
Bust S.O. Cheating

Cheaters beware, this so called site is going to put and end to your habits. I am not in anyone side when it comes to cheating for whatever reasons. But I am just stating the facts that this site is in the business for and to alert the public of the information easily being made available online. If your into Tinder, watch and beware.



Next Drive

Taking storage to a new level with Next Drive. This is certainly an advancement for user's who want control of their cloud services. There is so much that one can do with Next Drive that it's still un-thinkable and yet to be determined on the future of the company.
If you love cloud, but hate the fees, this is a sure best way to go.



Antivirus Help

Need help getting antivirus because you feel like your computer is acting up. In the real world you don't need it, because now antivirus is the least of your worries because of the excessive malware on the internet. But if you need something for the time being, feel free to use any of the sites listed on the link below to fix your problem temporary until Windows updates the fix.



Hello to Ryan's Law

Looks like a California law has put an end to your cable company holding you hostage to cancel your service. Now with a single click anyone can easily cancel their service online.
You better believe that Comcast is not happy about this, but puts the power of having cable or internet in the hands of the consumer. Hope to see this law go into affect every where.



Find Anyone's Email

Here is a great start to find anyone's email. It's not rocket scientist works, it just take s little patience and creativity to track down individuals online.
For user's who don't want to be tracked online, lets just say that's going to be difficult since public records already made that decision for you. In the online world your already online and it's just a matter of people putting the puzzles together to reach you.



Ready for the new Refrigerator

Looks like the future is ready for refrigerators. Try camera's on doors and links to Amazon groceries to replenish your grocery list. Buy building smart refrigerators your grocery shopping should be easier to do so that you can make time for better things.



Movie Swap

Netflix better be prepared, this new startup is going to change how we watch movies. Can you imagine how many movies people are now able to watch for free. It makes pretty well sense and we will see what the movie studio's have planned now for this new startup.



Digital Estate

What happens to all of your online accounts when someone passes away. This is something that user's should also add on to their wills or beneficiaries so that loved one's can be complete. This is not always true for everyone, but at least their will be closure for some families.
No one knows if the data will out our lives, but some companies are now offering solutions for user's. Hoping that your loved one's have already decided what will happen when their time is up.



Install without CD/DvD and USB

Need to install the OS on a computer, here is a new way to do so without a CD/DVD or USB device. The way to do this is to create a partition on the computer and boot from that option using the OS iso. Now installing OS can be a thing of the past.



Easy Home Security Options

Want a do it yourself project when it comes to home security. These handy companies are making it simple and easier to install home security devices so that you can secure you home in all modern ways. It's a new world and we are taking it to the technological error.



Hard Drive Info

Want to know the facts of computer hard drives, here it goes and you will be surprised what you'll already didn't know to date.



2016 Top Routers

Here are so far 2016 top router's in the market. That doesn't mean after this post, they will not make something better. But if your in the market for a faster better router, you might want to look at these first before you buy.



IRS Scams

Usually called the IRS Dirty Dozen scams. It's most likely that you will be flagged an audit if you attempt to try these scams and attempt to fool IRS. In my years of practice, this is a bad option and I would stay clear of being dishonest. In the long run it's better to sleep good at night that constantly worry when your turn is coming up.



Raspberry Pi Add-ons

Great things are happening to Rapberry Pi and it starts with other manufactures making products to work well with this new item. There's no telling what's next for the hot affordable item.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3


Eating Right

In the past for years you might have seen several thousand of these companies pop up and still remain on top of their gain or just stay small and local. Here is a company doing change for people who just want to eat right. It's a ongoing world problem and it's a pro-active stance on how healthy someone wants to maintain. Check it out, it's not for everyone, but eating right will definitely change your life patterns.



The New Plastic

This card could possible change how many cards we carry in out pocket daily and you can even choose which card you want to charge with. It's revolutionize, but still fairly new and with all these identity thefts, just don't know if this device will make a difference. Sometimes things are better just left alone.



Get Win 10 not Installing

I have noticed this occurring for a lot of user's who were offered the Windows 10 upgrade, but Windows won't install. Now it could be a hardware or software issue. So before you try this tweak check your computer manufacture for recent software updates before you begin and hopefully this will resolve your installation problems. Thanks from the help of Techradar.


