
Cybertruck Results

If you are getting ready to purchase a Cybertruck here is some good information to take in mind before you make that big purchase. Not only does it take over an hour and a half to charge the vehicle but the overall cost may not be exactly what you thought.

Electric hopefully overtime will be cheaper but right now, I really don't see it cost effective for the big purchase.


iOS 18 Update Problems

The update is not there yet and if you are planning to upgrade, I would just hold off for a while until Apple resolves their issues and releases new patches for these fixes. You can check from time to time on the Apple website for an update, but It's going to take time. 

Take a look at what the current problems are listed now. 


Best VR Headset

Everyone is enjoying their new virtual reality headset but just only a few of the devices are making the cut to outperform the others.

Now this is definitely a new era for virtual reality and going forward these devices are going to get more portable and wearable. Get ready for the next era of virtual reality. 


Nuro autonomous

This tech company is going beyond delivery robots and can soon overtake the delivery market. It started seeing growth in it's early years and now if some company wants to go driverless it's now able to license the software to them.

It's going to get interesting on what companies are going to be the go to company when it comes to autonomous driving. So get ready for the future.


AI Apply Game Changer

This new AI application is definitely a game changer and it will definitely give you a shot on getting a job quicker with the help of it's integrated meeting applications.

If you still are unsure check out the video below and see how it can simply help you achieve your goals to ace that job interview.


OpenAI o1

It looks like ChatGPT new model is out and it's going to solve harder problems with it's ability to think. Now do not expect the answer to immediately be given but take time since it's processing the request.

I am going to keep my eye's open to see what new developments will come from the next generation of AI.


Android malware for tv

It looks like over a million users were affected by a malware from Android and it's causing some chaos because of many users still using outdated firmware. 

It's still unknown how the infection started or if it was installed by the manufactures. What is known is that it's going to take a while for all of these devices to come back online should consumers choose to keep their devices. 


iOS 18 is out

Apple just released iOS 18 and you can expect the new goodies from Apple expect AI. If you want to see what new changes they have then click on the link below.

I guess Apple is pushing users to upgrade in order to get access to all of their new AI features. 



Want to increase your Linkedln engagement then check out typemonk to boost your network. The AI application elevates your presence and helps you build your network. 

Give it a try and see if it helps reach a wider content. 


SAF unanswered questions

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is trying to meeting decarbonization targets with opposition. The higher costs now will eventually go down as demand increases.

This is just the beginning they because it still has to go through the regulatory frameworks and still secure both state and private funding. Once this is cleared up SAF path for investors will be something to keep an eye on in the future.


iOS Sleep Apnea

It looks like the FDA clears iOS sleep apnea detection feature and if you want to know how it work then click the link below.

This sleep disorder is affected by more than 30 million people and only a fraction are diagnosed with it. If untreated let's just say your life expectancy will drastically decrease.


Jaumur Marina

It looks like Saudi Arabia is back to do another mastermind project to build a marina for superyachts. It's massive space will focus on luxury living community around it.

It's suppose to hold 300 superyachts measuring 492 feet in length, which is most of the big ones.

As oil reserves tend to wind down you can expect them to start shelling more out of this world projects to maintain the countries wealth. It's definitely going to be interesting to see what happens to them when their oil producing plants runs out. 


Apple Camera Race

It's a pretty interesting article regarding how Apple is trying to to win the camera race but it fails badly when compared to other manufactures. They definitely need to be innovative if they want to stay a step ahead and stop trying to copycat other devices.

My advice to Apple is that it's either step up your game or just move aside and focus on something else. 


Waymo Accidents Info

It looks like a lot of people are rear ending Waymo's vehicles and the company needs to look into this further to explain why this continues to occur. It could be a programming error or a component in the vehicle that is causing these accidents. Until the problem is resolve this is still an ongoing investigation.

Self driving is the future and it will take some time before they sort all these things out. 


Nova H1 Audio Earings

I must admit these are pretty advance items and hearing aids are now moving into the accessory world and soon you can see it pop up almost everywhere.

This is the beginning of something wonderful to come.



Here is a single page link for all your content for creators. It using AI to make you easily searchable online and helps you connect with others and keep you connected with them. If you are a content creator you can understand how difficult it can be to sync to all platform and that's how this site makes things simple. 

There is so much that this site offers that it's hard not want to subscribe. 


MS Shifts

Microsoft Shifts has recently been added to teams if you have a teams that keeps on changing schedules you might want to consider using Microsoft Shifts to easy collaborate with other team members.

