
ChatGPT Tax Filing No No

I never even thought about this but with AI hitting all types of markets it's no surprise someone would want to try ChatGPT to do their taxes.

Along with that here are some great examples why not to do that and first most is hackers. It's right now the wild west for AI and ChatGPT is just not ready to safe guard your information.

So before you decide to use ChatGPT for your personal finance, read this. 


Google Pay Sunset

It looks like Google is shutting down Google Pay in June. The application that was replaced by Google Wallet is being cosolidated. It's only a matter of time before Google Wallet becomes the standard for everyone to use. 


X Audio & Calls Rollout

It looks like X aka Twitter will be rollingout audio and video calls for users and it put's them in straight competition with Meta's messenger chat features.

It's going to be interesting getting calls from users using X. 


Solar Eclipse Coming

Next month the solar eclipse is happening on April 8, 2024 and so many user's can watch the breath taking moment others are also recommending purchasing the eclipse glasses. 

Now I would be very cautious during the viewing since it can definitely affect you vision. 


No rice on iPhones

A while back some users mentioned that if your iPhone was to get wet your best bet was to use rice to save the phone. Now they are saying that this might not be a good idea.

I guess Apple's recommendations seems better for now until the myth is put to the test. 


Elon Twitter Input

An analyst is piecing together the real reason's why Elon Must purchased Twitter and if you really narrow it down he could have a point and if this analyst is correct. Then you are definitely going to see xAI explode when it does come out of closed doors. 


BlueSky Feed

Twitter founder has a new site named BlueSky and if you want to tweak the feeder here is some helpful tips on getting hits on your site.

I must admit there is a lot of information to learn from this site to tweak BlueSky. 


Win 11 Update News

It looks like news is getting out that Windows 11 users who upgrade to version 24H2 coming in October will not be happy if they do the upgrade. It's said that it will not boot on old computers.

Let's just say it's just another way for Microsoft to force users to buy a new computer. 


Manage Paid Subscriptions

Have a lot of paid subscriptions and wish it can be managed better. Take a look at these cools sites that keep you informed when prices changes, due dates are coming up, bill negotiation and subscription cancellation. 

In this day an age you have to alway be on top of your bills so that your service is not cancelled and you do not become deliquent. 



CyberTruck Flaw

It looks like Telsa's new Cybertruck has a flaw and it's becoming very popular among most of it's current owners. It looks like the truck outer body is causing stains on the vehicle.

It's definitely not a good sign for the EV car manufacture and if the company does not resolve this quickly I am almost certain that consumers will look elsewhere when it's time to purchasing a new EV.

Let's see how the stains play out as more adopters get a hold of their new delivery vehicles. 



Should I Shutdown

My answer will always be yes, unless you a savvy technician who always feels the need to always be connected and continue where they left off every hour of the day.

So if you are not on the computer on every hour of the day, then I would suggest you just shut it down to save power and prevent mishaps. It's pointless leaving the device on if you tend not to use it daily. 


Norway EV adoption

I believe that we have it all wrong when it comes to EV adoption and Norway is good proof of this. Ever since the early 90's this country has been doing almost everything possible to start EV adoption like offerring no taxes on zero emission vehicles, free parking, use of bus lanes and no tolls. 

Besides users buying more EVs, gas pumps and parking meters are being upgraded by chargers. It's the ultimate auto revolution occurring quickly in this country and if anyone want's to make a difference creating incentives is the key to adoption. 

I strongly believe Norway will achieve it's goal and be a major role model for other countries to follow. 


iOS iMessage Update

It looks like Apple is doing a massive security update to it's messaging software with advanced security. This is definitely going to secure all users messages moving forward and it's going to be harder to decrypt messages if they get into the wrong hands.

I wonder if the federal government is happy about this new update? 

For those that do not know, the feds just a few years ago were pleading with Apple to give them access to their software and Apple refused. 


At&t Outage

At&t recent outage was not a cyberattack but as they say a technical error but an application and execution of an incorrect process.

It was definitely like a scene of a movie when this outage occurred.  



Here is a great site to go to for creating an simple and easy AI text to video's. It's a very powerful site that can do all sorts of things like training, information and presentations.

This site is just the begining to create endless text to video's with the help of AI. 



Canada Bans Flipper

It was only a matter of time before the Flipper would be banned and I can see this powerful tool definitely causing security problems where ever you go, but this is still a remidial device compared to other devices that consumers should be concerned with. 

