

iBin protects your flash drive from files being deleted. Files that are deleted will go now into a flash drive recycle bin and stored there until space is needed. This will insure that your files are always protected and easily recovered if accidently deleted.


Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome now has extensions and if your a Firefox user you'll noticed something very familiar with their extension's. They both look like. I just hope Google Chrome and Firefox could set their differences aside for now and concentrate on being number one in the browser world. And in time they will eventually surpass Microsoft Internet Explorer.



Great software to use if you manage more than one computer. It give you computer IP information, with service pak and more. A must for the IT technician who needs this information always available.


Fix the Dell Restore Partition

This is the backup software installed in Dell computer's to do a system restore. Usually you activate this software by hitting Ctrl & F11.
If this doesn't work then you have to try to repair the partition by using DOS. It's not a guarantee that it will work. But it beats re-installing the operating system all over again.


PC Profile for Network Computers

If you want to create a Personal Computer profile for various computers on a network. This handy utility will save you time.



Need to manage several virtual networks on who, where, what and when. This network monitoring software does the trick but with a hefty price. But if management software is a must, then this is a small price to pay.


DvD's that last 1k years

Could it be possible having a media device that last 1,000 years? I just don't know if we should worry if the media will still be their or if the company will still be around. Any case if your media is that important. I guess it's worth the costs.


USB 3.0 Card

Here goes the long awaited 3.0 USB PCI card that everyone's been waiting for. It triples the USB 2.0 requirements, so this makes it a must have card for file transfers.


Adobe Flash Player Update

If your currently using Adobe Flash Player, I would suggest that you do this flash player update. It fixes the current 32 security holes that hackers have been recently exploiting.


RIAA against Limewire

It looks like the RIAA is back again attacking Limewire. And this time it looks like it can be the end for the file sharing company. If Limewire is found guilty the estimate for damages can be hundreds of millions.


McDonald's expand WiFi

Now McDonald's WiFi is 11,500 and stronger. At least now it's WiFi is free and in return their profits will grow.


Sophos Endpoint Security & Data Protection

If your looking for a security and data protection software. Sophos is a great solid contender. It's solid reporting tells you who attempted to do what and when. Great for prevention of installing software apps and blocking access for those portable USB devices that most people can't live without. Once a breached is reached you get an email via SNMP.


Skimmer attached to an ATM

With identify theft increasing minute after minute. You just can't figure out how these thieves are able to do it. Well here's one way they are doing it and it's up to the consumer's to be educated, so that this does not keep on continuing.


Att switch on iPads

If you recently purchased an iPad, you had probably heard mixed reviews on current data plans. You can now get a data plan for your iPhone or iPad for as little as $15- a month. New plans have now new data limits. Let's wait to see what other carriers now are going to do?


Large US Bills

Interesting history on why the United States Treasury made large bills in the amounts of $5,000.00, $10,000.00 and $100,000.00 dollars.


US Passport Card

If you already have a passport or are in need of a passport. This is an alternative if your planning on not leaving the country. The US Passport Card has it's restrictions but it's a great item to have around just in case you one day loose your passport.


Need to boost your iPhone Volume

Here is a very cheap alternative to boost your current iPhone's volume. Hey regardless of what you think, it works.



Here's a great utility to help you curve down printing costs. The software let's you remove unwanted content from a print out. It's a simple software that will save you time and money in the long run.


USB Power Outlet

Here's a great travel friendly USB power outlet. It converts to USB power by tapping into another appliance electricity. It's alternative to always be connected.



Here's another great Malware detector, similar to Malwarebytes. At least now you have a choice and a way to fit new Malware online.