
Chrome OS

Have an old computer that's still good but the OS is old and wish you can use it every day. We'll if it's a computer from 2008 and above, here is a handy idea to upgrade the OS and use it daily. By installing Chrome OS you not only extend the life of your computer but push the way have been using your computer in a different way.
If you can adapt to a Chrome way of life, your life will be easier accessing all your information online. It's not for everyone, but it a move in the right direction.
The OS builds have been updated since April 2013, but it still works and hopefully it will recognize all of your drivers.

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Christmas Wish List

Here is a great place to make up a list for the things you most want this holiday from others. Especially for those individuals who you always have a hard time getting them a gift.



Dorm Hacks

It's great that your away from home, but being in a dorm with a tight budget requires you to enhance your technical skills so that you can show other's that the impossible can be done.



EMS Phone Charging

Your in a state of emergency and need to charge your phone. Here are the key elements that you will need to get your phone charging so that you can make that call for help or just to contact a loved one.


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Google Results

Ever wanted to know what each state google's the most on. Very interesting to see what most user's on googling on Google.



Free Movies via Vudu

The battle of streaming is now going on and with this many providers are trying to gain new customer loyalty. With this new tactic going on, companies like Vudu want your business and in order to compete with other providers and content they need to offer freebies. This is now your turn to get some great freebies.




Every once in a while I find some great software online and today is catered to MAC user's who are simply looking for a quick scanning editing software. A sweet program with a lot of power.




Network Administrators wanted an easy solution to maintain their networks have a easier way to monitor all their infrastructure from one place. It's the start to taking control of security throughout your environment.



Webcam Hacks

Here is the solid information that everyone has been talking about for a while regarding webcam hacks. It is possible, yes and what are your options.



Retrieve iCloud Backup

Here is the simple steps to retrieve your files from an iCloud Backup. Just remember just because you deleted the file on your phone, doesn't necessary mean that you deleted the file from the cloud.



Troubleshoot Win 10

Here's a great way for IT Administrators to troubleshoot Windows 10 problems. It's a great guide line to get to the bottom of your system errors.




If your looking to upgrade an old computer to do just browsing, this software is a good replacement. It's just bare bones open source software, but good enough to get you online and keep browsing for free.



Google Searches

User beware on Google searches, you don't want to someday be taken to court to show others what you have been searching for online with your computer. Because just in case you don't know, Google history can be used as evidence in court.



Verizon Rip-Off

Looks like the phone giant is using sneaky tactics to over charge customers for data usage. Some of this usage cannot even be explained, now what that information intact. It will be very interesting to see after FCC investigation what they conclude.



New Online Scams

Yes it's unfortunate that people are still scamming user's online and I just hope that you read the article below and learn about the new scams out and be alert when your onine.



Computer Threat Protection

If you want to protect yourself from computer threats, here are some simple tips to keep you safe online. This does not guarantee that you'll be threat free, but at least your in the right track.



New York Times Premium Free

In order to celebrate the New President of the United States, the New York Times premium subscription will be free for the next few days. It's worth to check out to see if this is something that's worth paying for. Regardless it's nice to see what premium user's get for a fee.


Election Watch

Want to watch the results of the upcoming election, no problem with the help of this link telling you which sites will be live and have minute to minute updates.



Verizon Flag to Yahoo

Looks like the takeover deal for Yahoo valve could end soon if Verizon can prove that Yahoo was careless was material. This can either be a discount for the big giant or a dead deal.
Let's see what happens next.



Rescue CD

Ever now and then I keep by my side when fixing computers daily, a rescue disk. It's a great utility to always have available just in case you need help recovering a computer back to life. This is a great resource to help you get back on your feet in a hurry.