  1. Open Windows Update by positioning the mouse pointer in the bottom right corner of the screen and then moving it up. After this click Settings > Change PC settings > Update and recovery.
  2. Next, click on "choose how updates get installed" and on the next page choose the relevant option under Important updates.
  3. From there choose "give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" check box from under the Recommended updates section
  4. Under Microsoft Update then choose the "give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows" check box and click "Apply."
  5. Open up Windows Explorer to view the files on your PC. Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete all the files that are in the folder (but don't delete the folder itself).


Pc Memory Info Upgrade

Looking to upgrade your computer but confused on how much memory you should have so that your computer can run efficiently.

Here a simple scale to use to get the most out of your computer when it comes to memory.

8 gig = bare minimum for your average computer to do the basic
16 gig = great for streamers and user's who want to view constantly their video artist
32 gig = unless your going 3D your not going to get much out of this from your computer
64 gig and greater = you can go higher but your at technology that is still years ahead to come with also spending a lot of money for memory your probably never going to need, until your next upgrade.



The new hacker trick is for user's to misspell websites. And if your one's of those victims this is what you can expect. Try going to a website that's the same as the website you intending on going to. Great example is when users try to go to Nexflix.com but type Netflix.om. User's then go to a page similar to Netflix, enter their user name and password and get an error are it re-loads to direct you to the real user intended website. That's when it's difficult for user's to see that someone stole their information because they went to the wrong site. This is the typical for many.



Verizon breach

Looks like another company has been recently hacked and there is no telling what hackers will do with the information going forward. It's only time that can tell, while in the meantime you can either call your local carrier to find out if you were one of there latest victims.




Looks like this new browser is going to make headlines soon or maybe it's going to be another bust. Besides it's still nice to know that the browser war continues on who could make a better faster browser that works with all.



Smart Sites

Here are some interesting sites to get you smarter. I guess it's not a bad idea to learn more information so that you have capabilities to survive and become more productive on the things you do daily.



VirusTotal Help

Virus and malware's are getting out of control now-a-days and with this VirusTotal is here to make things better, by offering an easier solution to scan computer problems with simple clicks of the mouse. This handy application makes it easier for VirusTotal to verify files and to confirm if they are good or bad. Give it a try and keep your computer secure.



Online Real Estate Prices

Are on-line Real Estate prices realistic to what people are paying. It's quite close to what other's are paying but there are just a few companies in the market that have a more realistic valve that what most hold. You best chances are to check other sites on-line, to get an estimate, get an appraiser to value your home and hope for the best on getting a good value for your money whether your buying or selling a residence.



LassPass Auth

LassPass is taking password security to a new level. It's nice to know someone is making it harder for hackers to get into your online accounts. No one yet knows the future of online passwords, but at least LassPass is ahead of the game. Check it out.



Video Driver Issues

Having video driver issues and no matter how many times you upgrade the device it still continues. Sometimes it might not be the device after all. User's seldom ever think that the software might be corrupt, but your best option so that the device works correctly is to uninstall completely the driver and re-install a fresh installation of the software all over again. Hopefully this will clear out all the device problems you were having in the past and make your system run like new.



Power of Attorney Forms

Looking for free power of Attorney documents. I suggest you consult with a lawyer before signing any of these forms. But if you need the documents here are great sites to help you in your matter.

Free Docs
Total Legal


Are Tablet Dead

Looks like just a few years ago everyone was getting into the tablet business now it seems all these companies are moving away and developing surface type computers. Tablets as we know it could somehow come back, but the incompatibilities on what user's refuse to let go on make tablets difficult to adapt. If tablets are going to go any where they need to listen to consumer demands.



Can't Find Pdf

Having problems finding Pdf file's in Windows after you have saved them. This is the reason why this is occurring and here is the fix for this ongoing problem. Hopefully a solution will be resolved in the near future, but for now you have to bear with the new headache.



D Link Ultra Band Wifi

Here is the new Ultra Band WiFi from D Link, it's pricey and powerful. So if you have money to burn and want the a greater performance WiFi that is capable of handling three different bands at the same time, this is the device your looking for. This new WiFi delivers bandwidth where it's need and it's the next generation device everyone has been looking for in a while.



Gmail Streak ext

Gmail new streak extension helps take CRM to the next level using your gmail account. Now there is no need to go back and forth to contact your customers daily. It's a great add on to make sure your always connected to your customers.



Slimline Utilities

Looking for a driver update for your computer, here's a great software to help you update those drivers with just a few clicks. Now updating your computer drivers makes it simple and easy to use.



Fix Internet Connection

Here are simple easy steps to fix your internet connection if your having problems with your computer not connecting to the internet.



