
Free Any Burn

Here is a great burning software that simplifies burning software. It works with various operating systems and hopefully this time burning will be easier to do. If your in the market for a new burning software here's a great freebie.

Free Any Burn


Live Gold Prices

Have scrap gold to sell and wondering how much you can get for your useless gold pieces. Here's what you need to know before you decide to sell your gold. Gold prices vary with the amount of carat the gold pieces were made of. Anything that is 24 ct gold is worth way more than 18 ct and 10 ct gold. And if your planing on selling your gold, the best offer you'll get in most places is 1/4 of the current market price. But you need to know how many ounces your carat of gold weighs before hand.
My advice to you is never settle for the first bid on gold your selling, don't fall for vendors charging you to price your gold and shop around for the best offer. It is what it is, but you can still sell your gold and still make a decent profit. Good luck.

Current Gold Prices



Your program recently crashed and now you want to restart it again like you originally did. Here's a great software to restart things over again when things just crash.

Installation help
Software Link


Planning on Fixing your MAC

If your planning on fixing your new MAC machine read this before you attempt to go further. Per the iFixit technician's, they said that it's a headache and the biggest complaint is that RAM location which is hidden behind the logic board. If you still want to go ahead and go for it. Make sure you take a lot of pictures, just in case something goes wrong.



Pay to stop Internet Ads

Want to put a stop to internet Ad's. You might want to check this site out and get a prototype before someone decides to stop the mass produce this product.
Advertisers are sure going to get legal and try to ban this product from production but until that happens enjoy the benefits of an Ad free internet.




Here a great way to organize important people you meet on a daily basis. Not only does it tag the personal information but you can even attach a picture to that person so that you can easily recommend them to other. Great idea to keep your network active.



Card Cloud

Now you can easily record and take notes on important individuals you meet on a daily basis. All you do is scan the individual card and the software stores the information for you to review later.


Online Computer Help

Looking for online computer help? Don't be surprised with what's out there. If your not careful you could be wasting money on useless software's that do nothing. Your best bet is to follow user's who discuss and write about everyday computer problems. And see if they offer support.

Regardless you can also try our friend the PcMaestro



Win 7 Blank Devices

Need to fix Windows 7 blank device and folders. Here the quick fix for this annoying setup feature that Microsoft refuses to resolve for most users.



Virtual Credit Card

Tired of using your credit card online in fear that someone might easily get your card information and steal your identity. Here's a new way to buy merchandise online using a virtual credit card. All you have to do is link your credit card number to this virtual card and make purchases with the virtual card. Securing you and your loved ones from identity theft.



Backup Gmail with Gmvault

Here's a great way to backup all your Gmail emails just in case one day something critically goes wrong with Gmail service. You never can under estimate the obvious which is backing up.

Backing up instructions


Download Firefox without IE

Here is a great way to load Firefox onto your computer without trying to download it from Internet Explorer. It works the same with other ftp programs as well. Just open up a folder in Windows and type the following below and install the latest version of Firefox.

open my computer on the address bar type the following ftp://ftp.mozilla.org and click enter. The window should now contain a new file to download Firefox and just click on Firefox to install it's latest version.

alternative link ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/latest/win32/en-US/


Malicious Software Removal Tool

This is not a substitute for antivirus but a great way to verify if your system is hiding something. It's usually updated by Microsoft every patch Tuesday of every month, so your always going to get the latest version.



Network Security Software

Need to confirm that your network is secure. It's easier to test your network with the list of security software below and test and confirm your network intrusions.



Test Weak Passwords

Want to check your network for weak passwords. Here are great utilities to test your password cracking skills. In the end it just tests your password security levels on being hacked.

THC Hydra
Snmp Brute force


Probe Host

Need to probe hosts to see what they are doing? Here is a great program to tell you what's connected on to your network. It a must have tool if you have no idea who's on your network.



Monitor unknown MAC's

Afraid that someone maybe hacking into your wireless network. Here is a great program to monitor all the MAC addresses on your network.



PDF Lite

Here are some light PDF software's just in case your tired of Adobe ongoing crashes and security updates. Sometimes going lighter just makes things easier. And if you need more PDF help. Feel free to check out the links below.

Naunce Pdf

Need to Edit PDF's try the following

Interactive PDF's try the following

Need PDF's editing security try the following



Tired of dealing with locked Windows files when your trying to edit, erase or rename a file or folder. This handy free utility removes the locked Windows file error and helps you take control of your computer.




Here's a great way to secure your cloud data for free. So if your currently using dropbox, google drive or box.net all you need to do is encrypt your data and your files are now secure.