Instead Canada should enforced their car manufactures to safe guard consumer goods. 


X Fake Online Traffic

Recently X aka Twitter reported that it's users post and video's were rising, and after review from a third party it looks like it was fake. 

Information like this is no surprise from a company that's still sinking and user use is jumping ship. But it's nothing new in the world of Elon Musk.

I would guess now would be a good time to rehire the thousands of employee's that he laid off. 


MS Publisher Support End Date

It looks like Microsoft if pulling the plug for support to Publisher in 2026 and plans on integrating the software to it's other office applications. 

Microsoft is definitley slimlining it's software and in the future you are going to see more of this happening to it's other main products as well. It makes sense, saves space and will be easier to use.


Key on it's Own

Do you have a problem with your computer keyboard typing on it's own. Now if you are constantly seeing this on your computer, it's worth checking out the device and see why is it currently doing this.

Here are a list of things to check to see what can be causing the keyboard to be performing such actions and not if you have a laptop, check to see if you added any new self adhesive items to the webcam that can be enabling the device to type when the device is closed and you are using an external monitor. 


Win 11 24H2 Update

Windows 11 update will be coming soon and here is what users can expect to see after the new update. Let's just say it's a big overhaul on the OS with more AI functions.

The closer we get the more information that will come out, but here is what you already can expect. 


Google Drive Replacement

Here is another story on how users are trying to cut costs by using third party platform to store the content and if you do not mind your stuff being all around the web it's not such a bad idea at all.

I must admit it is a clear way to store your items and cut costs. 



Microsoft was thought by many that it would be released this year a new OS running Windows 12 but this looks like it's not the case and instead they are just going to do a major big overhaul in the Windows 11 24H2 update with more AI functions. 

I guess we are just going to have to wait another year to hear what they will be ready to roll out Windows 12. 



Send Cmd to Text File

If you a running a list of commands in the command prompt and want a record of these files to review later or as a backup then this is what you need to do.

ping google.com > C:\Users\userName\OneDrive\Desktop\CommandOutput.txt


OpenAI Video Generator Sora

It looks like OpenAI has a new video generator named Sora and it's causing a lot of buzz among some reasearchers. Not only does it create complex scenese but it's stands out but realistic.

It's still in testing and and in small numbers but as it becomes more popular it will reach broader public. 


TPM Alternate Fix

TPM errors are now very common for Administrators and if you cannot clear the TPM in the BIOS then here is an alternate way to reset the TPM using the TPM Management Console.

But just note that still doing this does require a bios update and hopefully this will resolve your fix. 


Open InDesign Easily

Recently downloaded an Indesign file to your computer and now have problems opening it up because you lack having the premium software installed on your computer.

There are a few things that you can do to get access to the .INDD files and it's either you find a free INDD viewer online to install on your computer or find a file convertor online to convert the file to another format.


Pc Buying Tips

Ready to purchase a new computer here are some great tips on what you should be looking for when purchasing a new device. 

For some it's could be difficult but you have choices and with those choices that you decide to make it will narrow down the type of computer you should be looking for.  


Vision Pro Returns

After all the hype on Apple Vision Pro, owners are now returning back their devices and waiting for their refunds. It looks like though even some users were impressed with the device, they are not still comfortable wanting to keep them that long to justify their current costs.

It looks like it's going to maybe take several generations of upgrades for the devices to justify their net worth. I guess it's still not a bad outcome for the development of this new technology. 


Foldable Phone Designs

It looks like the foldable phone's are definitely headed for a new rise. It's slowly getting their but in time you will see how creative manufactures will be making everyday devices easy to carry around.

It's definitely going to elove into our lives gradaully as time goes by. 


Bunkers Bonkers

It sounds like a fairy tale but in fears of the apocalypse many one percenters are prepping their bunkers to the extreme preparing for the unknown.
From state of the art operating rooms, big basements, flight simulators, safe rooms, to underground shooting range, massive fireplace and a shark tank. These bunkers have just about everything you can think of with additional added defenses for security.
You may thing that they may be taking this over the limit, but can you blame them with all the current kaos going around in the world.


Vision Pro & Telsa

Stupid warning for new Apple Vision Pro users who own Tesla's are told not to drive wearing their devices when in a Tesla and using Tesla autopilot. It's a liability clause so that both companies do not get sued.

And if you watch the video you understand why they are doing this. 



