
Microsoft Ends Retail Sale Win 8

It looks like Windows 8 verdict is out. It's just plain sucks. And with this Microsoft suddenly removes this software from the market. Wow huge surprise or maybe this is a reality check that the software was doomed from day one.
All that you can do from now is wait for Windows 10.



Repairing with Chkdsk

This handy link from time to time always saves the day for me, especially when your trying to fix that computer that just will not go smoothly. When in doubt and when things go wrong. Start with the basics until you go to a place where you feel comfortable.



Checking and repairing a disk with CHKDSK

The Windows system utility CHKDSK is a powerful and useful tool in diagnosing and repairing certain types of disk problems. I'll review several ways  to run it, and try and describe what it does.
CHKDSK has been around since before the days of Windows. This utility has in some ways changed dramatically for new environments and new disk formats. Yet in other ways, it’s pretty much the same old disk checking utility that we’ve been using since the days of DOS.
Regardless of its age or origins, CHKDSK is an important tool for disk maintenance and recovery (in some cases) from a variety of disk-related issues.
Let’s run CHKDSK.

CHKDSK on a non-system drive

The simplest usage of CHKDSK is on a drive that is not your system (Windows) drive.
In Windows Explorer, right-click on the drive that you want to check:
D: Properties Link
Click Properties. In the resulting dialog box, click the Tools tab:
 D: Properties
Click the Check now… button.
CHKDSK Options
There are two options presented before CHKDSK begins its work:
  • Automatically fix file system errors. If not checked, CHKDSK will simply report but not fix any problems that it finds.
  • Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This is a more time-consuming scan of the disk that I’ll discuss below.
In general, the default setting is fine when you suspect that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
Click Start and you may then get this message:
CHKDSK in use message
CHKDSK can only check or repair a disk when it is the only program using that disk; even the rest of Windows cannot be accessing the disk while CHKDSK does its job. Forcing a dismount makes that happen. If a program is actually accessing the drive or files on the drive about to be dismounted, the old “results are unpredictable” phrase applies. Programs may simply notice and do the right thing, they may crash, or something in-between.
That’s why the common advice is to close most programs when running CHKDSK or at least make sure none can access the drive you’re about to check.
Click Force a dismount and CHKDSK begins its work.
Eventually, this is the message that you hope to see:
“See details” displays a log of CHKDSK’s activity. Any errors to be repaired would be listed here.

CHKDSK on a system drive

Remember how I said that CHKDSK requires exclusive access to the drive in order to be able to repair it? And that even Windows can’t be accessing the disk?
That presents a problem when you want to CHKDSK the system drive – typically your C: drive. If Windows is running, then by definition, it accesses the system drive nearly constantly.
The solution is to run CHKDSK before Windows runs.
CHKDSK System Drive
If you attempt to CHKDSK your system drive instead of getting the option to dismount it (not something that can be done while Windows is running), you’ll get this message offering to run the CHKDSK before Windows is loaded the next time that you reboot.
Click Schedule disk check. Now, reboot your machine. As the machine reboots, you’ll see something like this before Windows loads:
CHKDSK running before Windows
Once completed, Windows will load normally.

Getting the results of a scheduled CHKDSK

A very common question is where to get the results of a CHKDSK that ran before Windows started. There’s no pause, and the information shown above disappears as soon as Windows starts to boot.
Run the Event Viewer by clicking Start, and then Run, (or type Windows Key + R). Enter in eventvwr and click OK:
Start -> Run eventvwr
In Event Viewer, click the Application log under “Windows Logs”, look for the line item that ends with Wininit (for Windows Initialization) and has “Checking file system on C:” in the lower General tab.
CHKDSK in Event Viewer
To make reading the results easier, just double-click on that Wininit line.
CHKDSK results in event viewer
The scrolling box near the top contains the results of CHKDSK that scrolled past on the screen before Windows loaded.

CHKDSK via command line

CHKDSK is a command-line tool. All of the options above simply run that same tool in some way that captures its output.
You can do that directly yourself.
Click on StartAll ProgramsAccessories, and then right-click Command Prompt.
Run CMD as Administrator
Click Run as administrator because CHKDSK does require administrative access to do its job.
In the Command Prompt, type:
…to run CHKDSK with the “/F” or “fix” parameter. Without /F, CHKDSK will simply report but not repair any errors.
As you can see, the example above checks the D: drive and just as in the windowed interface, CHKDSK must dismount the drive before it can be checked.
If you run CHKDSK against the C: drive:
…it similarly requests that the CHKDSK be scheduled at the next reboot.

