
Searching Online

Google is not the only way to search online here are other methods to search on the world wide web without Google.


Gmail Tips

Here are some great Gmail tips to get the email platform working the way you want it to work. There is even an option to copy Gmail menu window to look like Outlook, give it a try.



30 Valuable Lessons

Here are some great life lessons from people over forty. I was always told that the meaning of life was always around the corner and here are some great lessons to learn.



Automaker Monitoring

It looks like automotive companies are now interested in tracking your everyday movements while driving. This new information is a valuable resource to third party vendors and will definitely bring extra income. Get ready for some more privacy concerns.



Control iPhone with Voice

Want to control your iPhone with voice, here is how you do it using voice control. Now note that this is not for everyone, so make sure it works for you and works with your lifestyle before you start using it.



Fake Number

It's not how it sounds like, but if you are concern with the privacy it's a great option to use. Think of it as having a number to use for a short period of time and disposing of the number when you no longer need it. It's a great way to stop telemarketers from getting your real number on file for spamming.



News Content Changes

It looks like Facebook last year got in trouble for getting news media content from Australian media and now they have to pay royalties. News content has always been a plus for FB popularity and now they have to pay for it. It will be interesting to see what follows next for other medias sites and if this is going to be the beginning of my media content lawsuits with FB.



Consolidating Technology

Interesting article on the advantages of consolidating technology. We are in a world today that we need to save time and money and consolidating most of your tasks together in one platform is difficult to do.
Start thinking out of the box and try to get most of your technology together so that you can be more productive.



Price Tracking Tools

If you like to always buy items with the best deals around. Here are some great price tracking tools to keep an eye on items you want to purchase it at a great price.




Want to create a group card online to share with everyone to show your appreciation or farewell to a valuable person. Here is a great site to do this and it's free.

Now there is always a great way to share your messages with everyone online.



Weather on Google Maps

If you have Google Maps you probably already know that it has live weather. Now in it's not the best live weather application out there and it's not going to replace your current weather app but it's a good way to study the weather patterns and how things flow in a specific area.
It's a great tool that can be used for other areas and give you a better understanding of how things occur. If you got free time, this is a great time to see the animation in action.




Here is a water-saving device for your yard to make it look great and keep an eye on things while your busy doing other things around the house.

The device monitors the weather and tells you when your lawn needs attention. If it rained, it changes the schedule on watering the lawn to save you money on your water bill.

If the grass needs water, it alerts you that your grass needs attention.

It's a sweet device that will pay off for itself for a reasonable price.



Firefox Tips

Firefox keeps are getting better and better as time passes on, Here are some great tips and tricks to get Firefox working for so that things can work easily.



Excel Basics

Here is some great resource to learn Excel. If you are still not familiar with Excel, this is a great valuable resource of information to keep on file.



Marty to the Rescue

These hazard robots are showing up in every store and future is changing right in front of our eyes. It's only a matter of time before your local supermarket will be entirely robotic.



Online File Converter

Hate that every time you convert something you need to install the software on your computer. Here is a new way to convert various things online and it just keeps on going on the different things that you can do. Converter 365 is your solution to convert almost everything.



Shortcuts on Domain with GPO

Here is a great way to create shortcuts on all domain users using GPO. It will not only save you time but enable user's to have access to their computers.
GPO makes life simple to do, as long as you know how to use it.



Amazon Movie Count

It looks like Netflix is not living up to everyone's potential. If you compare it to Amazon their available movies are nowhere close to what Amazon offers.
Do the math and see if the difference, it alarming and they should be doing better for the service that they are providing.



FB Screen Share

It looks like FB recently added screen share to its instant messenger application and now the users can share their screen across one or more users via messenger.
It's a great idea and it will help users to help each other along with sharing content among the group.



Health Advice Alert

It looks like from a recent study Millennials and Gen Z turn to social media first for health advice and what's twisted about this is that there is no telling how valid is the information that they are getting. So it's like



WiFi Hack

It looks like criminals are now able to hack into your WiFi security camera and monitor if you are home or not. This not only opens doors for more crimes to occur, but it gives them the blueprint to tap into your life and watch your activities.



