
New Calculator in Vista and Windows 7

Want to know what's new with the calculator in Window's Vista and Windows 7. You can now use it either as a standard calculator or as a scientific calculator. This is a great benefit for students and rocket scientist.

To view it just open the calculator and click on view and switch from standard to scientific anytime.


Girl Hater Website

If you recently broke up with your ex and want some revenge for the things that they did. Here is a great website for the girls. It's better than using physical force and your post's will last forever. I just hope he doesn't find out.


Sexual Partner Calculator

This is a very interesting website that calculates your sexual partner past indirectly and estimates the chances of getting STD. If your concern about your health, here is a good place to start.


EA Sports FIFA Online

Love EA Sports, here's a chance to play online for free in the closed public BETA version. Hurry up, there is no telling how long this offer will last.


Chrome 4

Google's new version 4 is said to be more stable with 1,500 more tools. Let's hope this version of Google makes everyone happy when browsing.
If you want the upgrade, just wait until next week to update the browser manually.


Blue Watch Dog

Now you can keep calm with Blue Watch Dog. The device is said to keep track of your belongs by using the bluetooth technology. Once an item that has bluetooth enable device goes out of the network, the alarm rings to alert you. It's like having your own portable watch dog.



Get ready for the new wave of movies coming to a cell phone near you. Blockbuster starting doing first and it looks like others are to follow. No telling how mobile movies will do yet.


HBO Imagine

Here a website from HBO that gives the true meaning of short clips of current shows. Now you can see the story lines in different angles. Give it a try.


Here Comes HRD's

In the past few years data storage has been increasing drastically. New types of hard drives are being developed to extend hard drive durability. In this comes the new hybrid HRD's. It's a new concept on making hard drives, I just hope it can last longer than my current hard drive.


Remote Desktop for Techies

Looking for the best remote desktop software to support various customers. This site lists all of them and it even tells you the difference from others.

Remote Desktop Protocol Details


Virtual PC 2007

Want to setup a Virtual PC and install an operating system to see how it runs. Try Microsoft's Virtual PC 2007 and discover the new operating system problems before you go live.


Make a Cheap GPS Locator

With compliments to the household hacker you can now make a cheap affordable GPS device on any cell phone. It's a great project for people who are always on the go.

GPS Software


Jaadu for iPhone

Here is a great remote access software for the iPhone. You can easy control your home computer from your iPhone and be able to control your computer. Although it's not remote access at it's best. It sure beats trying to find an internet cafe when your on the road.

Direct Link


Make IE 8 Run faster with Chrome Plugin

It looks like after numerous test, Internet Explorer 8 ran faster with the Chrome plug-in. Shame on you Microsoft for not doing your homework.

Here's the Link


Bluetooth & SD

Let's just say this Bluetooth is a two in one device. When you need to go wireless to make a call the Bluetooth comes in handy. And when it's time to store you favorite files, the 8 Gig storage device is your ideal portable device. Can't beat the two in one combo.


Music Lyrics

Looking for music lyrics and having a hard time finding the song you want to hear or buy online. Here is a great site to make your music search easier. All you do is type some of the words the artist is singing and the search site narrows it down to the song your looking for.

Other Lyrics Sites


Bing vs Google

Want to know which search engine is better when your searching online. This site puts each search engine side by side so that you can compare and see the results you get from each search engine.


Send a Fax for Free

It's not bad as long as you know that you'll be sending advertisement as well. The end result is a fax sent for free.

Other Free Internet Faxing Sites


Energizer USB clip

Here's another one for the Energizer Bunny. Try using a USB clip to charge your DSLR batteries. It's just amazing how cool this little gadget works.


BioPDF the free PDF Writer

Need a PDF writer but don't want to pay the premium price. BioPDF is the answer and it works great. All you do is install the application and when your ready to create a PDF file instead of doing a file save as, just do a file print as and create your file name and save. It's fast, simple and easy to use.