So what does CHKDSK check?

It’s difficult to describe exactly what information it is that CHKDSK checks without getting lost in the geekery of filesystem details and hard disk layout. Essentially, it checks the organizational and overhead information on a hard disk that allows Windows to locate and access the files stored on that disk.
One analogy might be to think of a hard disk as a kind of simple telephone book.
By default, CHKDSK reads through all the listings and makes sure that they all have a name and a properly formatted telephone number. If a street address is present, CHKDSK might also ensure that the address is also properly formatted and represents a real address in the area that the phone book is supposed to cover.
If problems are found and CHKDSK has been asked to repair things, then it might take actions like removing invalid phone numbers or perhaps adding a proper area code or country code that was supposed to be there in the first place, but only if it can infer from other information what the right answer should be. Similarly, it might try to fix a physical address but has the option of removing that information if it can’t come up with what it should have been.
In fact, it’s possible for CHKDSK to simply remove entries that are so garbled that its proper values can’t be figured out.
Scanning for bad sectors? That’s sort of like calling every phone number in the book and making sure that it rings through to a real phone. It might not be the right person answering, but the phone number works at some basic level.

Scanning for bad sectors

Normally, CHKDSK simply checks that the information stored on the disk is correct. There’s a fair amount of overhead information that tells Windows where files are located and how they’re actually stored and distributed around the disk media. CHKDSK uses it’s knowledge of what this information is supposed to look like to ensure that’s it’s correct and try to fix it when it’s not.
Scanning for bad sectors is another thing entirely. When this option is selected, CHKDSK actually reads the entire disk, not just the overhead information. As a result, a bad sector scan takes significantly longer than a simple CHKDSK.
As CHKDSK reads, it notices if those reads actually succeed. When they do not, it marks the area that failed as “bad” so that they system won’t attempt to write more information into those areas with problems.
It’s important to note that this scan doesn’t test whether the data found is good or valid: only that it can in fact be read.
As we saw earlier, scanning for errors is a simple checkbox when you run CHKDSK from Windows Explorer. For those that prefer the command line, it’s the “/R” – repair – option.

When to CHKDSK

Normally, CHKDSK only need be run when a problem is suspected.
In particular, a scan for bad sectors only needs to be done once you’ve actually encountered a bad sector – usually in the form of a bad read, write, or explicit CRC error. CHKDSK will do what it can, but most importantly, it will remove the bad area from use.
Running CHKDSK to simply check the validity of the file system is a quicker operation and it’s not unreasonable to run it every-so-often, particularly if your machine has been crashing. In most cases, Windows will actually force a CHKDSK after a system crash or improper shutdown. This is done not to fix the cause of the crash (although in some cases it could), but rather to fix any disk-related issues that may have resulted from the crash.

What CHKDSK won’t do

While we talk about CHKDSK “repairing” a hard disk, it is not a data recovery tool per se. It’s job is not to recover lost or damaged files, but to ensure that the information currently on the disk is in a consistent and safe state.
When it comes time to search for files accidentally lost or deleted, then you need to use tools like Recuva and similar.
If you’re trying to recover data from a hard drive that has a persistent media problem or is so damaged that a CHKDSK scan for bad sectors can’t help, then a tool like SpinRite might be your only option.


Pc is offline

If you have a Windows 8 computer and are recently getting the PC is offline and sign in with the latest password used on this pc. This link will help you correct the problem.




Looking for a free remote desktop software that you can use hopefully forever. This company is giving out Beta software for free with the chance for you to always use the software even after it gets finalized. Not bad for a freebie.




This pretty handy device is made to push your text messages in areas where cell phone signals tends to get lost. It's a pretty nice idea with a hefty price. I can see myself buying this device unless I am traveling to remote places and always in need of communication. But there is room for improvement and integrating within cell phone devices.



