

Wifi Phones Surging

Wifi phones are the phone of the future.
Up 75% in 2005 and in 2006 sales are estimated to be double of what 2005 offered.


Sling Media :: Welcome

Sling Media :: Welcome
It's Here!
Internet Tv was only a matter of time and now it's here.
Program your TIVO, watch movies on your laptop, computer and PDA where ever you go and never be away from Premium service you currently pay. Even though it will set you back $250-you will save hundreds because now your laptop or computer can easily be your mobile TV.
From here on you will definitely get your moneys worth.


Google New Toolbar

Talk about impressive for a toolbar.
Even though it's still buggy. I must admit it is a change for a tool bar to do search on your favorites, send pages to friends and button customization.
Regardless It's Google attempt to be ahead of the others.
Lets see what Microsoft comes up with next?


Laptop Forums

Need technical help with your laptop.
Try this forum for laptops. It sure beats paying for customer support.


Verizon Vcast vs Online Music Stores

If Verizon perfects its glitches. We can be looking at a new mobile online music store on the move with Verizon Wireless V Cast service.
V Cast does exactly what you current online music stores does currently except that it's mobile. Will this new wave catch on. Only time will tell and Verizon is sure is betting on this by spending lots of money.


Damaged your Electronic Device

If you accidentally damaged your electronic device. Before you go out and buy a new one try this.
Visit Grynx
They give you instruction on how to salvage your electronic device.
It's worth to try and make you buck last longer.


XM Radio for Pocket PC

Don't be surprised when XM radio creates it's XM Radio player. If XM radio has it way, they could change the way we listen to radio on the internet.
Let see what happens next. But it's a right move for now.


Old Software Versions

Upgraded your Personal Computer to a new software version and hate it.
Most new software versions are just headaches and add on unnecessary items.
If your one like myself who hate new version but like the old version of the software your using and can't seem to find that old copy. Try this website.

You can also do a google search on Old Software that has been discontinued to remove old software on your personal computer that still shows up on your add/remove program folder.


Flash Drives getting Flatter

How about a flash drive as slim as a credit card.
Well it looks like it's 2gig possible and it might just make flash drives more attractive.
How nice it would be to show someone your entire picture gallery via a credit card flash drive.
I can see this portable storage device getting popular.


Cell Phone Ad's for Verizon & Nextel Customers

Looking for a discount on your current Verizon or Nextel phone system.
Let's see if this will work for you. Cell phone advertisement.
I don't know if I will like that idea but it's a choice if your looking for a discount.


Like the Aigo E858

Still not here in the United States but a lot of other manufactures are getting in on the portable video player that excepts all video formats on the move.
I just hope that they can improve the battery life to last longer. I believe most people will be upset to just get only 3.5 hours of movie play time.


Repair XP

Here is a nice tech site to repair your Windows Xp Problems

Win Xp Service Pak 3

If your long waiting for the Windows Update to Service Pak 3.
You should wait another year longer. Now it's expected to be released in 2007.
In turn Microsoft will deliver it's new software named Vista on time this year and convince people to upgrade.
It disappointing that with all that money they have in reserve. They can't get there product to perform well.
People should stop buying new Microsoft products until they get there priorities straight. They are selling you a product that is half finished and hardly works well.
You wouldn't go to a supermarket and buy a half eaten cake, when you could buy a complete cake. Don't be fooled. Stop the insanity now and let Microsoft know now that we are fed up of it's software.


New Cell Phone Music Chip

Let's just say the new cell phones with this music chip will enhance your cell phone audio and save you power. Before you know it we will all have a portable cell phone boom box.

Bluetooth for Her

Here is a Bluetooth device for the women in your life.
A little Bling Bling.

Fully Automated Convenience Store

Talk about Drive thru.
If this convenience store goes mainstream you can better believe going to the store is going to be a drive thur experience.


Easy Internet Advertising Yellow Pages

At least this site is free and the more exposure you company has the better the future business. Good Luck.