Keyboard Symbols

Here is an easy way to send certain symbols to users that are not on the keyboard. This site makes it easy to copy and paste the keys so that you can include these special characters in your emails. Now personalizing your emails can happen with just a click of the mouse.

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Microsoft Teams

Here is some great information regarding Microsoft Teams, if your company is still not considering it. It's a valuable piece of tool that if used properly can make your company very productive. Here are the facts of the recent study that was made.



Gmail Tips

If you are sending a lot of emails through Gmail and tired of writing here are some great time-saving tips for you to get your messages out quickly.



TikTok Caught Spying

It's not good news for the successful social media application caught spying on other applications and the clock could be ticking before it's banned.
But here is a sample of what it's doing and how it works.



Cable Comb

This device is a lifesaver when organizing cables, I have seen so many companies fail this part because of their poor job costing skills and unqualified technicians. No matter what the excuses are there is no reason not to have good organized cable management system in place.



Azure Security

It looks like Microsoft is expanding its threat protection to secure malware being uploaded to the cloud. This is one of many more new security enhancement to remove malicious activities from the cloud. You can soon be seeing more of this adaption from other cloud providers in the future.



AI Investment

It looks like many businesses are spending millions to adapt to AI solutions and if they play their cards right it's going to remove a lot of simple operations. Get ready for the new industrial revolution.



WhatsApp Payments

Interested in WhatsApp payments then you should read this to see how it works. The fees are pricey and I still do not feel secure about the application security. But I must admit that it is a great way to send people money via chat.



Social Security Tasks

Social Security for the most part has gone digital and if you needed to get certain things done here is what can be done online. It's nice to know that you no longer need to go to the office to get these simple tasks completed.



Bookmark Managers

Looking for the right bookmark manager depends on how organized you like to be and what programs get's the most out of what you looking for in a bookmark. If you are still unsure on which is the best bookmark manager, then here is a list of all bookmark manager with a description so that you can decide if it works for you or not.



Sign a PDF

How to sign a document in Adobe PDF reader is very simple. Adobe has made it easy for everyone to sign a document and here is how to do it.
Now signing the important documents will just take minutes to do, without going through the manual way of signing documents.



75k Robot Dog

We have come a long way and it looks like the robot dog has grown up and it has more to go but the technology is there and it's only a matter of time before it gets better.



iPhone Digital Key

Apple is getting advanced with its digital key, if your battery dies on your iPhone you still have 5 hours to unlock your car. So the future for digital keys looks very bright on these portable products.



Free Calls & Texts

With IP phone calls going down in price it's no wonder why some companies are offering free unlimited calls and texts. It's only a matter of time before this goes becomes permanent and carriers look for another way to make money.
If you have not started yet, then maybe it's time you start.



Paypal on Amazon

It looks like using Paypal is possible on Amazon, but the trick is to use the PayPal credit card. Now if you are able to get this far then the rest should be simple and PayPal will just charge the account every time you make an Amazon purchase.



Netflix Hack

Tired of seeing that option in Netflix that said's continue watching, then here is what you need to do to remove it from the Netflix platform.
If you do things correctly the continued watching option will be gone for good.



Amazon Orders

If you ever wondered what to do with missing Amazon orders here is some great information on what to do when your order does not arrive. The majority of the times, your post office will have the orders but if not this is a great start.



Chrome Password Manager

Here is a great way to use a password manager in Chrome and all you need to know so that you can use it wisely. Chrome Password Manager stores a combination of passwords to keep in their database if use it effectively it can secure your passwords and save you time.
Here are some more tips on how to set up Chrome to be your password vault.



Typing Games

Here are a few typing games for kids to learn how to type faster. It today's high demanding world a person can go further career-wise if they can type faster than their competitors, so having your kids learn early will make them a master in typing by the time they are ready for the job world. 



