
Driver Changes

Windows 10 anniversary date has some new driver changes that you should be aware of. Everything now will be digitally signed. Which will be a good thing for user's moving forward so that all hardware is compliant with Microsoft's software.
Moving forward user's shouldn't have so many hardware problems with drivers.



Hard Drive status Instantly

Is your hard drive failing and want to know instantly if the device needs to be replaced before you loose valuable information. No problem with a few clicks of the command prompt.


in the command line do the following type


Driver backup & restore

Looking for a reliable Windows driver backup and restore. Look no further with the help of this great freebies.



Warframe Hack

Looks like this game Warframe has been hacked back in 2014 and two years later, everyone figures it out what has just happened.
Sounds like a movie and all that I am concern is how much information these hackers were able to contain within the last two years of information from the companies users.



Dumb Phones are back

Have a new smart phone but still don't understand what your doing and wished you had the old smart phones they had back in the 90's. No problem, will the help of manufactures listening to their customers and helping those baby boomers who don't want smart phones anymore.
It's not for everyone, but for those user's who hate technology, here is some reliefs to your griefs.



Run a Mac Server

Here are three reason's to run a MAC server. Just because your running a MAC don't think that you will still not have malware or virus attacks, but when compared side by side with Windows. MAC's are less likely hacked than their competitors.




Tired of trying to get your WiFi signal to reach it's strong point. Here comes a new product that everyone will love and will deliver what you want throughout your household. It's technology that was always with us, doing things that we do on a daily basis. So when you want to stay connected here is Luma to the rescue.



Laptop Encryption

Laptops are a big nightmare for some user's because of the ongoing thefts and they are often stolen because of their valve and not the data they might contain.
Since everything is portable now-a-days, data in these laptops can be anything vital as tax, medical and financial information and anyone with fair computer skills can easily get access and retrieve this information to have at their disposal.
This is where encryption comes in and why everyone should start using it and make it a practice moving forward. There are a loft of open source software capable of doing this for free and within  a few minutes your laptop will be secure just in case someone later on decides to steal your portable device.
Stay alert, be informed and stay ahead of security for your laptop before it's too late.



Command Line Tricks

Command Line is a very powerful program with lots of tricks that not only controls what you see on your computer but can make life easier if you remember these key tricks.

System File Check - great trick to fix hard drive booting problems and repair your Windows OS when things just don't see to work right.

type "sfc /scannow
now if you get an error that it was protected then do this below
             type "findstr /c:"{SR}"%windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log>"%userprofile%\Desktop|sfcdetails.txt"

Now identify the corrupt file and source and goto another computer running the same version of Windows and issue the following command for each corrupt file, replacing with the files path ex: c:\Windows\System32\ and with it's filename (jscript.dll)
                          takedown /f \
                         GRANT ADMINISTRATOR:F

and copy the file you took from another computer into the same folder

now run SFC again and the corrupt file that you replace should be gone

Robocopy - difficult setup, but once it's done it makes your life easy copying multiple files and folders on the go

Type in dir in command prompt and to show hidden folders type the following
                        dir /A:H = shows attributes and hidden files 
what to know what other commands you can use type dir/? or help dir on the command line and it will show you other command options. 

Tree = command shows subfolders
cd = change to different director or move files to a new folder, cd is a way of moving to a folder in another folder. 
md = make directory or create a new folder
rmdir = delete a directory 
del or del *.* = delete file and when you add *.* it means delete all files in that folder
verify on and off = confirm files that you copied
/no copy = removes all file information
/b = allows administrators to copy files that they usually would be denied access too
format = to format a drive
format /q = quickly format the drive
format options ad /FS, V: = specify file system Fat, Fat32, exFat, NTFS volume to be formatted
fsutil = list of commands that are supported
convert from FAT32 to NTFS type convert /fs:ntfs
ckdsk = check window at boot time
ipconfig /renew6 = resets IPv6 addresses
ipconfig /flushdns = clear domain names over the internet
ipconfig /renew = renew ip address of computer
ipconfig/release = release ip address of computer
tracert = if internet is sluggish instead of ping type tracert to route you and your target for connection times
netstat = run in admin to find out more about a program process ex; netstat -b
driverquery = includes info on drivers on your pc
-v = more information on the file system ex: drivequery -v>drivers.txt
powercfg = information on power options ex: powercfg /a
powercfg /h = disable or enable hibernation in power mode
powercfg /enegery = gives energy report of efficiency and battery
powercfg /batteryreport = gives you a battery health report
diskpart = very dangerous and make sure to make an image backup, it will erase your hard drive
diskpart cmds = type help but becareful anything you do here may destroy all of your hard drive data
echo off command = prevents command from batch file from showing up in command line
cls = clears screen


How Many Websites

Ever wonder how many website's are there in the world wide web. And for those who are curious, here is your answer below.



Microsoft Upgrade Option

Have a Win 8 laptop and can't upgrade. Microsoft has a treat for you to get Windows 10 but you must qualify and read the fine print.



Win 10 Storage Fix

Having Windows 10 storage problems after a recent upgrade. This should do the trick and hopefully will make your storage problem go away.

Just click on the Windows icon and choose settings and from left hand menu pick click the System icon, then Notifications and actions and then show me tips about Windows in which you will turn off. You can also turn other notifications off as well to save more space.

Good Luck. 


Win 10 Performance Issues

Looks like Windows 10 is making a lot of user's very unhappy lately. Microsoft hasn't still learned from it's past mistakes and you better bet that if this nonsense keeps up. Many user's are going to start controlling how Windows wants us to do it's updates.
For those user's who are having memory leaks or slow computers, here is hopefully your fix.



Battery Screw Hack

This is an awesome hack and every time I see things like this I want to share it with everyone so that they can pass the knowledge forward. I wouldn't recommend on doing this with every item, but when you have a dead battery, until you get a replacement, this is a great trick to know.



Wendy's Hack

Not great news for this food chain giant who is just trying to sell their customers food. But it's just comes to show you how easily it is for hackers to break their systems by just using third party applications. No one is safe.

Wendy's Update


Computer Repair Shocks

If you are fixing computers on a daily basis, you will not be surprised to what some customers want you to fix. It's unfortunate that sometimes items can't be fixed, but if you would have sent it to the repair shop a little earlier, you might of had a chance to save the device.



Microsoft Skype Meeting

Want to host a Skype Meeting, here is what you need to know to so that you can continue to host free meetings. It's a plus for small businesses who want to communicate with their staff and be productive at the same time.



Free Amazon Shipping

Want free shipping from Amazon, well you should bookmark this website so that all the items your order from Amazon going forward have free freight. It's the best way to shop online with no freight charges.



MAC Webcam Problem

If you haven't heard yet, and you have a MAC computer with a webcam. You should read this new malware taking over and controlling your computer and doing what you can't imagine with your webcam. User beware.



Not to Upgarde to Win 10

We'll here is goes again, the reason's why some user's still refuse to upgrade. Remember if your planning on upgrading to Windows 10 your window is now getting closer to the end. Hurry up before the count down is over. And for those who still don't want to upgrade. Here is the reason why?