Fix copy of Windows not Genuine

If you ever wonder how to fix this copy of Windows not being Genuine. Here it goes. It's a real pain to get this service to work and for some it's just a nightmare because most of the times something fails. But if you get in trouble trying to activate windows the trick it to reset your copy of windows by going to the run cmd and typing "slmgr /rilc" and rebuild the activation tokens. 



Onedrive TB

Microsoft recently increased there onedrive terabyte to user's at home, personal and universities. It's there way of pushing more user's to the cloud. In the end hopefully their free generosity will pay off.



Fix WiFi Performance

Your WiFi is working and then all of a sudden it looses it's connection. Only to constantly go on and off. Well it could easily be the power saver option on your computer. The best way to fix this is to tweak the power setting for the wireless adapter to use maximum performance while using the battery and see how things change drastically.



Repair a broken iPhone

Doesn't matter how many times I see this video. I am convinced that I can do it. So if your in the same page that I am in. You should take the chance and try to fix it yourself and save the extra cash for Apple accessories.



Win 8 Market Share Loss

There's no end to Microsoft Windows 8 losing operating system market share. Windows 8 still has not achieved it's goal in winning corporate satisfaction and users still prefer Windows 7 instead of Windows 8. As for the future of Windows is still on the rocks.
You figured they would get it together when Windows 8 came out and customers refused to upgrade. Now even with the 8.1 Update user's opinions are still the same. I guess some companies just never get it.




Get ready for visual story telling. Looks like a group of Microsoft ex employee's are gambling on the future of story telling to the mobile market. If their gamble is right. You could see a new way of storying telling via online media the social media way.
Great idea and good concept for the new generation to adapt and learn.



Burning DvD's

A while back I gave great links to great burning DvD's software. Now as technology has changed, so has burning DvD technology. Here are some great burning software.


Great ISO Creaters

Video Converter to Phone or Tablet


Halloween Treats

This Halloween if your tired of doing the usual this time try something new with these helpful links. It's a great idea to bring out the ghouls in Halloween. Happy Halloween.



Hard Drive Enclosures

Looking for a modern hard drive enclosure with up to date features. Sabrent is ahead of the game with their new model enclosures and for the speed and price, you can't go wrong.




Tired of all those application on your new computer and wished that you can just easily remove them. Think again if your use to doing it the normal way. You will be able to remove some stuff but not that usual stuff you always see on your computer. Now in order to remove those annoying applications, you'll have to use additional software and this is where AppCleaner comes in. You install the program onto your computer and then choose the app's you want to remove. While also deactivating other features as well.



Lock TaskbarT

Want to lock the Taskbar in Windows 8, no problem as long as you move your mouse to the bottom of the screen and click were the Tasbar usually lies and then left click on the mouse and choose properties. This should then open a window called Taskbar and Navigation properties. In that window just check lock the Taskbar and the Taskbar will no longer disappear when you hoover off into the middle of Windows.



Looking for a technological alarm company were you can customize your visitors, code names for other users who access your account, so that you know who accessed what. Alarm is the way to go and its a start on our technological world to have, keep and get everything connected.



Juggling Multiple Freelance

If you are a freelancer here is a great place to structure your ideas and your accomplishments. It's always better to understand your limits now, instead of trying to burn out and satisfy everyone.



Text Message with no phone

Want to text message someone but without a phone. No problem as long as you have a computer on hand to text from.



Free Wifi

Looking for free Wifi in your area. Try these easy convenient locations to get connected with the world as you enjoy a delightful meal.


  • Applebee's (open)
  • Arby's (open)
  • Burger King (open AT&T hotspots)
  • Chick-Fil-A (open)
  • Denny's (open)
  • Dunkin Donuts (open, averages about 1.7 Mbps)
  • Einstein Bros. (open)
  • Jimmy John's (open)
  • Hooters (open, select locations)
  • IHOP (most locations)
  • Krispy Kreme (open)
  • McDonald's (open, average about 4 Mbps)
  • Panera (open, 30 minute limit during rush times, averages about 1 Mbps)
  • Quiznos (open)
  • Starbucks (open)
  • Subway (select locations, open)
  • Taco Bell (open)
  • Tim Horton's (open, averages about 1.9 Mbps)
  • Wendy's (open)

Copy Codes from Websites

Always wondered how certain websites are created and the codes that make them possible. This is where snappysnippet comes to play and teaches you how things work. It's a great way to learn from the bottom up.



