

Take a look at the next world of ovens and how easily you can cook now with a little state of technology added to it. It's still very pricey, but hopefully supply and demand could change that to one day be realistic with today's prices.



Bondic liquid Plastic

This little handy device is a life saver for those users who do daily repairs and DYI projects. You don't know how many times you can easily break something that's plastic and wished that you can easily repair it like this. Still pricey for the refills but worth to keep it in mind.



Online Invoice Maker

Here's a different way to make invoices online and take your invoices to a new level. It's great if you always on the move and don't have time to be in the office and are on the road. It's the next generation for mobile office.



New Cartridgeless Printer

Looking for a printer that will give you more prints, use less ink and good for the money. You might want to look into these new Epson line of printers that are changing how we print. Instead of cartridges it uses ink bags and ink bottles.



Windows 10 Bandwidth Thief

Installed Windows 10 on your computer and curious what else Windows is doing when your not using it. Let's just say there stealing your bandwidth by passing on the Windows 10 updates to other people. This is how you disable this feature and let Microsoft figure out how they want to deliver the update to others.



Windows 10 Serial

Recently upgraded to Windows 10 and want to know where your serial is, just in case you ever need it again to install Windows 10 back to your computer.
Your going to have to use a visual script to get it and here's how you do it.


Script Below
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId"))

Function ConvertToKey(Key)
Const KeyOffset = 52
i = 28
Cur = 0
x = 14
Cur = Cur * 256
Cur = Key(x + KeyOffset) + Cur
Key(x + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) And 255
Cur = Cur Mod 24
x = x -1
Loop While x >= 0
i = i -1
KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput
If (((29 - i) Mod 6) = 0) And (i <> -1) Then
i = i -1
KeyOutput = "-" & KeyOutput
End If
Loop While i >= 0
ConvertToKey = KeyOutput
End Function


Windows 10 Upgrade Info

Want to know if the Windows 10 Upgrade is free for you. No problem with this simple graph. Just answer these few question and the graph hopefully will give you a good answer.



Disable Windows Password Expiration

This is a handy tweak to remove the Windows password from resetting. You will have to have administrative rights and it's best when done using the command prompt. If everything is successful you will get a successful message in DOS after hitting enter. To be done for all user's on a computer that has a user password.


CMD prompt code:
wmic path Win32_UserAccount where Name='username' set PasswordExpires=false


Wifi Advertising

Advertising is taking a new direction now with free Public WiFi. You customers not only get free WiFi at your location, but your able to offer specials and deals to them. It's new and different way to advertise and so that other people remember your name and services.
Check it out and take advertisement to a new level. You never know what you can get in the long run with the Smart WiFi.



Windows 10 ISO

If you recently upgraded to Windows 10, it maybe a good time to download the ISO so that in case you ever need to reinstall Windows again. It's easily available.


Free CRM

Running a small business and looking for a free CRM software to enable your business to grow profitable. This CRM software is only 20 mb big and easy to use. It's the start of getting your business together.



Clean Win 10 Install

Want to do a clean install of Windows 10 after upgrading. No problem as long as you activate your product with these easy steps. In just a few clicks you can now do a fresh install of Windows 10 without upgrading.



Win 10 Rollback

Just in case you decide to upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft has a thirty day secret for users who try to rollback. In which they will be not. So before you decide to upgrade to Windows 10. Start counting the days, otherwise you'll have to wait for the next security fix to resolve your problems.



Scary Hack

Looks like this hacker showed everyone how easy it is to open your garage door your car with some creativity.
It's no secret that for a while hackers have been coming up with ideas and tricks to get your secret codes and it's not their fault that the company who made these great products don't easily from time to time update their software. Because in the long run, everything is hackable.



Drone Rescue

Ever wanted to know what to do if you lost a drone and how to rescue it with another drone. It's simple and very creative. I don't think this will work for ever situation. But with every down drone, there is always a rescue attempt and I must say this was a very successful rescue.



Heimdal Security

Looking for a security software to help you fight malware along with your antivirus program. Look no further Heimdal is here to save the day.
It's a simple handy software to help your fight against malicious programs on the web.



Verizon Early ThanksGiving

Looks like Verizon this holiday is competing against it's rivals by offering existing customers more data for free, so they say so. There is nothing on the internet or it's website that it's free, but label it as a promotion. Only time will tell to see what their intentions are, but in the meantime if your a risk taker go for it and after the promotion you can always challenge their pricing against it's competitors and see what they will do for you. It's still a great treat regardless.



Epson Cartridge Killer

Looks like the cartridge has been killed. Epson new printer will be cartridge free and be a money saver for color printing. Not only did they eliminate the cartridge, but they gave you a money saving printer.



Microsoft Phone Scam

Getting calls from Microsoft and don't know what to do? It's a simple answer to the Microsoft scam that's occurring daily, just file a claim with the FTC and let the authorities do the rest.



Virtual Desktops

Enjoy the virtual desktops in Windows and wished that you could have it with your old OS. No problem with the help from these links below.

Virtual Dimension