What is Creative Cloud

It looks like most people are confused with Adobe Creative Cloud and here is some info to help clarify what it is.
Adobe Creative Cloud is packed with features, font packs, online storage, and backup. The software is expensive but some of these applications can be critical for your work. Now there are Adobe alternatives but Adobe still stands strong in leading the way.
So if you can settle for a free alternative then do so, otherwise, you are going to have to pay a premium price to use Adobe.



Speed up Chrome

Here are some great ways to speed up your Chrome browser. This will not only ensure that your browser runs flawlessly but keeps Chrome from stop hogging up your computer memory.



Is AliExpress Safe

Here is some information for all those users who want to buy from AliExpress, which is the Amazon of China. Now the prices are so amazing because you are buying directly from the manufacture and the storefront of a store like Amazon. The only bad thing about it is the waiting period. So if you have time on your hand, then this is the place to shop for a great discounted price.



iOS 14 Feature

It looks like iOS 14 is changing for the better and if you have not noticed these features yet, then take a look at them. You might just want to use them.



Share Content

Very interesting article on why someone chooses not to share your content. It narrows down that social media reality on how things happen and why some people just do not bother to share the content. It just maybe your entire set up and you might have to go back to the drawing board to make things easily accessible.



Investing via AI

It looks like Investment companies are now moving into AI investing and it's a pretty smart move since brokers, as we know it, are now disappearing in large numbers. This is going to be an interesting way to invest in seeing what type of trends AI comes up with.

Sign up with Forbes it's free for now, while it lasts.

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Apple CarKey

It looks like BMW will support its first CarKey app using Apple iOS and if all goes successfully this will open doors for other car manufactures to do the same.
The future is becoming a reality for consumers.



Heated Seats as a Service

It looks like the car industry could change all together if they make this option available. Not only will you have to cough up the price to buy the car, but also it's subscription service similar to what computers do nowadays.



University Ransomware Attack

It looks like the University of California was under an extortion scheme and even though it did not target the institution, attackers were able to get some data as proof and cost them a pretty penny.
It just shows you how still vulnerable some universities are.



Personal Car info

You will be amazed at how many people sell their cars and do not remove personal information from their vehicles. No wonder identity theft keeps on skyrocketing year, after year. 


Zoom Meeting with Google Script

Here is how to simply create Zoom meetings with Google script. This is a great way to connect your user's using Google App script. It's great for internal use.



Format Xbox Drives

Here is some great information for those gamers who want to upgrade their Xbox drives. The instructions look simple to do as long as you have the console serial number. So before you go out and get a bigger flash drive for storage, weigh out the cost of upgrading the hard drive.



Google Auto delete data

It looks like Google will now auto-delete your data by default. There is no need to worry about your location history on Google, but here is the catch. If you are a current Google user then you have to set this up otherwise, it''s going to leave everything as is.



Amazon Counterfeit Unit

It looks like Amazon is taking steps to stop counterfeit products by forming secret police to keep their store crime-free. It's a great move so that customer complaints stay down and they can keep on selling good products in their market place.



FB Old News

It looks like Facebook is now trying to warn users of fake news. So before a user gets to post current information on FB, it gives them the option to post it or go back.
We'll at least now hopefully we will be able to get rid of a lot of outdated news.



Zoox Future

It looks like Amazon's new company it's going to open doors on making the company very efficient. If they can automate the delivery trucks to bring deliveries to their main hub, it might just change how quickly everyone will be able to get their merchandise.



YouTube Beta

It looks like YouTube is trying to do a similar TikTok content display and this could be the first of many more companies to come to challenge TikTok's success. Stay tuned to see what happens next.



Google Streets Timeline

If you are curious about what things looked like years ago in Google streets here is a great way to go back in time. It's amazing on how just a few clicks you can go back in time with Google Streets.



Bookmark Cleanup

Here is a handy Chrome extension for bookmarks that organizes and consolidates all your bookmarks together. So there is no excuse for not being organized.