Tech Dispenser

Here's a great way to personalize your IT newsletters by picking the topics, sources and frequency when you want to read them. This is a great way to always now when everything is happening and what you need to know.



Dropbox Tips

Get more out of Dropbox and here are some great tips to get the most out of this site. If you use it wisely it will take you places that you can't even begin to imagine. Give it a try and see if it works for you in the work place and at home.



Free CAD Software

Looking for CAD software that you can download for free. Here are great options to take CAD where you want to go for free. It's a great way to learn the software and get your designs right.



Apple Supplier goes belly up

The economy still hasn't recovered and this a a great example of how Apple's so called supplier filed for bankruptcy at the start of Apple's iPhone 6 coming. Let's hope there is a quick recovery.



Restore Previous Versions

Need to restore previous version from a folder that you recently deleted or altered a document. Well if you computer is setup already it should be as easy as easy as left clicking the folder and clicking on properties and viewing the Previous Version folder.
If the folder has not been activated, then it's probably a good time to do it now, just in case sometime in the future you need this tool.

Setup Previous Version
Control Panel -> System Icon -> System Protection link -> on C drive click on Configure button -> Select Restore System and previous versions of files and then click OK. It may take a while at first but if everything goes right then the next time you left click a folder and click properties and go to the previous version files. You should see other file folders only if a folder was modified before. If not then you'll just see one folder file


Free Online Backup

Looking for free online backup service. As long as you understand that it's free and that your storage is limited then this is a great way to go. But make sure that you understand the risks when storing things online for free. Which easily means that nothing is for sure and secure.

Two great sites to go to are as follows:




Change File Names

Want to change files names the easy way.

Try using the F2 command after you change the "file name" and then hit the tab button to goto the next name to change. This will save you time, when changing several file names.


Mobile Payments made easy

Stripe is taking mobile payments to new levels by simplifying how we make payments on the go. If consumers are able to adapt this new concept. We can see the new way of paying on the go. Great idea and hope to see more.



DOT new roads

The Department of Transportation is adapting new modern technology for the roadways. Not only are the roads going to be visible but save us more money in the long run. These new advances in technology will make way for better road visibility. I can't wait to see them go live.



Resume writing without Office

Need to update your resume but lack Office to format your resume correctly. Try using Google Office and install the free templates to be able to format your resume like Office.



Restore Deleted Default Library Shortcuts

Worried that your Default Library Shortcuts are gone forever. No need to panic here are some easy tips to follow to get them back onto your desktop. Remember the next time to be careful when deleting items.



Cleanup Update

Microsoft just recently released a cleanup update to get rid of the Windows Update files. This is long over due because for a long while Microsoft has known that there update files would still leave behind left overs after installation. So here is the fix and info to get you going. Note that this option could already be installed in Windows and needs to be activated in the Disk Cleanup Menu by choosing System Files.



Fee My Apps

Here is another free apps website to get applications. All you do is install this app and play, review and use these app's for free and get rewarded.



Feature Points

Want to check out free applications and at the same time get points and rewards for trying them out. This site is a great place to start so that you can see what new programs are out there.



Display name in Taskbar

Want to pimp out Windows to show your name in the taskbar. Do the following with just a few tweaks and now your name can appear in the taskbar.




A new Brooklyn startup is going to change the way we go to the movies by offering discounts for movie tickets so that movie theater seats can be filled. If all goes well, this could be the new future and the reality when going to the movies.



How to Clean your PC

Every now and user's always want to know what's the best way to clean their computers. And there are many answers to that question but it's always good to be safe than sorry.
Here is what you should know and be aware of.



Hitman Pro

Ransomeware keeps on growing and the only way to stop it is for user's to be protected. If you already have been attacked by this virus here is a free software to prevent future attacks.




Have a game console and want to fix it, this website sells you the parts and tells you how to do it. There is no going wrong as long as you have the patience to do the job yourself.



Identify Songs from Youtube

Tired of trying to figure out songs and artist when someone is playing a favorite tune. This application now comes to a universal link to end your discovery options.


iPhone Direct Fix

Have an iPhone and wished you can easily buy and fix it yourself. Well here is a great link to help you buy it direct and fix it yourself. It's not for everyone, but if you good with tools and have the extra time, it's worth probably doing it your self. You decide.