The Line

This new project in Saudi Arabia is unthinkable and it's going to cost a bundle, but if they are able to succeed, it's going to prove once and for all that the impossible can be possible.

This is a dream come true to create a self made city across the desert. 



Ever since Elon Musk purchased Twitter it's been quite a disaster for the so called X aka Twitter. I doubt the company will ever recover and he will be lucky if he can some capital out of the company before it goes under.

Now Bluesky has a big shot on competing with X and shifting it's users from one platform to another. They just need to show their users that's things are better on their end.

It's going to be interesting to see the final outcome of Bluesky and X. 


Cancel App Subscriptions

If you are trying to cut expenses this year it will be a good time to review your phone application subscription and if you are basically not using it, then it's best for you to cancel them.

This could be an ongoing battle for many people but the reality is if it's not being used then what's the point. 


Copilot on Mac

If you are already enjoying Copilot and want to install it on your Mac this guide will help get close enough to the program so that you can still enjoy the software.

It will be a while before Apple releases their own AI and catchup, so the software still can be of some use.


iCloud for Windows

If you are a Windows user and want access to Apple iCloud this is what you need to do to have all your files sync to iCloud. Unfortunately Windows and Apple and not going to be friendly on doing this but if you follow these simple directions you should be able to sync all you files to iCloud with ease. 


Win 11 Features

Curious on what new features Windows 11 has, well if  you checked features in preview you can try everything first hand before it's released to everyone else. 

Here are some cool new feature in Windows 11. 


Download Photos from iCloud

Tired of using Apple iCloud and want to consolidate all your photo's from iCloud to a new provider. Well these are the steps you need to take to transition from one cloud customer to another.
It's not going to be easy work, but in the long run you will have control of your library at a better cost. 


AnyDesk RDP Hacked

It looks hackers compromised AnyDesk and the company quickly revoked all security certificates. It's still uncertain on how the cyber attack compromised it's production system but in the next coming days hopefully there will be more information coming out. 


Vision Pro Problems

It's no surprise that users are already giving feedback to others on their new Apple headsets but for now the list is still small.

Still like any new product, Apple intends to resolve this with updates but regular use and more consumer feedback will hopefully narrow down the pro's and con's of purchasing a Vision Pro.


Circle to Search

Looking for something online and want hep on searching for that item, then Circle to Search is a great start to narrow down what you are looking for.

Here are some tips to help you succeed finding what you are looking for. 



Chrome AI Features

It looks like Chrome will be soon getting these AI features to organize tabs, create custome themes and help with writing on the web.
It's defintely the begining of more things to come from Chrome and even though they are not major changes it will open to the door to future AI projects in Chrome. 



This site is going to help you with your job search when it's time to find a job. It's automates your job application process using AI and searches all the job platforms to find you a job using Job GPT. 

It's another great way AI is simplifying things for you in the job market when trying to find a job. So if you are out of a job check it out and let AI help you out.

They even guarantee you 30 days money back if they cannot get you an interview. It's definitely a big game changer when your unemployed. 



Are you ready for an implant, the first clinical trials are open to anyone who wishes to control a computer or mobile device anywhere you go.
I must admit that this feels like a science fiction movie, but if all goes well you can be ahead of the pack when it comes to advance technological break through.


End of Workforce Loyalty

Our new technlogical world is changing the workforce rapidly that things that were normal in the workforce years ago are no longer there. Workforce loyalty is a toss up and down depending on who you talk too. 

Companies like Telsa think it's alright to push employee's to the brink of exhaustion only to easily layoff these dedicated workers. Is this right and is this the proper approach. 

This article is a must read on Workforce loyalty and could be the end if companies do not make changes. 


Why is Tesla Autopilot Ruined

Depending you who talk to, Telsa's autopilot had made it hard for drivers not to pay attention at the road at all times. 

I guess with all the current lawsuits, the software being still in some what BETA version because it's not full proof. You cannot blame consumers for feeling that they were mislead. 



Big iOS Update Coming

It looks like Apple plans on pushing more features to iOS 18 and it's going to be a major game changer for iPhones. The new OS has a lot more opportunities for Apple to introduce AI, but I guess will will still have to wait until they are ready to give us more. 


VR Direct

Virtual reality is getting very interesting with these new body tracking devices. Using these devices will definitely enhance your VR world and make things seem more realistic.  

It's definitely worth to check out what's going to be available to everyone soon in the VR world. 



