

New way to scan, file and remember where your papers are at. This scanner makes your digital files search able and even gives you it's location if necessary. What more can you ask for in a scanner besides to tell it to file.


Sony DSC - G3

First camera to be able to upload photo's to an internet photo sharing site. And it will eventually change the way we take pictures, because now everything will be in real time as long as you take the picture in a WiFi hotspot.


Check and Drive

Here is a great fleet management software without spending the big bucks. You can't expect miracles with this software but it's capable of running on a network mode if necessary.


Duracell MyGrid

Duracell has just released a cell phone charging board named my Grid. You charge all your cell phone on the Grid and your phone automatically charges. No need now to have multiple cords to charge your cell phones.


Medical Dictionary

Need a medical dictionary on hand so that you understand what your doctors and others are always saying. This software is a freebie and you can't ask for anything more.


Duplicate Music File Finder

If you have a long music library and have various copies or duplicates. Instead of deleting them one by one. Try this software to make your job easier. At least it will save you some listening time.


Octo-mother USB Charger

Looking for a phone charger to work with all of the current phones on the current market. For the price, you can't beat it. I just hope one day they'll finalize on one phone charger.


Vmware Vcenter Converter

Convert physical machines to virtual machines in minutes without rebooting. This is a must have for disaster recovery. In the long run it will save you time and money.
And if you haven't done your homework on Vmware. Let's just say this is the software that's going to replace all those IT technicians in the future.


Pocket Safe USB Drive

This was thinking out of the box. Now you have a personal USB drive safe that you need to enter a code in order for you to access your files. I just hope you don't forget that code.


Free X-Mas Mp3's from Amazon

This year download free Christmas MP3's from Amazon.com. All you have to do is click on the link each day and download a free Mp3. If you just want the MP3, just skip the Amazon MP3 Installer and download the MP3 directly afterwards. An Amazon.com account is needed to download these wonderful Christmas songs.


Popup Peeper

Need an email notifier when your mail comes in from multiple accounts. This software does the trick and works with twenty email clients.

Email Software Screenshot


PQI Cool Drive

Want to transfer files using a USB cable / thumb drive. This device can do both via USB. In one way it connects like a network cable, transfer rates are about 21 mbs. Or you can use it as a flash drive to transfer files to another computer.


Free Internet TV

Looking for free Internet Television. It's not going to be cheap. But if you add up the savings in the long run, then your always going to be ahead.


Chrome OS

Now you can install Google Chrome OS on a USB stick and test to see if you like the current operating system. It's worth to try and here is the link below.



Blackberry App Store

It's similar to Apple's iTune store in which Blackberry user's can pay, download and install Blackberry applications. If things goes well, this store could finalize future Blackberry applications.


ISP that refuse Gov't funding

There's no secret why these companies are refusing government funding. The main reason is that they are profiting from broadband services and want government regulation out of it. If they later on decide to take the government money. It's just going to be a catch 22 later on.


Play DOS Games Now

If your in need of wanting to play old DOS games here is your fix. Install Dosbox and get ready to play all your favorite DOS games.
You'll be amazed on how many titles are now DRM free.


Travel the World for Free

I don't know how reliable this website really is. But if anyone does get to Travel for free this year, I would like to know.
Take your choice, worse scenario you need a plane ticket back home.


Blackberry Music

Looking for free music for your Blackberry. The following services have limits are you can hear music for free. You decide.

Pandora Limit to 40 hours of free music a month
Slacker Over 100 stations
Flycast Over 1000 stations free but with ads
Handmark Can listen to iTunes playlist
MediaSync Uses your computer to add MP3's to your Blackberry


Google Caffeine

It's a new generation of Google and they want the public's feed back. Give it a try and tell them what they like between the old and the new Google search.

New Google Search