Team vs Slack

It looks like Microsoft Teams and Slack are staying competitive when it comes to staying connected and only time will tell on which one will dominate.



Unlock PDF

Need to unlock a PDF sheet so that you can edit the document, here is a great way to do it using this online site called SodaPDF.



FB Face Recognition

FB is testing its face recognition software on its Messenger application and hopefully, soon you will be able to use biometrics to secure your messages.



Apple Installments

It looks like Apple will opening it's doors on its credit card to offer installments. It's a great move to expand their products and make them affordable to everyone.




This company is a lifesaver when it comes to posting content to social media sites. Most companies don't last that long and retire indefinitely. At least this one is giving users options for their posts.



Chrome Block

Chrome has lately been optimizing itself for securer browsing and with this, it reinforces its security by blocking unsecured locations. This is just the beginning but you should be prepared to see more of this going on in the future updates. 


NY Contact Subway

It looks like the New York City subway payments are scheduled to go contactless soon and it's going to definitely change payments for transportation moving forward. It's the next generation of cashless systems. 


FB Managed Activities

It looks like Facebook Managed Activity tools now help you clean up your social media history. Now there is no need to have stupid or embarrassing things left behind over the years for someone to comment on. It's a great tool for cleaning up your timeline. 


RAM Pricing

It looks like Apple has doubled it's RAM upgrades on the base MacBook Pro and I hope this pricing will get reasonable by the time you read this. It's insane to think something that costs $100- now is going to cost you double. It just makes you want to rethink the cost of upgrading. 


Tweet Sceduling to Twitter

It looks like Tweet scheduling is coming to Twitter and it's definitely long overdue. Now you can have tweets created at specific times so that your followers can be entertained. It's a great utility to keep everyone updated and connected daily. 


5G Psychology

It looks like a lot of people are complaining that the new 5G technology is making them sick. Before you agree when them, then it's worth figuring out the causes of these unknown problems. 


Apple Pay Services

There have been businesses that still lack contactless payments, with the new COVID 19 things are changing drastically and for the better. Let's see how far these companies are going to go so that this becomes a reality. Because the world around us is changing and now it's about time that we too adapt to the new technology. 



Here is a great way to share screenshots and videos in Windows. It's a simple software with nice great features and if you are tired of Windows defaults screenshots, this software is worth taking a look at.


Brave Together Video

It looks like this new browser it's going a step further with privacy by offering video chat. It's something definitely new and taking things out of the box. The future looks very bright for this browser. 



Here is a great open-source tool for disabling Windows 10 updates. Some companies may want to disable updates so that they can get there in house software up to date on patched in time. It's a great tool deferring updates until you are able to patch your system. 


Delivery Apps

In a time of uncertainty, you will imagine that every company will be making money now. But it looks like these food delivery companies are not making any money at all and they are just swallowed up by the competition to be the next favorite food company on the block. 

As for their future, it's still uncertain and all we can do for now is wait and see what happens next. 


AI Anti-Shopping

A few months ago I advised users that many supermarkets were installing this anti-shopping AI software to capture individuals who do not scan items on fast checkout. Now the software was doing what's it's supposed to do, but many store employees are saying otherwise. It looks like the software has its many flaws and it will be sometime before all of these fixes will be patched.


iPhone 13 Concept

It looks like Apple is definitely thinking out of the box on creating a new iPhone. The design is not new but an option that Apple can look into in the near future. I guess Apple is quietly trying to adapt to Android's design with its technology so that it can simply attract Android customers to switch. 


Dropbox Password

It looks like Dropbox is getting into the security business as well by wanting to secure your private passwords. It's a new trend for the company to be more than just cloud file storage. 


Stream Remotely

If streaming remote music to your friends is of some interest to you, here is a new option to send music remotely using auxparty. This new service lets you become a DJ and share your favorite music with your friends. It's worth checking it out. 


Apple Password Mgr

Apple looks like it is following other companies to keep passwords secure by offering an open-source password manager. It's a great move and it definitely moves Apple into the security business.  


