

Here is a website designed to help you get your credit straight. With the recent up and down turns of the economy. It's important to keep your credit score in good condition. Your not only going to get help to fix your current credit score, but you get answers about credit. I am now on a new roadway to success.


Android Notifier

If your an Android User your going to enjoy this great application that can easily be installed on your computer to notify you of an IM, Phone call and battery life.
The software is still under development so there is no telling on what other applications will be available in the future.

Android Notifier Link

Desktop Application Link


Linux Live USB

Searching for the Linux Live USB creater. Here is the software so that you can can go live with Linux on a USB.

Here are some more helpful links:
Link 1
Link 2 - you might need to translate this page


Camly Wireless Cam

Looking for an affordable wireless camera for public or private viewing without the necessary hardware, that can be used for security or monitoring. The Camly sets up in minutes and unlike most IP cameras the overall cost is cheap.





Want to get your children addicted to studying. This new social website is here to help and make your children smarter.
They even offer premium tutoring plans so that your child can achieve a better education. Check it out.


Toolbar Uninstaller

Have several toolbars attached to your browser and want to easily unistall them. This unistaller saves you the time from uninstalling them one by one.

Direct Link


Decode Windows Error Files

Here is a small Windows Error code utility lookup to help you find out what's going on with your computer. If you still don't understand what these codes mean. You can translate them to comprehensive codes by using a program called Winerrmsg. Now fixing your computer should be easier to do.



Here is a cool application that helps you integrate email, social sites and calendar appointments all in one. Now your Inbox should be easier to access.

Software Download available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari


32 bit or 64 bit

Already running Windows 7 but can't distinguish which version of Windows your running. Well if your installing software your always going to need this information. If not, your going to have a lot of software conflicts. So be prepared and find out in advance what type of operating system you have.


Intel Unlocking Processors

Intel is now agreeing to unlock it's processors to users so that they anyone can fully optimize their performance PC's.
It's about time Intel and if I would them, I would just include this in the package. It's only a matter of time being someone hacks their unlock codes.


IE 9 Beta

If you don't know yet, IE 9 is already out on BETA and a release date should be just around the corner. I am just glad that Microsoft is keeping up with technology.


ZoneAlarm scareware Alerts

Zone Alarm has been recently sending out bogus security threats to all their free online users. It's an alert scareware tactic to convince their free software users to buy their product, even though they're was no major threat.
It's quite sad to see this coming from a great software company that I loved for years. Now I have no choice but to look elsewhere.


Become a System User

Want to gain control of an operating system. Well besides an Administrator having full rights, a SYSTEM user also has those same rights. But not many know this. You'll have to trick the computer on doing this and with the command in dos you write the following:
First type at 13:55 /interactive “cmd.exe” (as is)
After two minutes you should see a different command prompt.
Then type cd.. (as is)
Then type explorer.exe (as is)
Now you've become a SYSTEM user


Tim's Laptop Service Manual

Tim needs your help on helping him achieve a master laptop manual website. If all goes right, Tim's dream will come true and user's like you and me will be able to view any laptop manuals online for free.

Here's his link for Donations to buy manuals and to upload manuals
Buy or Donate

Otherwise feel free to view his current Laptop Manual Database



Here's a new free file sharing site making it simple to share your favorite files online. It let's multiple people contribute, you can add photo's as an email attachment, and share files with others. Best of all, user's don't even have to register.


Google +

Move over Facebook, looks like Google + is rolling out and it plans to take socializing to a new improved level. Your not the only kid on the block who knows how to socialize. Now we will really know what Facebooking competition is really all about.


Database Browser Portable

Need to edit several different databases but don't want to install any program. This portable utility does the trick so that you can modify your database without the headaches on installing every software.



Here is a great software that helps you create portable applications. It's similar to VMware ThinApps but it's free. Now you should have no excuses creating portable applications on the move.


Earth Alerts

Want to monitor in real time Earth natural hazards. This software will keep you in touch by the minute so that your prepared for the worse scenario.


Portable Start Menu

If your currently using a USB stick and want to install programs on it to go portable. This software is a great help. It will even terminate opened programs when it's closed.