
Signs Pc is Failing

Here are five great signs that your computer is failing. Now I will not say that for all it's time to buy a new computer. But most of these failures can be resolved to reformat your computer to it's original state. If after that you still get these failures. Then your computer might be at it's last cycle of performance for good for you.



Cheaper Cable

Cable is getting cheaper all because of these three companies that are changing how and what we watch on television. Get ready for new cable service that will revolutionize how we watch television.



YouTube Verdict

It's about time that the court now is able to believe that pirating are not acts of companies becoming famous. New court ruling for YouTube cleared the way for the big giant to be sued by the music rights for pirating. This could somehow be overturned, but I highly doubt it as long as the company continues to fight against pirating. Let's see what the future holds.



Windows Cache

Need to clear up your Windows Cache, here are great ways to clear the cache via Windows using various tips. There is no right or wrong way to clear the cache and when all goes wrong you can always reboot your computer.




New delivery software will make it easy for user's to track their deliveries from any major carrier. There have been companies in the past that tried to achieve the same goal only to fail because of software incompatibilities and failure to keep their software up to date. Hopefully Junecloud will do better and succeed where others have failed in the past.



Malwarebytes New Software

Malwarebytes is fighting back with it's new ransomeware software. It's about time and I hope there able to make a difference. It's not everyday a malware software company moves in the right direction to help user's gain back control of their computers.



Microsoft Edge

Get ready for Microsoft new browser. Not only is it different from the old Internet Explorer, it has advanced features to take your browsing experience to a new level.
Microsoft is changing it's ways and the Edge browser is Microsoft's way of being different.



Buying Used Items

Here are great ways to get more out of your money when buying used items. It's not for everyone and for those user's who want more for there money. This is a must to do list.



We Fuel

New company that will refill your gas tank with a monthly charge and keep you away from the gasoline station.
It's a great way to fuel up when your always on the move, if you estimate the time it takes someone to go to the nearest gasoline station, refuel up and get back to work you'll see that this can be very time consuming. It's not for everyone but for those individuals who are always on the go and don't want to bother with getting gas.



BMW ditches Mirrors

Very interesting concept but still unknown feature on the BMW automotive, in which they remove their mirrors and are incorporating camera in the side and in the rear to do a three dimensional mirror that can take the sides and rear cameras and put them all in one place. Must see to understand why this new feature is a plus for automotive and hopefully for the future of video monitoring.



Stop Win 10 changing Printers

Keep on getting upset that Windows 10 every time you start it keeps on changing the printer default to something else. Here is what you need to do, to stop Windows from changing the printer every time your restart your computer.



Clear clipboard Shortcut on Win 10

Here's the easiest way to create a clear the clipboard shortcut on Windows 10, by following the instructions below.

Right click on the mouse and create a shortcut. On shortcut write the following %windir% \system32\cmd.exe /c "echo off l clip" enter clear clipboard as the name and Finsih


Enable Admin in Win 10

Have a Windows 10 computer and can't seem to find the administrator account. It could be that the vendor or manufactured that you purchased your computer from disabled the account.
Here's the easiest way to activate the account so that it's no longer hidden.

Open command prompt as administrator, by just right clicking on the mouse when opening up the program. Then type the following in the command prompt menu. "net "user administrator / active: yes" and then press enter. Now when your restart your computer or sign off and sign on again, you should now, be able to see the administrator account.


Disable Win 10 Update

Most user's have been upset for a while how Microsoft wants to upgrade your computer to Windows 10. If your one of those user's that didn't know any better and don't want to move forward with the upgrade. Here is the fix to disable the annoying update.



Gusto Payroll

There is a new payroll software around that suppose to save time and money. I love to see what new things people are doing now-a-days to make payroll simple. So far ADP stands the highest and very pricey. But that doesn't mean that there the best. It's always a great idea to see what other companies are doing now.



Safer Sideview Camera

BMW has introduced a safer sideview camera system and it's very impressive. It removes side mirrors and puts everything on the rearview mirror with a technology twist. It's just a new concept and there are still no plans for deployment. But I can say that this is a sure way to go in the future.



SSD Life

Want to check the life of your SSD drive and warranty information. Here is a sweat software to help you diagnose hard drive problems before it happens.



Public Apps

Tired of installing software on your computer to rarely be used or take up space. Here is a great site to go online and just use the software application when needed. The easier way of installing application to any computer.



Android Recovery Software

Looking for an Android recovery software, here is a start with FonePaw. It's a great software to help you retrieve valuable information that many take for granted.



Lock Android Phone

Here's a new way to lock your android phone. No more worrying about trying to lock your phone or dialing by accident people who you didn't want to call. This neat application is going to make it simple to use and lock your phone after each use.
