
TV Guide Online DVR

TV Guide is now offering online DVR guide so that you can easily record your favorite shows. You can now receive messages when the shows you are interested are posted. It's just another way to make programming easier the TV Guide way.


Google Search Sidebar

Use Google search in real time by activating the Google search sidebar.

Want to enable the Google search sidebar. Here's how you do it. First go to www.google.com and type a url "any url" and at the end type hl=en-US


Wipe Disk

Here is a sure way to wipe out your hard disk of any valuable information it may have. It's the easiest way to erase a hard drive.


Cell Phone Carriers Termination Fees

Curious on which cell phone carrier has the highest termination fees. Here is the list and you should be surprised.


First Wireless USB external HDD

Something tells me that this is the start of many great things to come. Now you can easily transfer your files up to thirty feet via USB. It's quite pricey now but soon to drop once it's in high demand.


Memory Test

If your ready to buy memory, just bought a new computer or just finish over clocking a computer. This software helps you to easily monitor your computers memory. It's a great tool for user's who are always running out of memory.


Drive Manager

Easily identify drives of the same type and volumes with Drive Manager software. Now identifying drives is a thing of the past.


Google Talk

Talk to family and friend over the internet for free. It's only a matter of time before Google Voice, Google Talk and Gizmo5 combine these services together.


USB Scrub

If your having problems with your computer recognizing USB drives, this utility is a must have. It cleans up old USB registry drives that are slowing down your computer when in use. Take control of your USB performance by using USB scrub.


Report Stolen Goods

Had your goods stolen and hope that one day you just might recover it. Here is a start if it ever comes up. It's worth a shot for your stolen merchandise.


View All Windows Keys

If your Missing your Windows product keys and are afraid to reformat your computer because you don't have them readily available. This handy software does the trick by now retrieving them and saving them for you.


Pet's YouTube

If you love pet's and also enjoy watching YouTube video's, you'll like this website. It loaded with lots of funny pet video's to watch.



Looking for a way to save money around the house. Try then Saveology. It takes your current services and let's you compare rates. And then when your ready, you just sign up and start saving money.


Unlock Symatec LiveUpdate from a PC

Need to unlock the Symantec Antivirus Live Update from an XP Computer. Here is the little registry edit to help you do updates when you want to do them.
It doesn't remove the old schedule, but it does help you update your computer when you want to.



right click on LockUpdatePattern and change value from a 1 to a 0.

That will unlock the live update button.


Secret Door Lock

If your one of those individuals who always lock yourself out of your home or apartment. You might want to consider this secret door lock. With a special door lock combination, the lock opens.



Need to do a Power Point presentation and lack the software on your computer. With Preezo you don't need any software. You do everything online for free. And the best part about it is that after you finish your presentation you can even post it online. Try it out and let the web do all the work.


Fix Avi Files

If your avi files were corrupt usually one would delete the files and download the files again. Or you can try to fix the files yourself using DivFix. Your choice.


World Most Common Passwords

The most common passwords in the world are:

1. password
2. 123456
3. qwerty
4. abc123
5. letmein
6. monkey
7. myspace1
8. password1
9. link182
10. (your first name)

Ap per PC Magazine, you might want to change your passwords after reading this.


Asus Motherboard

Get ready for the Asus Motherboard with USB 3.0. It's said to be able to transfer 20gig movies in just seventy seconds. And for MP3's it only matter of seconds. It the start of faster USB transfer motherboards to come.


Facebook Password Stealer

Here is the Facebook email stealing password virus. If you get this email, my suggestions is to delete it immediately.

Subject: Facebook Password Reset Confirmation! Customer Support

Dear user of Facebook,

Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed. You can find your new password in attached document.

Your Facebook.

Instead of having a fake Facebook page to collect the victims passwords (phishing), the email is sent with a malware attachment. The malware is known as “Bredolab” which is a Trojan downloader. In the two computers I repaired today, Bredolab downloaded some rogue antivirus products. However, some sites are saying that it also downloads a password stealing trojan.

If you see it onsite, Malware Bytes seems to deal with the Trojan once you kill the main executable (at least the rogue antivirus variants). Be sure to tell your clients to change their passwords after the infection has been removed as well.

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Facebook Password Reset Malware