
Invoice Free

Need to create an invoice but don't want to pay a premium price for something your just going to need once in a while. Try this free invoice maker and simplify your life.


Driver Packs

Installing a driver but can't find the software for the device. Here's an easy way to be able to install the software generic device without using the manufacture website. All you do is download the generic software for that device and it should work until your able to get the proper drivers for that device.



Waze Bid

The war is out on Waze and may the best company win. Waze not so long ago was a new application that kept you in touch with traffic conditions. Since then the application just keeps on getting better and better. Now Facebook and Google want to make them theirs and may the best company with the extra cash win.




Want to know what everyone is making in your area. Here's a new salary site for individuals looking to see if there salary is comparable to average salary in that area. This is basically a premium service for companies looking for the national average salary rates in your area. Something new is something better.



When SSD goes bad

Recent report on the new hard drives SSD failures are not due to because of the NAND but mostly because of a controller going bad. What that means for many is that on the new SSD drives, users must do the firmware updates so that it risks from the controller going bad is minimal.
If your out in the market for SSD? Your best bet is sticking with the best brands that are made from OZ and Samsung.



Here is a Chrome application to enable you to store files via cloud online so that you can easily view them or send them to friends and family. Now sending a file online via email can be easily done.



Win 8 Backgrounds

Looking for new Windows 8 backgrounds. Here is a site that you can easily download them or save them to your desktop to display.


Win 8 Verdict from Dell

Looks like whatever hype your hearing from Windows 8 is false. Dell is now confirming that most of their customers are just upgrading to Windows 7 and trying to avoid Windows 8.
Microsoft sure missed on this major OS and this could spell the end for the big software giant.



Rearrange your Windows

Here's a great way to rearrange your Windows in a non overlapping way so that you can get to the Window easier later on. It's a virtual desktop all in one and great for multiple monitor support.
Although on the downside it will take you time to learn, it's a plus for a software to do so much for displaying what you want daily.



Accept Mobile Payments

Want to try the new way to accept payments via mobile. Here are some great companies to choose from that are already making headlines and changing the way people buy online by going now portable.

More Info
Go Payments
ROAM pay
Google Wallet
Pay Pass
Pay Wave


Crashed Computer vs Sick Employee

Interesting to say that now-a-days a crashed computer is more important than a sick employee. We spend so many days worry about employee's that we take for granted when a computer crashes.
I can can tell you stories on crashed computer nightmares, but this time I will let Forbes tell you their story.
When in doubt and in need of computer support. Check out www.PcMaestro.us for monthly and annual preventive care maintenance plans.



Social Safe

Need to save your friends list, posts, pins and photo's from your social sites in one place so that you can have them accessible to you wherever you go. No need to worry that your social life will be down now that all your posts are backup.



Network Password Recovery

Here's a premium network password recovery software to help you write down the important passwords left behind on local or network computer. It's a must have utility if you have several user's on your network and need to keep track of thier passwords.




How do you secure the new BYON devices on your existing network. There is no right and wrong answer right now but here are some companies below making security possible for companies offering these services.

Dell SonicWall
Lightspeed Systems
Meru Networks


Clean Master for Droid

Tired of running out of space on your droid phone. Check out this cool application that does a great job on cleaning history, application, and left over files that your droid no longer needs.


We Transfer

Looking for a better way to transfer files online. Well if your using already Chrome. Here is a great extension to add on to that browser.
All you have to do is install  the extension and anytime you wish to send a file that's at least 2 gig's and just transfer the file via email. So simple and easy to do.


Free Windows Recorder

Looking for a Windows recorder to go with your webcam. This software is a great add on and does wonders with your webcam. I enjoy finding software that works wonders together.



Hackers Breach

It's pretty scary to know how a few hackers were able to breach a big financial giant and get away with a lot of cash in just a few hours. Now can you imagine what they could do in a month's time.



Win 8 Bloatware

Today most manufactures when you purchase a new Windows 8 computer have trial software that are attached in one way or another to your system boot files. Although it's a great opportunity for user's to get a trial version of the software before purchase. It creates headaches for some because not every user's will  pay for the full version software once the trial version expires.
With this comes Microsoft new Signature program. Microsoft guarantee's bloatware removal, but it's going to cost you an extra $99- to remove it. You decide?


Help for Lost Facebook Passwords

Facebook recently did a different type of 2 step verification if your account for one reason or another was hacked and the current information was changed. It's different from other companies current verifications. But how many people are really going to use this service. In the past if I had an account and lost the password. I would easily just open another account. Do you really think social media needs a 2 step verification? I don't know but it's easier just to open a new account then to hype all this security on social networking. You decide?
