
Auto Repair

Need a mechanic? No problem with this mobile app that brings the mechanic to you. Pretty neat way to get your car fixed when your car is down and out.



Warby Parker

Looking for eye glasses the simple way. Check out Warby Parker and get the eye wear your looking for at a reasonable cost and price through their local network. Why pay more for eye wear when you really don't need it.



Windows 10 Experience

Ready for the new OS to enlighten your day. This time you can at least give your opinion and help Microsoft get it together before hand. There is no guarantee that your ideas will be reality but at least everyone is sharing their opinions on what the new OS should be. Sign up and go for that test drive.




Feeling sick and need to get better but don't want to go to the doctor and wait in a waiting room. This is when Teladoc comes in handy. You just sign up, place a call and get your prescription to treat you. It's a great way to skip going to the doctors to resolve getting over the common cold. Nothing changes like paying for doctor visits and prescriptions. The only thing that speeds this process up is your waiting time.


StoreDot Flash Battery

Want to see why StoreDot Flash Battery is making such an explosion in the cell phone market. Simple maybe it's because it can recharge your mobile device in less than a minute. Can't wait to see.



Connected Heating / AC Devices

Get ready for a new world of connected heating and air conditioning devices. Not only are they going to save you money. You can control when and where you want to use them. So if your not home or no one is home, then there is no use for it to be wasting your money.



No Machine Remote Desktop

Looking for something new in remote desktop. Check out No Machine and see how easily you can travel to any desktop. It's a subscription commercial remote desktop worth checking out without OS restrictions.



Flawless Widescreen

Now everything can be adjusted with the help of this simple program. With monitors and screens getting bigger and better this program helps to resolve the problematic issues with widescreens.



Google Ends Android Updates

Looks like Google is ending it's support for Android phones and the list is big on how many users are affected. The feature called Webview lets apps on your web page without accessing another app.



ASUS Router Hack

Looks like these ASUS routers are at risk with this security hole and who knows when it's going to be fixed. If your using an ASUS router beware.



Advanced Security Alerts

Microsoft just killed the Advanced Security Alerts Notification for free users. Now the only way that you can receive alerts is if you are a premium customer. We'll I guess the big giant is now getting cheap with it's loyal customers.




Looking to connect multiple cloud storage devices online so that you can store your files and not worry about storage limits. This site links all you cloud storage devices together and makes things simpler. It's still in beta but eventually it will be accessible to various cloud accounts.



Win 8 Start Menu's

Still not happy with your third party Windows 8 Start Menu. For most user's it's finding the right software that is familiar and that you want to get use to.

Link 2

Alternate Start Menu


Google Domain Live

A few months ago Google Domain was in beta and now it's fully live. It's the beginning for the search engine company to offer more services to people who always want to be connected online. Check it out and see if this is something you can use and relate to.



Facebook No No's

If your using Facebook here are some no no's for social sites. Not like everyone really follows these rules, but you should follow them carefully.



Win 8 Update Shortcut

Tired of trying to remember how to update your computer in Windows 8 or dislike how long it takes to get to Windows Update. Try making a shortcut of Windows Update and simply your updating tasks.



Remove Trialware

Every once in a while there will be a time where you might just have a software you want to try out or maybe when you purchased a new computer, it came with trialware.
This is the simplest way to remove the trialware registry applications on your computer so that all your computer resources are freed up.



Disable Chrome Profile

Recently Google Chrome has added a user profile to it's browser and for those user's who don't want to see this, this is what you need to do.



Cable Rollups

Can't figure out how to easily roll up a cable or ever wonder how easy this task can be. It's real simple as long as you follow these easy tips. It's great to to know how to master on rolling up cables correctly so that they last you longer.



Photoshop Images

Want to know if an image was Photoshop. Well the easy way to find out it by using Google to help you find the image and then seeing what other websites have this image.