Hard Drive Facts

Here are some hard drive facts you should know about, that you maybe had no reason in the past to know about. The more you know, the better your know your product.



Starry Wireless Network

This new company wants to bring the internet to every home, but with the use of it's weird antenna's. I don't know if this is going to lift off successfully but it's an idea in the making to fix the ongoing problem of everyday internet connections.



Internet Links with Drones

This could actually work and make internet possible where currently now internet is not available. Should Google go this way, I will bet that internet connecting prices might just drop significantly.



Motherboard DYI

If you ever wanted to know the inside of a computer motherboard, here is your start. This is the main operating system of your computer and what makes everything run. It's good to know this information, should you ever want to repair it or have just basic knowledge to what it is, so you know how things work.



The Drone Gun

Some people are taking new measures for spying drone's in private properties and if your currently flying one, you should be aware of the risks and loss.



Fix Common MAC issues

Want to resolve your common MAC book problems, here are some great tips to remember and what to do when things are not working the normal.




Here's a router scanner test to make sure your router meets current security requirements while connected to the internet. You'll sleep well at night knowing that you have performed some performance tests before you go live online.



Old Pc to Chromebook

Here's the scoop on how to convert your old computer into a Chromebook. It uses some cloudready software for users who enjoy using the Chromebook experience already. Worth to check out.



Hack your Floppy

Have a floppy drive but limited to how much space your can put in it. Try this hack and extend your floppy drive to 128 gig with help of just a few items your probably already using.



Signs Pc is Failing

Here are five great signs that your computer is failing. Now I will not say that for all it's time to buy a new computer. But most of these failures can be resolved to reformat your computer to it's original state. If after that you still get these failures. Then your computer might be at it's last cycle of performance for good for you.



Cheaper Cable

Cable is getting cheaper all because of these three companies that are changing how and what we watch on television. Get ready for new cable service that will revolutionize how we watch television.



YouTube Verdict

It's about time that the court now is able to believe that pirating are not acts of companies becoming famous. New court ruling for YouTube cleared the way for the big giant to be sued by the music rights for pirating. This could somehow be overturned, but I highly doubt it as long as the company continues to fight against pirating. Let's see what the future holds.



Windows Cache

Need to clear up your Windows Cache, here are great ways to clear the cache via Windows using various tips. There is no right or wrong way to clear the cache and when all goes wrong you can always reboot your computer.




New delivery software will make it easy for user's to track their deliveries from any major carrier. There have been companies in the past that tried to achieve the same goal only to fail because of software incompatibilities and failure to keep their software up to date. Hopefully Junecloud will do better and succeed where others have failed in the past.



Malwarebytes New Software

Malwarebytes is fighting back with it's new ransomeware software. It's about time and I hope there able to make a difference. It's not everyday a malware software company moves in the right direction to help user's gain back control of their computers.



Microsoft Edge

Get ready for Microsoft new browser. Not only is it different from the old Internet Explorer, it has advanced features to take your browsing experience to a new level.
Microsoft is changing it's ways and the Edge browser is Microsoft's way of being different.



Buying Used Items

Here are great ways to get more out of your money when buying used items. It's not for everyone and for those user's who want more for there money. This is a must to do list.



We Fuel

New company that will refill your gas tank with a monthly charge and keep you away from the gasoline station.
It's a great way to fuel up when your always on the move, if you estimate the time it takes someone to go to the nearest gasoline station, refuel up and get back to work you'll see that this can be very time consuming. It's not for everyone but for those individuals who are always on the go and don't want to bother with getting gas.



BMW ditches Mirrors

Very interesting concept but still unknown feature on the BMW automotive, in which they remove their mirrors and are incorporating camera in the side and in the rear to do a three dimensional mirror that can take the sides and rear cameras and put them all in one place. Must see to understand why this new feature is a plus for automotive and hopefully for the future of video monitoring.



Stop Win 10 changing Printers

Keep on getting upset that Windows 10 every time you start it keeps on changing the printer default to something else. Here is what you need to do, to stop Windows from changing the printer every time your restart your computer.



Clear clipboard Shortcut on Win 10

Here's the easiest way to create a clear the clipboard shortcut on Windows 10, by following the instructions below.

Right click on the mouse and create a shortcut. On shortcut write the following %windir% \system32\cmd.exe /c "echo off l clip" enter clear clipboard as the name and Finsih


Enable Admin in Win 10

Have a Windows 10 computer and can't seem to find the administrator account. It could be that the vendor or manufactured that you purchased your computer from disabled the account.
Here's the easiest way to activate the account so that it's no longer hidden.