Besides the app easily integrating with teams you can easily create shift breakdowns, swap shifts and keep on eye on everyone's schedule when things get complicated.

It's definitely a time saver and easily accessible via mobile.


X Ban on Brazil

It looks like X is facing a controversial ban in Brazil regardless if users use a VPN or not. And let's just say it's rivals are swallowing up all of X's current user base.

Regardless what Elon Musk view is it's costing him serious amounts of cash regardles on how he looks at it and it's definitely not a good time for him to make a stand.


VPN is more than Privacy

Here is a great article regarding VPN and why you should be using it everywhere you go. It's not just when you go mobile but it's suggested for home use as well.

If  your privacy is a concern then VPN is the way to go. 


Download Win 11

Want to know the easiest place where to download Windows 11 for your computer. Just click on the link below to get access to the new software from Microsoft.

Note time is running out and if you have Windows 10 on  your computer you should be upgrading your device should it still be supported.

For older versions of Windows see in the info link below. 




Testing AI on your pc

This is going to be one of the beginning test of many others to come to see how well your computer handles AI tasks. 

It's certain that in the near future your next device will be ready to handle more AI performance but if you are looking to take a bench test for your current device click on the link below to begin. 


Home Garden

It's kind of a crazy idea but with the prices of food going sky high and the chemicals that everyone is using it does make sense to begin growing things for yourself.

Here is a pretty cool home garden that someone was able to create at home, so if you have the space it's not a bad idea. 


Renting in Japan

This is the most insane thing I heard and I too thought it was a joke until I read some more information on the site and what these users do and how they use the services.

If you are travel aboard and can find a good translator, it might be not a bad idea to easily rent a tour guide to show you around the area so that you can get your money's worth from your trip.

It's also not a bad idea to rent someone someone to show you the ropes in case you run into problems. You can even rent a companion so that you have someone to talk to and have someone to hang out with to make a memorable moment.

It's has it's pro's and it's cons but if used effectively in could be a great resource in the long run. Feel free to look into the service and see if it's for you. 


ChatGPT users

ChatGPT has already hit over 200 million users but the real question is who is really using it and how are they using it in their daily lives. 

With AI still in it's infancy state, we are still waiting to see how it is changing out lives and what advancement and improvements is it really making among users. 



Google Shop

If your going back to school soon Google can help you back your shopping easier to do so that you can stick to your budget and get more for your money.

You need to check out these new features available to change your shopping experience. 


Ars Technica Closing

It looks like this is the end for Ars Technica on CPU and GPU news and reviews and it comes to show you that slowly but surely these sites are shutting down.

It's only a matter of time before other sites follow suit and either they evolve to new strategies to deliver content or just throw in the towel.

The clocks are ticking and time will tell on what direction you should move to. 


Cool AI Tools for Vacation

If you are going on vacation you might want to try out these cool AI tools to make your traveling easier to do. Now AI can take you to new places while learning new things and experiences.

Take a long on what you can be missing out on your next trip. 


Bulletproof Vests Science

It's a crazy idea that manages to saves lives, here is the secret weapon that keeps millions of people safe around the world alive without a scratch.

This invention was able to bring back to life victims in the cross fire.


WhatsApp Giphy & AI Stickers

It loos like now users will easily be able to use Giphy and AI stickers on WhatsApp as the company keeps on adding new content to it's messaging application.

This has been long overdue and if they still want to stay relevant with it's competitors they need to keep up to date. 


Plaud NotePin

Here is another AI wearable to try to succeed where others have failed and although it sounds like a good idea for AI note taking it's going more that note taking to convince users that they need this device.

Consumers need the device do more to justify the cost and until someone comes up with a good device you are just going to see companies like this come and go frequently. 


TPM reset on Win11

This is an ongoing headache for many users and this is some great resource information when it comes to TPM with Windows 11.

Hopefully in the future Microsoft will resolve this annoying message and clear the way TPM headaches.



Statue of Liberty Info

Curios what's inside the Statue of Liberty in New York City, here is a great guide to the lady liberty that it keeping the structure standing to this date.

Lady Liberty has has come a long way and it's amazing on how the iron and steel keep this structure alive. 


Freedom to

Tired of getting distractive from websites and applications when you are trying to get work done, here is a great software to give you more productivity by blocking sites to keep you focus.

Hopefully the goal is to make employees more productive and less focus on advertisements and news.


Reclaim AI

Here is the smartest calendar app that optimizes everyone's schedule for better productivity, collaboration and work life balance.

