A place to post your most recent child's sketches.
It's a nice way to have a child familiarize themselves with art and also be able to publish it on the web. Worth to visit.
Purchase the Motorola IM Wireless Instant Messaging and be able to do instant messaging on the go. Why clog up the computer will IM chats only.
Capable of Chatting with six IM individuals and all wireless and free.
It's all free and who can refuse that offer from TigerDirect.com
Although I am for privacy, I do judge people fairly, for whatever reasons. These public access sites are available online to anyone seeking this sort of information.
Now you can find out where there playing your favorite movie you want to see.
Linked directly to Google Maps and I must say it's a pleasant way to get your showtimes.
This is scary. I believe identity theft is a serious uncontrollable crime. Laws should be passed to punish these individuals that think it's ok to pretend they are someone else. If the punishment was more brutal, maybe the cases of identity crime will decrease.
Always on the road.
Like your cell phone to remind you of things to do.
Need to share images.
Need to share pages with other people.
Need to post notes you need to keep a tab on.
And did I mention it was free.
Yes the first 5 pages and 10 reminders are free.
Anymore your going to have to pay.
But why not try it to see if it fits your schedule patterns.
This site is very creative if your looking for a site to personalize your own search engine. People will see all the links that you usually go to.
Check it out and hopefully you will create a unique search engine for others to view.
Tired of installing separate Instant Messenging software.
In the past I've recommended Trillian.
But now you have a choice of two others who do the job as well.
No more installing Instant messengers like AOL, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, Gtalk.
Try one of the following IM software and make your life simple.
Hate paying for 411 information charges on your cell phone. It's time to use this site. Voice activated all it's free and hopefully the telephone companies will wise up with those rates.
If you had read an article on my site that you want to read and maybe install. Here is a tip. Go to My Site and on the top left hand corner you'll see a white box. Type in the information your looking for and click on search this blog.
Hopefully this will find what your looking for in less of the time then going page to page.
Thanks to the federal law we now can get an annual credit report for free.
Yes free. It's a great defense to monitor identity fraud.
I sure will keep this site handy and you should too.
Yes Porn sites do have domains. And if everything goes well. New domain sites for Porn will end in .xxx
At least now you can tell if that domain site is porn related. And it will help users from being fooled on the net.
So honor the .xxx domain site to regulate all Porn sites.
News is that Google looks like it's going to go Wifi. They are seeking to get into the service provider business. I don't know if that's a good stand for Google. But hey you never know. I hope that whatever they choose to do. They know when enough is enough and hopefully they'll get out of the business if enough profits are not being generated.
Google you should learn from rivals like Microsoft and American Online. They're making no money now and they are struggling to be on top. Google stay unique and try not to get into too many sectors. Because this will be your down fall.
I found this site interesting for the reason that some day this map could be useful. It's simulates an explosion of a war head in a ten mile radius. I hope I will never need to use this map.