Open command prompt as administrator, by just right clicking on the mouse when opening up the program. Then type the following in the command prompt menu. "net "user administrator / active: yes" and then press enter. Now when your restart your computer or sign off and sign on again, you should now, be able to see the administrator account.


Disable Win 10 Update

Most user's have been upset for a while how Microsoft wants to upgrade your computer to Windows 10. If your one of those user's that didn't know any better and don't want to move forward with the upgrade. Here is the fix to disable the annoying update.



Gusto Payroll

There is a new payroll software around that suppose to save time and money. I love to see what new things people are doing now-a-days to make payroll simple. So far ADP stands the highest and very pricey. But that doesn't mean that there the best. It's always a great idea to see what other companies are doing now.



Safer Sideview Camera

BMW has introduced a safer sideview camera system and it's very impressive. It removes side mirrors and puts everything on the rearview mirror with a technology twist. It's just a new concept and there are still no plans for deployment. But I can say that this is a sure way to go in the future.



SSD Life

Want to check the life of your SSD drive and warranty information. Here is a sweat software to help you diagnose hard drive problems before it happens.



Public Apps

Tired of installing software on your computer to rarely be used or take up space. Here is a great site to go online and just use the software application when needed. The easier way of installing application to any computer.



Android Recovery Software

Looking for an Android recovery software, here is a start with FonePaw. It's a great software to help you retrieve valuable information that many take for granted.



Lock Android Phone

Here's a new way to lock your android phone. No more worrying about trying to lock your phone or dialing by accident people who you didn't want to call. This neat application is going to make it simple to use and lock your phone after each use.



Share Video's

Here is some information on how to share video's, this is just for educational purposes and it will help you to easily setup a network for the entire family for enjoyment.



Win 10 to Pro for free

Yes it's a great way to check out and try Windows 10 Pro on your computer if you have Windows 10 Home. Not a bad deal for Microsoft to show you what you've been missing out on.


Win 10 Home to Pro Key


Best Free Antivirus

The market for Antivirus software is changing and if your tired of using software and getting no results, your best bet for now is to install something free and wait. Right now there is no right or wrong answer to install antivirus software or not.



Windows 10 Cheat Sheet

Windows 10 is here to stay and if you wish on tweaking the OS here are some great tips and tricks to customize Windows. Thanks to ComputerWorld for this great reference.



Pc Mysteries Resolved

Computers sometimes have minds of there own, or do they. Well here are some great solutions to the everyday computer problem that still haunts you and you want answers too.



Chrome Extensions

Every now and then Chrome has these great extensions that everyone enjoys and here is some good reasons why you should install them.



Microsoft Visual Studio

Here's a great way to get a Microsoft product for free. This software is not cheap and is a great opportunity for user's to get this product for free from the big giant. It's not every day someone gives you something for free, so enjoy it.




I was shocked to see this new technology come out recently and I most definitely know that it's going to push forward for touch screen technology on all computers. It's a great buy to have that ability for user's who want touch availability where ever they go for a small price.



Best Dashcams

Your driving daily and now want to record your daily activities just for fun or in case you might want to use it for legal reason. Now which cam should I get and why should I be concern. Let's just say that you can buy something good or something bad depending on what you choose. But if you want to know which dash cam best meets your needs then this link should be helpful.



System Audit Tool

Here's is the best system Audit Tool that makes sure you have the latest drivers on your computer. Time and time again it's proven to make my life easier and keep my computer up to date.



SmadAV Antivirus

If you always trying to be ahead of virus you might want to look at this software to help you remove it. It's not the best, but it's worth it as a freebie.

Other Virus Removals


Music Link

Want to download the latest music clip from Youtube. You got help with this online video converter. It's taking music and adding it to your personal library.



Windows Wallpaper

Every now and then I get users looking for the old Windows Live Wallpaper that existing years ago as an add on for Windows. For users who want this look, look no further. Here's a similar software with enough wallpapers to make you happy for days to come.



Active Directory Permission

Want to review your active directory permission report and verify if it's working correctly or not. Here's a great way to analyse what you do along with power shell.



Free Ebooks

Every now and then I get links to sites where you can download free ebooks. If you haven't heard yet, your hearing it now. There are hundreds of places that you can download free ebooks and learn something new each day. The mind is a beautiful thing.

