
Google Life

Here's a great way to see your life on Google and how far you come in the technological world. You'll be amazed on what the search engine has been collecting from you. Get ready and don't freak out.



Google Undersea Cable

Looks like it's mission accomplished for Google to lay down it's undersea cable across the trans Pacific coast. Not only user's will be connected to the from Japan to the West Coast but with 6 terabytes of bandwidth faster. Beating currently cable modems internet speeds.
This new technology is going to change they way we are all connected. Get ready, get set, go.



Win 10 Update

Looks like Windows 10 will be doing a special update on August 2 and what additional features that are waiting for you either is going to amaze you or just hopefully will help you out while surfing. It's about time.



Microsoft Rule Breaker

Looks like the big giant keeps on breaking rules even though they been through this a few years ago. Not understanding customer wants it's going to again upset people and it's not until everyone starts fighting back that maybe then, maybe they'll get it again.



Slide N' Joy

It's too sweet to pass up, not only will it match with my laptop. But it will keep me connected to the things that I want to be connected to.



Bot Lawyer

Fighting a parking ticket is now easier than ever, not only will you be represented by a professional but the chances of beating the ticket is even greater in your favour. It's about time that we fight back.



Ransomware Doubles

Looks like Ransom-ware is getting very popular with online user's recently. Besides the attacks being most often, the chances of you getting infected as double and will increase as time goes on.
Just comes to sure you how unsecured some user's are getting when they surf online.




Check out the new future for SSD's not only is writing to a hard drive going to be faster but transfer rates will go up to 4K. It's the future for hard drives going forward and it looks like this time it just might be worth the upgrade.
I would suggest user's not to jump a get one soon, but wait until the bugs are sort out before you buy your new computer.



Cancel Windows Update

A lot of user's keep on telling me that they want to cancel their Windows 10 Update and here is how easily you can do it. It's unfortunate for some user's that their computer may not be capable and be up gradable and the only choice they have is to buy a new computer if they want to even see Windows 10. So here you go.



Microsoft Limits Free One Drive Accounts

Looks like Microsoft is capping down on file transfer limits to free One Drive accounts and user's will eventually start looking elsewhere. It's another big giant move to remind user's that you have to pay to use Microsoft. In the long, I believe user's will just wake up and move to a better provider.



Bluetooth 5

Looks like Bluetooth is being upgrade to version 5 and you'll be surprised on what new things it will bring users. It's the Bluetooth that everyone has been waiting for in years like easier connections and larger transfer rates for files. Get ready and expect the update by year end.



Wireless Network Management

Tired of having Wireless network problems with your laptop. Here are some great techniques to get your Wireless backup and running as usual. It's requires you entering Dos commands but in no time your Wireless problems will go away.



Chrome Breakup

Chrome continues on annoying users. They all seem to complain about it's power consumption, browser updates and extensions. It somehow slows down and disrupt the browser's normal operations. No one knows if it's a simple bug or software compatibility will fix the problem, but everyone is aware of the issues. As for the future of Chrome is still uncertain and only time will tell if user's will will continue to use Chrome.



SD Bad

Phones in the past came with SD cards and now manufactures are telling everyone that's it's a bad idea to have SD cards on high end phones because they simply found a better way to make more money for you. The argument is that SD cards are made of poor quality and they usually corrupt files and video's, but I must admit I have yet to see a SD card to do such a thing. And if there is one the margin is very small. I have taken SD cards that were put into the environment by being dropped, stepped on, and handled by all types of services and these cards function exactly as they did when they first were purchased. The trick is to just format the card when your getting errors.
But unless consumer's start standing up and complaining, it looks like the SD card is doomed.



SD Good

SD cards have been in the market for sometime and I must admit there handy devices and you should always include one with the purchase of a phone and here is the reason why.
Manufactures recently started noticing that they can make more money by charging you data space on the cloud. So if you have taken pictures or video's on your smartphone. You phone has special apps that stores them in the cloud so that your phone will never run out of memory, which is good. The bad is that when you run out of memory in the cloud, now your forced to purchase more space and manufacture's love you even more.
Now by installing an SD card you eliminate the extra cost of the cloud monthly and your overall savings will be in significantly less than if you had stuck with your manufacture to purchase more storage.



Spreadsheets Online

Here's a site dedicating to share spreadsheets online. It's great for businesses who don't want to share accounts with anyone.  With the ready made templates all you do is login, pick a template, put your information on that template and share it with anyone. Quick, simple and easy to use.



Win 10 Number Keyboard Problem

Windows 10 has a number keyboard problem and the fix is a little tricky as long as you follow the instructions carefully below. It's another Microsoft bug blunder and they keep on coming.
Real soon I am going to recommend all user's shut down Windows Update until Microsoft starts being more responsible and more proactive before they push their updates.



Win 10 WiFi Problem Fix

Windows recently did an update and now your WiFi can no longer connect. Well Microsoft was sloppy again doing it's update and not testing out the patch before it got to it's users. Here is the fix and I suggest you keep this information on hand because I feel sorry for those user's who get this problem and are stuck now with a computer that is no longer wireless.




Here is a great way to take take your storage to a new level. Just get a Lima plug it to your WiFi and install the application on your phone. Now you decide what files you want to transfer to your drive and what files you want to make available. It's an easier way to get access to your files where ever you go.



Security Patch Info

Looking for a site to education on what security patches are out there and if you need to deploy them or not. Check out the CVE database and keep you clients satisfied.