FB Photo xfer Tool

This interesting photo transfer tool from Facebook has made is so simple to use that you can easily backup your information so that your photos and videos can be stored wisely.
I would advise the user's to do this from time to time so that they get to keep their memories alive and in their possession for years to come. 


Bosch Emergency Service

Bosch just recently created an emergency system for the motorcyclist and it hopes to save the lives of two-wheelers. It's a great way to get connected in case of an emergency. 


Andriod Bedtime

Android has a new bedtime update is suppose to improve sleeping. This is a new generation of Android software adapting to the Covid19 recent outbreak. You should more improvements as time goes by. 


DLink Temp System

It looks like a bunch of new body temperature cameras are quickly heading out to the market to compete with other vendors trying to make the workforce safe again.
It's all powered by AI and I must admit it is very impressive to see the device at work. Get ready for the next generation of body scan temperature reading cameras. 



Here is another mobile connecting site similar to Popl and I must say that the companies keep on growing day by day. It's a new way to get everyone connected.
Now if Popl does have a patent-pending this company could be out of business soon, so buyer beware.


Two Bird

This new email program adds built-in notes, reminders, to-do lists, tables, and much more. If you are looking to organize your daily routines, this software is worth taking a look into because it's cross-platform.


Equifax Outcome

Everyone remembers a few years ago the Equifax breach and how they promised to do us right by compensating consumers. Well, now it looks like the money has run out and the only one who is getting paid is the banks. I guess they're just too big to be disciplined and in the end, we pay for their negligence. 


Telemedicine Solution

Medical technology is getting a jump start, not only to save lives and keep up with the high demand of people needing medical attention. Now this new site from doxy is going to change the medical profession to what we once used to be familiar with. It's a faster way of getting medical attention. Get ready to see it soon on your next doctor's visit.



Tired of the blue screen of death, then here are some great tips to help you fix your blue screen problem. Now there are many reasons why this keeps on occurring. Your best bet is to start at the beginning and run some tests until you narrow down the real problem. 


Laptop Battery Testing

Laptops have been gaining ground for the last few years and things are changing quickly. Here are some great diagnostic tools on testing your laptop battery. 


How we Commute

Commuting is a big part of everyone's life and the numbers will keep on going up year after year. If you ever wanted to find out how the majority of the population in the United States commute then here is a start. 


SmartPhone Chart

No matter what users say the Apple iPhone is still a popular phone for many users. Their innovative technology and simple phone features make the phone still unique among its competitors. Apple is leading the way and everyone else is just following the trend. 


Copilot for Apple Card

It looks like this Finance app is adding support for importing the Apple card statement and I must admit it sure looks really good to analyze card statements. I hope I can see this with other credit cards. 


WhatsApp Testing QR Codes

It looks like this cool company is using QR Codes so that it can easily share contacts. It's not the first company doing this and it saves time and makes sense. 


Chrome Privacy

Chrome has recently changed it's privacy and security controls. If you have not noticed yet, then this is what you should be aware of. The browser keeps on getting securer and hopefully online security will be that last thing we have to worry.



Google Photo Controls

The new controls in Google photo's gives you the option to do even more when sharing videos and photos. Now user's who do not have an account can easily view your information. Let's keep it going, because I know that they can still do some more.



Wheelchair Access

If you are looking for wheelchair accessible places, Google Maps is here to help you out. Now making these simple changes in Google can show you the simple access sites for wheelchairs. This is definitely going to help a lot of people get around. 



Office Deprovisioned

If anyone gets this message in Office that your subscription has expired from Microsoft Office 365 here is what you need to know and how you can correct in some cases.



NASA Savings

It looks like the finance moves from NASA's ongoing private has paid off. Now it's up these private firms to commercialize spacecraft and keep the cost down.



Phone Law

It looks like law enforcement is deceiving victims to give them access to their phones without a search warrant. These unlawful acts are controversial and violate defendant privacy.
It's about time that we clear this up so that everyone's rights are protected.
