

Want to know who's signing on to your computer when your not around. No a big deal with this neat software from Mouselock. Not only does it tell you when the user tried to sign-on but sends you a picture so you can identify them. Pretty cool as long as you have a google account.



Office 2013 vs Office 365

Here are the pro's and con's on buying Office 2013 for your computer vs Office 365. In the long run it looks like Microsoft is going Cloud and your best option is to stick to their subscription plan until you decided which route you want to take next but it's going to be a hard sell for Microsoft to convince many to signup.



Trap Calls

Tired of getting unmasked calls of people you just don't want to talk to. Here's a great software that's going to let you know who's always calling. It works with every phone and you don't even have to install an application. All you do is signup with a plan that works with you and watch the magic.



BitDefender Rootkit

BitDefender it taking a stand on viruses by offering a rootkit for already infected computers. It's the new generation of antivirus software fighting the bad guys in the real world. Let's just see how long they can keep the battle going.



Office 2013 License Upset

If your going out to buy the new Office 2013 license, read this first before you go out and spend the extra cash. 
Microsoft is claiming that any retail Office license of 2013 is tied to the computer that it's installed on. So let's say your computer goes bad or motherboard just dies. Your out of luck and have to cough up the extra cash to get a new license for 2013 on a new computer. The same goes for computer upgrades.
Big disappoint from Microsoft for the retail side of business and I hope customers will complain enough and ban the purchase of Office 2013 until Microsoft changes it selling practices.

More info


Removable Drive Shortcuts

Here's an easy way to add removable drive shortcuts on your desktop so that user's can easily access the drive with a click of a button. It's not for everyone but it can make a difference to user's who always need to access this on a daily basis.

Software Link


Want to track your phone

Here are some great software's to help you track your phone in case one day it goes missing. Everyone every now and then has this misfortune happen to them. It's a great utility to know where your phone is at all times.

Phone tracking info


Create a DOS USB

This is a great way to make a bootable DOS USB drive. It's a must have utility if you one day have to reformat an old computer with no floppy drive. I can't tell you how many times this saved my life when fixing computers.




Want to be able to shut down or re-start your computer remotely via your phone. This software can help you do all this and just a little more. It's a great application to control your computer while on the road.



Indeed Search Engine

Here's a new job search engine that is unlike anything you had ever encounter. Just type in your job description and see jobs in your area. Or why not enter the company that you work for and see who's recently been job hunting.



Download Win 8 iso

Here's is the easiest way to download the Win 8 iso instead of using a torrent. It's Microsoft's sure way to secure you from getting malware or viruses online.

more info 


How to Change Double Click to Single Click

This is the most asked problem in Windows in which after several Windows updates the computer now responds when you double click it instead of single clicking it. It's annoying that Microsoft still hasn't fixed this bug and I am glad to give you the instructions on how to fix it here.

Instructions to fix it here

open Explorer > Tools > Folder Options. Here under the General tab, you will see Click items as follows

Here select Single-click to open an item (point to select). You may also want to select the Underline icon tiles only when I point at them option. 
Click Appy > OK > Exit.


Mobile Website

Want to transform your website to a mobile website. Here's the information needed to take it mobile. First you need to go to xtgem. And then step by step you will have to re-create and re-size your website so that it can easily be viewed via mobile. Remember just because the graphics on your regular website worked, doesn't mean it's going to work via mobile. So your going to have to some what re-invent what your doing via mobile if you want any of you users to visit your web page. Good luck



Remote Access for Free

If your looking for a free remote access software and dislike LogmeIn. Here's a great company to take a look at if your willing to keep it simple and just share one computer. Adding more computers just forces you to go to a premium level account. But besides that it's still worth the freeware.



Win 8 App backup

Have Windows 8 and wondering how do you backup all your new applications, just in case one day your computer gets corrupted. All you need is the backup tool from Windows 8 and backing up and restoring your application will be a thing of the past.



Cancel a pring job in Quere

Here are the step to step instructions on how to cancel the a print job in quere. Most of the times it's easier to do it on the server. If you don't have access you can either reboot your computer or try this fix.


Win8 for Beginners

Recently purchased a Windows 8 computer and still not use to some of the features and options that Windows currently has. Here's a great start up video to get you in the right track with Windows 8.



PDF to Word

Need to convert a PDF document to Word. No problem with this easy converter. Its the best freeware to edit and re-use over and over again.


Are Digital Signatures Secure

Are digital signatures secure, yes for now as long as you use a respectable company. As for the future of digital signatures, well it looks great for now, but vendors will always have to be a step ahead on security if they want to make  big sell to their clients and  future of digital signing.

More information see Link


Send Large Files

If you haven't check them out yet, do so now because you never know when your going to have to send a large file online.

Drop Send
We Send