
Flash Drives getting Flatter

How about a flash drive as slim as a credit card.
Well it looks like it's 2gig possible and it might just make flash drives more attractive.
How nice it would be to show someone your entire picture gallery via a credit card flash drive.
I can see this portable storage device getting popular.


Cell Phone Ad's for Verizon & Nextel Customers

Looking for a discount on your current Verizon or Nextel phone system.
Let's see if this will work for you. Cell phone advertisement.
I don't know if I will like that idea but it's a choice if your looking for a discount.


Like the Aigo E858

Still not here in the United States but a lot of other manufactures are getting in on the portable video player that excepts all video formats on the move.
I just hope that they can improve the battery life to last longer. I believe most people will be upset to just get only 3.5 hours of movie play time.


Repair XP

Here is a nice tech site to repair your Windows Xp Problems

Win Xp Service Pak 3

If your long waiting for the Windows Update to Service Pak 3.
You should wait another year longer. Now it's expected to be released in 2007.
In turn Microsoft will deliver it's new software named Vista on time this year and convince people to upgrade.
It disappointing that with all that money they have in reserve. They can't get there product to perform well.
People should stop buying new Microsoft products until they get there priorities straight. They are selling you a product that is half finished and hardly works well.
You wouldn't go to a supermarket and buy a half eaten cake, when you could buy a complete cake. Don't be fooled. Stop the insanity now and let Microsoft know now that we are fed up of it's software.


New Cell Phone Music Chip

Let's just say the new cell phones with this music chip will enhance your cell phone audio and save you power. Before you know it we will all have a portable cell phone boom box.

Bluetooth for Her

Here is a Bluetooth device for the women in your life.
A little Bling Bling.

Fully Automated Convenience Store

Talk about Drive thru.
If this convenience store goes mainstream you can better believe going to the store is going to be a drive thur experience.


Easy Internet Advertising Yellow Pages

At least this site is free and the more exposure you company has the better the future business. Good Luck.


Motorola H5 MiniBlue

Motorola new Bluetooth headset is making a unique device customized to your body.
It's noise cancellation and battery life of 7.5 talk time.
The question is how portable and comfortable will this device be.

Searching to Buy the Xbox 360

Here is a site where you can purchase an Xbox 360.
But be ready to spend more than what you can imagine.
But again you will get it way before anyone one else does.

Love You Send it dot com

You'll also love rapidshare.
It does the same thing to send you big files online for free.
Save it as an alternate back up for Yousendit.com


Text Messaging for Free

It this site is a hit. Text messaging on Cell phones could become free. But everyone must keep the service running and keep text messaging.

Linksys Wireless Video Camera

Talk about the coolest video camera that sends live pictures via the web.
This camera contains its own web server. So you don't need to connect it to a PC because you can use it wirelessly. A security mode alerts you when motion is detected. Hopefully this camera will be the next generation security system affordable to many.


Gadget Catalog 2006

Love those wacky gadgets.
This catalog just might do the trick.
It has every wacky Gadget you can imagine.
If your looking for a Gadget, there a good chance that you'll find it here.
Website Link



Looking for a scanner that scans business cards and documents into Excel, Quicken, Pdf documents. This scanner might just be what your looking for. It even updates contacts to Microsoft Outlook address book.


Google Prejudice Map

Get your biotry straight. Wanted to know what people in the world are known as. Why not ask Google.


Plasma Wonder

Looking for a Plasma television. Well Panasonic will help you customize your Plasma.
You can create you television to the similar way you order a personal computer. Very interesting on how this concept will turn out in the future.
Now you can order your television they way you want it and with the inputs you need for your everyday lives.


Another Cheap Gas Site

The easiest way to save money.
Buy cheap gas on the go.
I don't care what anyone really said. Unless your manuals states to by premium do so.
Otherwise regular gas will do just as well as premium.
Don't be fooled by what the big oil firms say about gas and less octane.
It's like going to a store and having a choice to buy a fur coat or a regular coat.
If you have the money then spend it and buy a fur coat. If you don't might as well wise up now.


Cyber Harassment is illegal

If you annoy anyone anonymously over the internet you better get a good lawyer or otherwise it can land you in jail for two years.
It's now against the law to do this.