Ultra Virus Killer

Here's a great virus killer software that promises to fix all the nasty things that a virus left behind. The software is pretty neat, with lots of tools at an affordable price. I just wish they would modernize the application to give it a more spunk.



Whose on my WiFi

Want to always know who's on your WiFi? It's a tedious task but it always needs to be supervised. If you have a network that you always want to monitor, this software is a must. But at least you get notified.



Tools to Build your Personal Cloud

Want to build your personal cloud, here are the tools to help you get started with unlimited storage. It's not for everyone and I advised users to take precautions and read the guide lines so that your in agreement on what you put out there, in case a legality issue ever comes up.



Buying Domain for Drugs

Recently I read a very interesting article regarding how a police officer is purchasing domain names for the future in legalizing marijuana. Although this is still a debatable subject, the reality of the drug being available for medical use is increasing state by state and there are now strong positive views on getting it approved. In the long run marijuana will eventually be legal and it will be a wild west show down for companies to take their business online to reach the vast of majority of buyers.
So even is this police office is able to sell a few domain names to companies in need, his payout will still be worth it in the long run. Smart move from San Francisco's finest.



Delete Accounts

Want to easily delete accounts online. This site is dedicated on doing this with just a few steps. The end result is peace and tranquility knowing that your old account is gone forever, I hope.



WinXP Hack

Need your XP computer to still keep on working after Microsoft ended it's support. Try this registry hack and see if it works. I guess it's still worth on trying regardless if the hack works on not. What do you have to loose.


regedit, navigating to HKLM\Sytem\WPA and creating a key called PosReady. Once you have created the key, add a DWORD value to it and set that value to 1. Once all of those things are done, Windows Update will view your XP system as though it is a POSReady device and since those devices are slated to receive support until 2019

easiest way to do this is to open notepad and copy and paste the info below and name it winXpPOS.reg and just open the registry link in Windows and say yes.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

save as xpPOS.reg


First 360 HD Cam

If your looking for a new portable camera, you might want to check out this 360 HD Cam. It's small, compact and rechargeable. You can't go wrong with this camera.



Solar Panels

What the deal with solar roadways? Let's just say it's going to save us a lot of money and yes it will help us easily see things at night. You not only can control what the lights can do, you can customize them easily. It's the future of roadways.




Here's a handy software to help tweak your computer of optimization, enhancements, manage and recover. It's an all in one suite and will come handy if your looking for an all in one software.



Remove Win 8 Apps

I am so excited that someone created this great utility to get rid of those annoying Windows 8 applications that came pre-installed on my computer. For those users that still hate Windows 8 this is a great solution to turn Windows to a workable operating system. I don't dislike Windows 8 new ideas, I just disliked on how they forced you to use their new platform.
We have come a long way as a Windows user and it's going to be very hard to just switch from one method to a new modern method because Microsoft said so. You need to focus back on customer needs and give user's the OS they been wanting.



IT technician gets time

I understand in the real world that there are times in everyone's life that no matter what sacrifices you make to your employer. Your always at an at will state and with this you always need to stay professional, no matter what the circumstances are. Because the foolish actions you take next will affect you were ever you go in life.
To bad for this computer technician and if he would of had a mentor on hand, he should of just let it go and move on. Instead he gets to pay back dearly with time.




Have a password that you want to see or save on your computer, but you still can't view it because it's blocked. This app make it really simple with just a click of the mouse.



Facebook free Malware

Looks like Facebook soon will be offering free Malware service to it's users so that they can stay online. There is still more to come but it's it's a great direction for the company to keep everyone connected.
I think it's great and about time they put their money where it belongs which is in the hands of it's users.




Apples solution to the flash drive is the iStick. It hooks on to your device exactly where the charger connects and you can easily transfer your files from iOS to any computer with it's USB adapter. It's about time and I just don't understand why it took so long to get this done.



Office DIY Hacks

Here are some great office hacks with the every day office materials you have available. You'll be surprised on how creative and some users are.



Junk Java

It's unfortunate that a good software has so many bugs that to this date, the software vendor denies or pleads still no wrong doing. If your a user's who doesn't care too much about Java, your best option is to dump it. I can't even begin to tell you the stories on how many Java updates keep on patching these ongoing security holes. As for the new era of Java it looks slim. It's only a matter of time before something comes out and it's over for our big hole Java.



