
GotoAssist Discount

Upset about LogMeIn free ending it's service. Well GotoAssist has a special discount for recent LogMeIn users and here's the scoop. Get GotoAssist free for six months then pay $29.00 a month by just entering the promo code "welcome".  Hurry up this discount won't last that long.



Meal Deals

Looking for a meal deals for the day? Check out this website for discounts on the foods you love to eat. You'll get a savings coupon to help you save money while going out.



Email Checker

Sending emails but they keep on coming back? Here's a great way to verify if it's the email or your email server not responding.


Reliability Monitor

Here's a hidden application that many of Windows 7 & 8 user's still lack in using. It's called the Windows Reliability history. If you having computer problems all you have to do is view what's causing Windows to crash and hopefully it will narrow down your problems.

It's in Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Action Center -> Reliability Montior

More Info


Encrypted Google Drive

Want to encrypt your Google Drive files. Here are two ways to help you just do that. You can either use Fogpad or Tresorit. Both programs help you encrypt your files on your computer then import it to Google Drive. It's still an alternative than leaving a file unsecured.



Facebook who view my page

I always wondered about this with Facebook and here is the results on who view my page. As per Facebook, they do not track who views you. And as for third party software telling you they do this. Well it can only occur if they add this application to your account and I if you do so, you might be risking more than you bargain for. So take control of your privacy and don't be fooled with third party add on's.



Repair Corrupt Windows Image

Here's a great way to fix a corrupt Windows Image. It may or may not work, but it's still worth the effort than installing the software all over again.

Open the command prompt and copy and paste the following commands one by one, then reboot your computer and try to restore.


net stop wuauserv
cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution
ren Download Download.old
net start wuauserv
net stop bits
net start bits
net stop cryptsvc
cd %systemroot%\system32
ren catroot2 catroot2old
net start cryptsvc



Learn Linux

If you haven't tried Linux, I suggest you give it a try. You don't have to install the OS on your computer. Just install vmware player and give it a try. You'll be amazed on how similar it is to Windows.



Reset a Computer

A while back I talked about resetting a computer back to clean slate (Deep Freeze) and it's still a great option for public computers but the software was eventually discontinued for new versions of Windows.
Now Reboot Restore Rx is following Deep Freeze footsteps and taking it further in Windows 7 and 8 version. But it comes with a premium price that's reasonable for now for public machines.
Steadier State is another option to take but it only works for now on Windows 7.

Steadier State
Reboot Restore Rx


PC 101

Want to learn more about computers? Here's is a great site to start and it will lead you in a better path of understanding how these electronic devices work in our daily lives.



MAC Anti Theft Device

Tired of loosing your Apple devices. Here's a new anti theft device that will help you find the lucky person who now owns it. Besides GPS tracking, you even get picture of the new owner. It's worth the money to protect your devices.



Logo Designs

Looking for a new logo or starting fresh and need a logo. This is a new logo design and concept in which you  ask developers a few questions with the current business your in and they design a logo for you within minutes. If you like the logo all you have to do is pay a fee and own the the logo rights.
You can also hold off and see how long other developers take your logo to the next level.
Great idea, good designs and at a reasonable price for lifetime ownership. Give it a try.



Mobile Browser PC

Want to verify that your Mobile website is working correctly. You might want to install the Mobile browser PC software onto your computer and verify all the sites and links work correctly. It's a great software for mobile website builders.



Logmein Free be gone

If your one of those Logmein users be ready for the not so free LogmeIn service. Not only did they cancel everyone's free subscriptions. But they gave current user's seven day notice to upgrade or loose remote login privileges. So sad to say good bye, you will be missed.



Rescue Time

Want to know what applications you use regularly and monitor where most of your production work lies. This software monitor's that and helps you evaluate how you can be more productive.




Great cross platform application that helps you easy launch your files and programs easily. It's a must have if you always want to get certain files opened immediately.




Want to protect your children Kidzy can help by safeguarding your children search and online results. It even comes with browsing limits so your children can be limited to what they do online.



The Truth on Internet Speed

Here's the final truth on Internet speed. Not everyone get's the actual speed that's advertised. If you look at the National Broadband Map you'll see what in pink are areas that have poor speed. Big companies blame your computer hardware but in the end we all know the real truth now. So before you call the computer guy to fix your internet problem. Check out the map below for a listing in your area.

More Info
National Broadband Map


Tossing Tax Returns

Worried about an IRS audit? Well this advice from Kiplinger may just put your fears to rest. It's been know that if the IRS does not initiate an audit, three years after the date of return.
So if you failed to file or record anything, you could get away with it, but the other reason's not to toss a tax return has to do with social security benefits, depreciation on home office, rental and business equipment, home mortgage and disability insurance. It can also maybe one day back you up from identity theft.

If you need to re-order tax returns from the IRS, you can do so using form 4506 at a current cost of $57- each. You decide if you want to keep them or not.

Form 4506


Waze FAQ

Recently Waze was purchased by Google and you can just imagine how now Google is going to integrate it's Google Maps into Waze. But for those new comers. Here is everything you wanted to know about Waze.
