webcam hacks. It is possible, yes and what are your options.