This application is great for makers and doers to work better with your team. It has so many perks that it can easily automate your meetings to create a better meeting culture for your company.

Check it out and see if it improves your work life balance.


Paris Pneumatic TimeKeepers

Interesting information on how clocks were synced in the old days before the invention of atomic clocks. In Paris is was crucial for time to by synced across town and to solve this problem they created a  pneumatic system. Which to this day is beyond anyone's imagination. 

It's things that like that shows engineering at it's best. 


Fix MS Planner

Microsoft Planner is no stranger to Windows and after the recent overhaul the software has been revived by some great developers.

With this, you can guarantee from time to time the software is going to have it's ups and downs until it begin to play friendly with the entire M365 suite.

If  you run into problems, here is a great start to begin troubleshooting the software main issues. 


Copilot in OneDrive

Have a license to Copilot and want to know on how it connects with OneDrive and how to utilize it's features. Then click the link below to get more out of the software and take you to a new journey using AI.

As time goes back Copilot will not only be your best friend but save your valuable time when you begin to use the office suite. I promise when you begin using the software it's going to definitely be a great changing experience going forward. It's definitely going to be a game changer going forward. 


Messenger Journey

Here is an journey of evolution of instant messenger applications from 1998 to 2024 and you must admit it's has been a long journey in the waiting.

It shows you the user base count and how other messenger applications evolved as time went by.


Fix GPU with Fan Running

If you have a problem with your current GPU running with fan spinning, check out this quick tip to get your video display backup and running.

This may not solve the problem all the time, but at least this is a good troubleshooting step in the right direction for the fix. 


Google Translate identifier

Trying to transcribe someone's language but unsure what language it is, here is when Google translate takes it a step further by just detecting the language.

There are just times that you just want to know what it means regardless and Google simplifies just this. 



Looking to make passive income easily check out Honeygain and share your internet by just doing nothing. Its so simple just download the software and when you are not using the internet it gets shared with others. It's quick, simple and easy to do. 


EV @ Home

Ready to get an electric vehicle, then here is some great useful information that you should be aware of before getting that new car.

Buyers should be aware on the pros and cons of an electric vehicle and be ready for the unexpected until they get adjusted to the new way of life.

Having an EV can be fun but it comes with new types of headaches that have not yet been sort out in the real world yet. 


All About OneDrive

I been a Leo reader for years and this guy always set things straight and you always get valuable content. If you have not subscribed to his news letters you should, I am sure he will pass on some valuable information for you to use on your everyday journey.

With this he is also recommending this OneDrive online course and if your new to OneDrive it would not be a bad idea to get taught about the software the right way. 


Compress PDF

Looking for an easier way to compress your PDF file so that you can email to other users. Check out this site that does everything secure, with confidence, for multi devices online.

Kitomura is here to the rescue. 


SpaceX bails out Boeing

This could be the beginning of a new competitor for Boeing after years of uncertainty for SpaceX and if they do succeed to bail out the ISS let's just say going forward NASA may start looking elsewhere for solutions instead of focusing in one company to save the day.

As for Boeing, let's just say that they will need to get their act together otherwise companies like SpaceX will supersede them in time. 


WSUS Driver Sync Killed

It looks like Microsoft recently killed the WSUS Driver Sync that many still use to update their drivers. This cause an uproar with users who still use the device and their excuse was simply to use their cloud services, since people still rely on this application to keep things updated.

I hope someone will be able to come up with a work-a-around so that network administrators can easily keep their drivers and firmware up to date. 


Nokia Future Phone Concept

It looks like Nokia is thinking out of the box to create new concept phones to recapture the mobile market again. It was just a few years ago when they were on top and they easily lost their niche.

I must admit there new phone has caught me by surprised and they could possibly make a comeback with the right device. 


Milk & Serial Viral

The horror film industry is booming this year and here is a chance to see a viral Youtube project in the making. It's not everyday that you get a producer to make a free horror film for free and become viral.

I see a great future for Barker in the upcoming years and when you get a chance view the horror film using the link below. 


Telegram CEO Arrest

This is definitely bad news for Telegram and it's going to have definitely consequences on it's application when it comes to privacy and security.

It's definitely a move to make social platforms liable and if a resolution is not reached by both parties the future of Telegram as well as other social platforms can change drastically.

This is definitely going to be an interesting case to see how it plays out. 


iOS Telegram Info

In recent response of Telegram recent CEO there is a chance that Apple may remove the telegram app from users Apple devices. 