Benz Scource Code Out

It's no surprise for Mercedes-Benz exposing some source code by leaving a private key online with unrestricted access. It's just good practice to have periodic security audits in place to prevent things like this from occurring. 

Hopefully this is a wake up call for the company to advance their security concerns, and that they do not get exposed again.   


NSA buying US Browsing

It looks like the NSA is buying USA citizens browsing records and sources say that it's legal unless the courts say otherwise.
It's pretty scary to think that someone is reviewing what you are searching online for. But it's not an odd request from the agency with an election year coming up.


Find Hidden Cameras

The next time you are in a hotel or a rented house you should scan around for hidden cameras. This is becoming a known practice for many and here are some ways that you can easily find these devices.

In a world where privacy is concerning, I would take precautions just in case.


Chrome 3 AI

Chrome is catching up with there competitors by adding AI to it's browsers. It's a smart move to keep stay on top on how AI is assisting users when surfing. 

Let's see how it's going to compete with Microsoft. 



Buying Used EVs

The EV market is currently exploding and car buyers may think that buying a used EV will be worth it the same way you buy a used car. 
Now you need to stop and read this article and understand why that no longer applies to EVs and the big risks you take getting a used EV.

I guess for now until things change it's best to purchase directly a new EV until their circumstances change.


Mesh for Teams

Microsoft recently launched Mesh for Teams and it's worth checking out and taking a look at the meta world to see how users can collaborate with others. 

It's a virtual reality meeting using avatars where everyone meets in one place. It's definitely worth checking out and giving it a try to easily stay connected with everyone in the workplace. 


Rabbit R1

Here is a new device using AI that watches what you do on your phone and replicates it whenever you ask. Let's just say it's like having a virtual assistant to do your phone tasks app-free. Hopefully to get you to use your phone less and still keep you connected by consolidating everything. 

It's another milestone step to hopefully change the way we now communicate daily. It's going to be interesting to see what other companies will do next. 


O365 New Menu

It looks like this coming March new features will be coming out for Outlook for Windows and the new UI is supposed to make Outlook more faster. 

I would not be surprised if it's even delayed further as consumers adapt to the new layouts.


Apple Watch Portable Charger

If you have an Apple Watch you might want to consider getting this keychain charger for your watch. It's a perfect addition to add to your keychain in case you forget to charge your watch.

If it fits right, then why not get one. 


Telsa bitter cold

It looks like some Tesla owner's had to be towed during a recent cold spell in the Windy city and some user's even experienced slow charging times at charging stations. 

It's too bad that these users did not read their owners manual to keep the charge over 20 percent during the bitter cold. But if you are from the Windy city, then this is expected. 


Tesla Battery Lifespan

Telsa owners should be aware of Telsa battery lifespan and let's just say not paying attention to this on a regular basis will cost you dearly if you do plan to keep the car for a long haul.
In most cases it's covered under their warranty but not all batteries are the same and you need to take steps to get the most out of it. 


Google new Cookie Killer

Google's new cookie killer is bringing in less money but in the long run it's going to eventually revolutionize the ad industry and increase consumer privacy. 

But this is just the begining and as time passess the numbers will be clearer to see how it's going to affect everyone benefiting from cookies. 


Google backs Right to Repair

The long battle to right to repair is being backed up by Google to have consumers fix their own broken devices and it's a positive move for this giant company.

Hopefully this move will encourage more manufactures to let consumers do what they wish and focus on other areas where they can easily make money. 



Fix a bad Wireless Internet

Having a bad wireless internet is not always that easy to fix. At times you can follow these basic tips using the link below to resolve your problem and most of the time it can be fixed. 
For those rare instances where the problem continues, then professional help is needed to see if it can be fixed. 


Pc Building Mistakes

If you are a gamer and you love building computers make sure you remember these building mistakes so that it does not happen to you. 
Building the right gaming rig takes time and you should not quickly rush into it. Doing so is going to cost you dearly in the long run. 


iPad Tips and Tricks

If you are currently using an iPad here are some great tips and tricks you should be aware of. These
portable devices cannot be ignored and are still being used by consumers daily because of the user-friendly features they maintain. 


iOS Ski App

If you are an iOS user and love hitting the slopes you might want to know that soon you will be able to get live lift and trail status from various resorts when using the application.

Apple is now keeping the ski slopes live feeds active for those slope lovers. 