Google Store
Free Ebooks


Network Diagnostic Tool

Here's a great network diagnostic tool to help you troubleshooting existing network problems. It's a great software to scan your network with a simple command line.



Identify Medical Pills

Want a easier way to identify medical pills using your phone. These handy applications are a must for those individuals who always want to know what they are taking. It's always good to know more and know the side affects of each drug.



Stick Mount

Want to store an ISO on your Android phone so that you can install it on a computer to install a program. This handy application make it possible so that there is no need for a flash drive when your always on the go. A great way to be portable where ever you go.



Android Uses

Want to know what exciting things you can do with Android. Here are a few tips just in case you don't know on what you can do with Andorid devices.
You'll be surprised on what you can do and how easy things can be with an Android.




Here's a site that offer's free bookkeeping services for individuals with tax ready financials. Prices are pretty steep but if you need these types of services it's nice to know that their easily available online. You can find other companies local or so feel free to email me to recommend affordable solutions but the price is fair as long as your volume is low.



Microsoft Goodbye to Control Panel

Looks like Windows 10 settings application could be the new control panel for Microsoft going forward. It's still under development but user's are excited on using this new feature to easily setup Windows settings. If then all goes well, it looks like this could be the new panel going forward, only time will tell.



Best Streamers

Looking for a streaming device to watch movies. Here are the top devices that are changing how we now watch programming. It's revolutionizing the world and expect more to come.



Win 10 Features

Just recently upgraded to Windows 10, now you can reap in on it's hidden features that takes Windows to a new level. No telling how far this new operating system will go. Only time will tell.



Project Manager

Looking for project manager software for remote teams. Here is an informative site to get you started and lead you into the right direction for using the best project manager software that works for your team.



Kickstarter Zano

Kickstarter is a great way for new company to show off their talents, but everyone must also remember that like the stock market, Kickstarter's are risky. Startup companies come and go like the wind as for Zano, good luck on contributors getting their money back. Great idea, but bad quality control.




Have a small business then you should be using Linkedin to network your business to gain more assets. LinkendIn is a resourceful tool in branching out your skills to other areas and opening doors to places that you were in the past limited. It's a business level social media site for people wanted to network.



Fossil Virbrating Watch

Fossil is revolutionizing a new watch not only to get updates without a computer, but to also wake you up daily by just vibrating. The watch can be easily worn when you go to sleep and wake you up in the morning without disturbing you loved ones.Plus it's going to do even more.  Great idea and hope it works well.




This new online delivery service is going to change the industry on how deliveries are currently being done. Will it work, only time will tell but great idea.



Automate Network Diagrams

Here's a great way to automate your network diagrams no matter how complicated or how fast they change. The software is great add on to keep your network layouts current on a daily basis. You'll have no regrets doing these layouts automatic.




Here's a free software to keep a journal of Windows software. It's an excellent way to keep all your information in a place where you can always access it online or offline via password protect.



Reset Windows Update

This is a nice fix to reset the Windows Update to default when how you do the Windows Update on version 10, just doesn't  work for you anymore. It's a great way to easily update your computer whenever you want to do it.



Sharing Streaming Accounts

Here's the scoop on sharing streaming accounts to friends and family. Currently most of companies just look the other way, it doesn't mean still that's it's alright to do. And what also some of them are doing in the long run.



Install Windows in 10 Minutes

This little hack save you time installing Windows on computers. By pushing the process in priority of tasks. Installation time can be reduced so that you can use your resources for something else. Unfortunately it doesn't work quite well with Windows 10 upgrade. But that doesn't mean that you can't help to speed up some processes.


Tips Shift + F10 
at the command prompt type taskmgr 
and go to process and on the setup.exe program 
change the level to make it priority. 


Play to Roku

Have a Roku and want to easily play video's, clips, movies, etc on your player. No big deal with the help of this Android application. It's a great substitute for cable television if your ready for the switch.



Separte Us

Need to get a divorce, but don't have the time and don't know where to start. This new company is going to revolutionize how divorces are done online and you better believe it that's it's going to be quick and fast.



Print Job Stuck

Can't stand when your computer gets stuck on a print job. No problem with the help of this handy software to free your printer from the stuck printer job. Print Flush is here for the rescue.



PDF to Excel

Want to export a PDF file to excel, no problem with Wondershare. The software is easy to setup and convert PDF files to excel as long as it's under ten pages. Anything over than that you'll have to pay a premium price.



Software Updater

Here's a handy software updater for your computer to keep your software always up to date. It's a great software to make sure your computer is running efficiently daily.