If you want the application to stay on your phone then do the following:

go to settings - screen time - content & privacy restrictions - make sure it's checked and then go to iTunes & App store purchases and change deleting apps to Don't allow.


Telsa Job Openning

Looking for a new career try working with Telsa hourly to train it's Optimus robot. This AI robotic sector is open now and new hires will have to wear a motion capture suit, with wear virtual reality headsets for several hours a day while carrying 30 pounds of equipment. 

I can only imagine what the future outcome will be for these workers once this position has ended.


Ford's Speed Dectector

It looks like future Ford vehicles will soon use their cameras to report speeding drivers to the police and we can see this application spreading to other vehicles. 

I guess it's another means for the law enforcement to do speed surveillance and identify speeding violators. 


AI Twin

This is pretty scary that someone can create an AI twin with Chatgpt and challenge themselves. It's definitely out of this world and hopefully people will use it wisely and try not to do any mischief. I just hope regulations come out soon to address the real AI concerns. 



Looking for more precise searches online with precise answers, check out Andisearch and see how close you can narrow down you searches online. 

I believe as time passes on these sites are just going to get better and better. 



Today I was surfing on Youtube and stumbled upon this and I though I would share it with the community because it is a technological breakthrough.

Imagine being able to get DNA testing for an unborn child for userrs who are unsure who the father is. It's a touchy subject but at least it will give both parties a piece of mind. 

Even though the EasyDNA Prenatal Paternity test is quite expensive in time this will be more afordable for everyone.  

Here is the link below if you feel like you need to pass it over to a loved one. 


Better Reddit User

Being a Reddit user can be easy to do and if you want to take advantage of what the site offers, here are some great tips to follow to get the most out of the website.

Reddit is full of wonderful resources with many interests. Take a hold of the information and be better informed. 



Here is an AI assistant to help you organize your work better. It's focus is to keep you focus and break tasks into subtask so that you take notes effortless.

As AI gains momentum you can definitely be assured that it's going to change how we all work together. Get ready for the begining of more beginings. 


Amazon Fire Stick Fix

If you have a Fire Stick and it's failing to load here are some great tips to help the device get back on track. Most of the times resetting the device does the trick and gets everything working back to normal. 



Want to create free AI videos, check out this site that will help you build your video in minutes using voice overs in various languages. I must admit the site is very impressive and I was able to create my AI video in no time.

Denitely worth check out. 


Canva Resume Templates

If you are recently back in the job market you might want to check out Canva professional templates for your resume so that it can make you stand out from the other applications. 

The job market is very competitive and having an elegant resume template will hopefully attack your new prospect employer. 



ISP Review

Want to know if your Internet Service Provider is ripping you off, lets just say the ISP now have to show you in their contract the Broadband facts and internet speeds that they have to provide you with their plan.
Along with early termination fee and any other fee's that's included in the plan. Everything has to be black and white from the company to the consumer. This will make it easier to see if you as a consumer are happy or not with the current service and then it's up to you to decide if you want to switch to another carrier or not.


Safari Best Ad Blocker

It looks like Safari is now the best browser for Ads on a Mac that there is no need to worry about ongoing pop ups when reading pages. This hopefully will motivate other browsers to follow suit and end annoying  ads that dominate the internet. This has been long overdue, let's hope for the best. 


Meta VR Burn

It looks like Meta is quite upset on their VR/AR teams budget spendings. The company still does not plan on abandoning it's projects but they somehow need to create a device that can easily be adopted by consumers without having a hefty price tag.

Let's hope to see how far they can achieve to stay competitive. 



McDonalds AI powered drive thru Results

It looks like McDonalds pilot program was a disaster. Instead of burning food, the AI power drive thru just got all the orders wrong. It looks like the AI feature of the drive thru might need to go through some more training to get things right. As for now it's being pulled and hopefully it will be reintroduced at a later date.

Here are some great examples of the mess ups. 


Futuristic Surveillance

The future of surveillance just became reality, in Santa Monica California, police are now using drones to patrol the areas. They have been doing this for the last two years and let's just say common crimes have been solved by the use of these devices.

In time you can rest assure these devices will have the capability of apprehending suspects, stay tuned. 


Amazon Firestick Lifespan

Typically Firesticks only last 2 to 4 years depending on how much streaming you do and if the device keeps crashing and you continuously have to troubleshoot the problem.
If you are getting slow speeds, connectivity issues and frequent crashing here are some tips to keep the device from working, but just note that this will delay the problem. Eventually you are going to have to replace the device. And for what is worth, it's still beats having a monthly subscription. 