Edge Statistics

It looks like last year's holiday shopper's Edge usage showed some good results when it comes to phishing attacks. The browser was able to block over 100 million phishing attacks and it's just showing how proactive the company is getting when securing online security.

All we can hope is that companies continue being proactive with consumer security. 


Microsoft twarts Malware

It looks like Microsoft is taking stronger action against malware attacks that it's disabling the MSIX protocol which has been an ongoing vulnerability in cyber attacks.

Let's hope that the new year puts a stop to these ongoing cyber-attacks. 



Report a Spammer

Great information from Bob on how to report a spammer, now it's not that simple to do but if you read the article and follow the link it will give you guidance on what to do next.

I hope someone can make life easier and put an end to these annoying emails. 


Amazon Prime Ads

If you have a Prime subscription please note that next year if do not plan on paying the additional surcharge for video you can see more ads added to your viewing. 

It's still unclear how consumers will react to this new change and how Prime will try to compete alongside Netflix but let's stay tuned to see how it all plays out. 


Win 11 Faster Recovery

The new Windows 11 software will soon have a new option to recover or reinstall the OS when things go wrong.
It's destined to come out in the upcoming updates and hopefully, it will resolve hiccups in the system. 


Malicious Chrome VPN

It looks like this malicious VPN extension from the Chrome web store infected over a million users before it was removed by Google.

This is why Chrome keeps on being proactive to make its browser safer and it will not be the last but as time goes on, malicious software as we know it will in time be hard to install on Chrome users. 


MS Legacy Chat Update

If you are using an old version of Teams take note that Microsoft will soon end support for the old application. Users will be forced to upgrade because of the new infrastructure. 

I guess this is Microsoft's way of saying out with the old and in with the new. 


Chrome ends tracking

It looks like Chrome is now preparing its browser to start ending cookie tracking next year and it will be interesting to see what advertisers do in response to disabling this feature.

Let's just say it's the beginning of tracking protection for consumers. 


Espresso Display

Here is the thinnest portable monitor that you can easily take it anywhere with you and easily set it up. The display is so thin and portable that you will just be surprised at how great it displays. 

Although quite pricey it's definitely going to supercharge your applications. 


Win 11 Hack to Restart

If you have Windows 11 installed and want to restart your computer using the keyboard just do a FN+ALT+F4 and this should give the command to Windows to restart the computer.


MS Copilot Music Making

Looks like Microsoft Copilot can now create music, it's still not there but as time goes on it will definitely make music magical. Imagine you have copilot create a song and now you can easily share it with others. 



ChatGPT & Bard bad at Math

It's kind of funny to think how this state-of-the-art technology using AI is still bad at math. The only thing that I could think of is that the AI technology is mistaking these items for something else. 

Once programmers figure this out hopefully the math calculations will get better. I think it's time we teach them a thing or two about math. 


Google Password Manager

If you have not noticed Google for a while was saving some of your passwords and if you are concerned about what passwords are being saved, then from time to time you should review the passwords and confirm if you still want Google to continue saving them. 



Win 11 Shortcuts

Windows 11 is getting acceptance by many companies and users should start getting ready for the new shortcuts that the new OS has built in.

It's time again to learn the life saving keys that hopefully will make things easier to do. 


Chrome Tweak

Tired of always having to open files you downloaded in Chrome, this little tweak can automatically be set up to open your files automatically every time you finish downloading.
Although it is a handy feature, you should always be careful about what files you download when using your browsers. As Chrome continues securing itself, hopefully, this will be a thing of the past. 


Cybertruck Info

If you are deciding on purchasing a Cybertruck buyers should be aware of the actual cost of the truck. From what the listed price is shown it looks like the final receipt is coming down to paying more than some users anticipated and then there are accessories. 

You also have to take into account the long waiting period which now is 18 months and it's going to be longer depending on the list of orders that are placed.

So you might rethink 18 months from now if you really want to be driving. 


Lenovo AI ThinkPad

This is definitely going to be a game changer for laptop users once AI is incorporated into the device. 
It's going to change the things we already are used to and it might just revolutionize laptops as we currently know it. 

I am just going to sit by the sideline now and watch to see what happens next. 


Dropbox Shares Files

If you have Dropbox you might want to review your files and opt out to have your personal files shared with OpenAI servers.

Still, this is a major concern for users especially since they did not opt in for these features.


Art Investing

Here is a pretty ordinary way to invest in art, they select the artist and purchase the art and then you just invest in the masterpiece, get proceeds for 3 to 10 years and you can sell your shares before they sell the art. 
Unsure of what's going to happen to those users who are unable to sell their shares before the sale but it hopefully makes you passive income. 


Telsa Repair Problem

If you are thinking of buying a Tesla I would think again until they resolve this ongoing suspension and steering problem. The company has long been aware of this and they still feel like it's not their responsibility to make this right with consumers. 

It's kind of ridiculous and they should be ashamed, this can be a costly repair for many consumers and the manufacturer should take full responsibility. I am hoping more consumers fight back. 


Elon Gamble

For a few years, Elon Musk has been on a hot streak and now it looks like the tides are changing and his luck may be just running out.
Now it will be interesting to see what the future holds for most of his companies and if the cash still keeps coming in. Because all that we are seeing lately is a lot of cash just burning up.

Stay tuned and do not be surprised when reality hits Telsa. 


Google Location Data

Users may want to think again when it comes to Google privacy concerns. Let's just say that law enforcement can now use this information against you when it comes to prosecution. 

I might re-think the opt-in option feature moving forward. 



MS Team Changes

It looks like Microsoft is replacing file apps in Teams without having users make much effort by linking it with the OneDrive app. The new management is going to make it easy to save and get access to these files going forward. I just want to see how all this is going to connect in the future along with their AI features. 


E3 Expo is Over

It looks like increased competition and withdrawal from large publishing partners have put an end to the Expo and all we can hope is that somehow in the future this can be integrated once again. 


iOS 17.2 Update Info

Apple users who love journals will be excited with this new update, not only does it come with improvements but a new Journal application.

If you love to capture live moments and preserve memories then this is definitely going to be a plus for you. Check out the link below on what you can do with the new application.



Costco Selling Starlink

It looks like Costco is quietly selling Starlink to users and we are hoping that in the future cardholders will get a better discount during signup. Right now the cost seems to be similar to when purchasing directly from the company. And I believe as time goes on hopefully other services will be available at better prices. 


iOS Stolen Device Protect

Apple is now moving forward with its device protection software to deter iPhone-increasing thefts. It's going to definitely be a game changer for thieves moving forward as long as the user features are enabled. 

Now hopefully it will give thieves a second thought about wanting to steal these pricey devices. 


Largest BTC Holders

If you are wondering who is the largest Bitcoin holder, think again but I find it interesting how we have so many regulations for Bitcoin in the US, and still, the US Government is piling up on this so-called useless token.


Seminole Tribe Betting App

Florida is quietly but surely exploding with mobile betting and it will be very interesting to see how far they are willing to go.

It some how looks like the begining of a mini Las Vegas south of the border. 


Meta Stops Cross Messaging

I guess is was always too good to be true and without any reason. But I can figure that they are not happy with user attendance now that you can contact users with both platforms.


Ancestry Data Hack

It looks like Ancestry data was hacked and now a list of user profiles are out there and you can bet on it that it's going to be used against them when it comes to identity theft. 


Ring Doorbell Treat

If you have a Ring Doorbell you can now add some cheer to your guests when they use the device. It's a pretty neat feature and not all models are supported but it will add something different for the holidays. 

How to set up Quick Replies
In the Ring app:
  1. Tap the menu (≡) on the top left of the Dashboard.
Tap Devices.
  • Select the doorbell you want to set up.
  1. Tap the Smart Responses tile below the doorbell image.
Tap Quick Replies.
  • Toggle on Quick Replies switch to blue.
  1. Set Response Time for right away or between 2-20 seconds.
Choose Quick Reply Message.
Scroll down the list and select a year round message or seasonal greeting.
  • You’ll hear a recording of the message.
  • Tap Save in the top right corner.


OKTA Breach Update

It's worse than we thought it was and even though it affected only 134 customers it was able to get some users names and email addressess. So there are definite going to be targets of phishing campaigns. 
Hopefully these organizations have MFA set up to help protect their customers. 


Flight Delay

Interesting site to check out to see when you fly the next time as a passenger what you are entitled to if your baggage is lost or your flight is delayed.

These are the things that the airlines refuse to answer, but you as a consumer are entitled to. 


Reset Win 11 Network

If you are curious about how to reset your Windows 11 network settings, then these instructions will help you get reconnected again. At times restarting the computer usually gets it done, but if you want to avoid the restart, then doing this works as well.