CrowdStrike Outage Workaround

Talk about pushing updates without quality control. If they were doing things correctly not to many users would have been affected. I guess they are going to learn the hard way.

In results companies globally are going to review their CrowdStrike subsciption after this has been resolved to see on how that want to be proactive in the future.

Network Administrators Workaround 

1. Boot Windows into Safe Mode or WRE.

2. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike

3. Locate and delete file matching "C-00000291*.sys"

4. Boot normally.


LG able

Here is the new concept dream car from LG albe is the car of the future now this is just a future care concept but they got a lot of things right that car manufacturers have yet to achieve.


Motorola Bendable Phone

In so many words let's just say that this phone is one of a kind making adjustments to fit your way of life which can be on your wrist, in an angle or bend with a twist so that it adjusts to your lifestyle.

I must admit it's the best concept phone I have ever seen and you will be surprised on you can do. 



Want to know how many words per minute you can type then take a test with Monkeytype and narrow down how many words per minute you can type.
In today's world, if you master typing you can get alot accomplished, so my advise to you is practice as much as you can so that you can type faster and be productive.


Lawyers Moving to SharePoint

It sounds crazy but a lot of lawyers are moving their files to SharePoint and let's just say it makes it very easy to access their files. And if you think about it with the absense of RDP and VPN accessing the files on SharePoint makes sense. 

Now just because lawyers are using SharePoint doesn't mean your organization cannot do the same. As time goes on having your files easily available can make a difference and cut down on unwanted costs.


NYC Congestion Pricing Simulation

Someone recently ran a New York City congestion pricing simulator and this is what they discovered in one weekday morning. If the pricing was in effect with just 22,252 cars this is what the city could net in just one hour. Let's just say almost a quarter of a million dollars is a lot of serious cash to consider.
Although the toll has been disabled for the moment, it's only a matter of time before it goes live and trafficers find an alternative way not to get charged.

Regardless this extra income would definitely be a game changer for the city and it's traffic problems.


iOS Privacy Settings

Concerned about your iOS privacy settings, then you should turn these feature off so that your phone settings are secure wherever you go.

Apple has a tendency to leave features on, for easy tracking and at times your privacy is at risk. So follow these few tricks to take back control. 


Microsoft AI voice

It looks like Microsoft recent came up with a new AI voice synthesizer that it's so realistic to human voices that is to dangerous to release.

Now I can imagine if something like this was release the security complications that it could create world wide would be devastating. 

The project is called VALL-E and it's only for research only but I believe it will be the path to open doors to other projects that can be used in the future. 


EV charging Discounts

Want a better way to enjoy charging discounts when you own an EV. Checkout this article from this Austrialian who hunts for discounts and  you should too, so that you get the value for every dollar.


Starbucks Effect

Here is a crazy study on how opening a Starbucks helps to change the community around them. And what's insane about this study is that it helps to improve all the businesses around them.

So if your neighborhood is in crisis you should reachout to Starbucks.


The Deep Freeze

 Imagine freezing all of your assets and investment for future revival. Believe it or not this idea of cryopreservation is for the eccentric or what some call the crackpot is a reality to some.

With a foundation of the world largest cryonics facility the numbers of people planning for preservation continues on growing. What you cannot be done now in 200 years things might be different and can be better off than now.

It's estate set up is quite twisted with the beneficiary being the person that is revived. 

We'll if this indeed is something that you might want to consider feel free to read more with the link below.




Looking for a better way to read books, then take a look at this site that summarizes what you have read. It does a great job to the content it covers so that your depth of knowledge is received. 
If you want to get the understanding without committing long hours of reading this site is a must see. 


AI Faceless Video Generator

Want to create video without facing the camera or buying expensive equipment. Check out this video geneartor to turn your text prompts into videos in minutes.



Want to create an AI chatbox for your website, here is the simplest way to do it with ChatSimple Ai. Not only will it learn from your responses but you can train the AI with your responses.

This site is definitely a game changer to get a virtual assistance to assist you on your website along with additional perks like keep track of your business goals and notifying you of qualify leads.

I must admit the site is pretty impressive and it's worth to take a look at to add and AI assistance to your site. 


Best Cloud Storage

If you are looking for the best cloud storage you might want to check these sites that allow you to save money on the data you are trying to secure.
I would definitely focus on sticking with companies that are the top tier instead of an unknown one's just in case recovery is a major concern.


Velo Luggage

Here is a new type of luggage that is easily expandable and might be the change that everyone has been waiting for when it comes to travel. Why buy multiple luggage when one can do it's all.

Check it out and it might just change your mind about your luggage. 


Pawns app

Here is another way to make passive income sharing your internet using Pawns App. The application works with several different OS and it's ideal if you plan on wanting to share you internet.

It's a nice way to make money while just doing nothing. 


80/20 AI

Get the latest AI news, tools, tips and developmenets so that you know what's constantly going on with AI. Artificial Intelegence is here to stay and we need to better educate ourself so that we can embrace it with our daily lives.



AirPods Upgrade

Apple AirPods are getting an upgrade in which it will be able to detect the environmental image changes to enable new spatial audio experiences. It's still uncertain if it will just be the AirPods or Vision Pro but there is a good chance that one way or another the upgrade is going to happen.

Stay tune to see if this becomes a reality. 


Microsoft AI

The new feature in Microsoft is recording everything and in time it's definitely going to be a security threat if hackers eventually get access to this feature.

I can definitely see this as a big threat to users once hackers are able to review a users daily habits.



Here is a webtool that everyone is going to enjoy, try websim.ai and it willl create for you a desired AI website with menu and pictures.

It's another exciting AI program that is easy to use and will get your site up and running in no time. 


Vision Pro 2.0

The new beta software of version 2 is out for Vision Pro and I must admit it's getting very nice and cleaner on how to use the application. My only problem is that I keep on hearing the constant compliants on how heavy the device is and I hope Apple will soon introduce a lighter version for users in the near future.


Linearity Curve

This software can give you free design tools for drawing and animation similar to Adobe's capabilities. If you are looking to cut down on subscription cost it's definitely worth to consider. 

I would just give it a ride of free tier and see what you can do for free. 


Kaspersky Resellers

Some software resellers are upset with the government ban on Kaspersky products and they are just creating a mess on how the reseller is suppose to conduct their business.

Now that the government has banned the product it's just makes it complicated for business to convert to their competitors. It's just one mess after another and time will tell on how everything will eventually play out.



AirPod Hack

This AirPod hack can easy have a hacker hijack the music that you are listening to by simply taking advantage on the software vulnerability.

The hack is pretty simple to do and I must admit can easy interrupt a users joyful music moment.

Unfortunately there is no way to force the update and hopefully Apple will resolve this in future upgrades.



Summer Travel AI

Trying to plan a summer vacation why not try these cool power AI applications to plan your vacation. It will not only simplify your search but give you options on what you can do during the time.

It a great way to get the best out of your time when you are relaxing. 


Copilot on Telegram

If you are using Telegram note that now you can use Microsoft copilot on it by asking questions and getting some cool responses.

Microsoft copilot is definitely trying to piece everyone and everything together. 


Telegram red flag

Telegram founder just put a red flag on it's company and instead of bragging they should be now concern on future threats.

I guess as time goes on someone is going to prove them wrong when it comes to having all the right cyber security tools in place.


Phone Radiation

Although this is a topic out of my scope it's interesting to see which phones cause the most radiation and hopefully we can come within terms that phone radiation should be concerning for some users.

Another great way to reduce the effect would be using wireless devices so if you own any of these phones you can also reduce the intake by using a headset.


Chrome ext Malware

It look like some research was done and they discovered that a large amount of users unintentionly installed malicious extension on their Chrome browser.

Although Chrome does it's best to secure it's browser at times things do slip in but eventually get pulled from the Play Store not staying that long. Most of this is due to lack of maintenance to the app to close vulnerbilities.

Hopefully some time in the near future, there will be an better way to scan for vulnerable extensions, but for now you just need to be cautious. 


Voice Notes

Need a place to store your notes, save your ideas when your on the go, remember a specific event that you want to make note for a later time. This is the simplest way to do this and it works like a charm.

Give it a try and it might just simplify your life.


Free Adobe Alternatives

Here is an excellent site to save you money using Adobe alternative software. It's not every day that someone is going to make life easier for those creative artist that just use the software every now and then. Using these open source software will save you a bundle in the long run. 


Self Driving Car info

It looks like self driving cars are safer than humans except for these scenarios with a survey done from California which is driving during turns and from dusk to dawn.

Hopefully as time passes the program will teach itself to learn to drive better with these two conditions.


Digital Sharing Warning

If you are digital sharing here is a warning for couples and users should be aware before they share their access. This can start all kinds of problems and the proof is in the data. 

So before it gets out of hand make sure you are will to accept the consequences.