Home Depot Comeback for Hackers

Home Depot recently addressed it's recent hacking with a free offer from AllClearID. It's not going to repair what has already been done, but if consumers are afraid on using their cards at their outlets, they can sign up for 1 year at AllClearID. It's a great start in the right direction.


WinXP users last longer dumping IE

If your an Windows XP user and haven't upgraded yet, here is some new information regarding your OS that you should know in order to get more life out of your OS. Dump the IE browser and your security risks should be limited drastically. Instead use a secure browser instead of IE and your problems will go away for a while longer, or until a new virus or malware comes to be a threat.



Subscription based OS

Looks like Microsoft is moving towards a subscription based OS in the future. This plan maybe temporary delayed because of the recent user response with Window 8.
This long term subscription service is bound to failure because of how it's competitor Apple gives back to it's loyal customers. Apple sells them a product and then give them lifetime updates.
If Apple wants to be ahead of the game plan, they need to keep on doing what there doing best, which is to keep on listening to it's customers.
As for Windows good idea but way to late in the game. Why buy something when we can get it for free. You decide.



Antivirus is Dead

Here's another news article referring to Symantec's antivirus move to malware. It looks like now everyone is seeing the light on the real threat online which is malware. So it's no secret that these companies are now changing their main focus which is to stop malware where it begins.



DriveImage XML

Looking for a reliable backup software that's been around for a while. DriveImage XML has been around for a while and this freeware software works as advertised.



What to do with old CD / DVD Collection

Time is running out for all you CD / DVD lovers. If you haven't yet figured it out yet then it's long past due. You favorite media can now be download via iTunes or MP3 format for your personal collection. What that means is that all your music collection should now be stored on your music player, computer, flash drive, portable hard drive or portable media player. The days of owning music media is over and you should try to cash in on your collection before it's too late. In the future this is no CD or DVD players and the so called world of music has gone all digital.
CD and DVD's gave everyone a good run for the money and now it's all over.




There's a new way of cloning Windows disk and this software works great. The freeware works wonders if your just using it for personal use. Besides that I wouldn't use anything else to backup but this.



iPhone Tips

If your a current iPhone user, here are some great tips on getting around with your phone. It's not every day that you see an iPhone manual to show you how to get things done.

Turn Emoji on / off

Turn Auto Spell on / off 

Change iPhone language 



Need an easier way to copy your computer for free. This software is a great start as a freeware. The paid version speed up your process and give you a little extra for the money. Note that the free version can only copy to 92gb of drive space. Anything larger will require a premium price. Besides that it's still worth the money.



Forgot your Windows Password

Here are some great tips for users who forgot their Windows passwords. It's not an easy task to do, but with proper patience and time. You can restore your Windows to original state.

Please note that this information is intended for educational purpose and not for mischief. Besides all this information is online for anyone to access for free.

Step 1:
 Use the Windows repair utility to reset your password. You'll will need your recovery disks. First boot from recovery disks. Then click repair your computer and choose command prompt. The c drive is not usually mounted and to mount it you need to find the current drive letter. In DOS type "bcdedit I find "osdevice" the command should end in partion= with a drive letter. This letter should be used instead of c. Then do the following type  (drive letter is in place of c)

 "copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\ "
then type this below
"copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe"
when prompted type

Step 2
 Change the password using the command prompt. Remove the installation disks as in step 1 and reboot the computer. On the login screen press Shift key five times in a row. By magic the command prompt appears. Now enter in the command prompt the following "net user " the name should be the account you want to change the password to. 
You must then restore access to the sethc.exe file we overwrote in Step 1. To do that click Start-Accessories, right click cmd prompt and choose Run as Administrator. This gives you the right to copy sethc.exe back into the system32 folder. Now enter the following command " copy c:\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe" and then confirm to finish. 

Step 3 
 If all fails it's time to get the heavy duty password cracker from Ophcrack. Download it at http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net and burn the software to a disk and boot your computer to the software to crack the password. Your best bet is to do a deep scan to crack the password. With any luck your computer password should be that simple to crack.


IE Tricks

If your using IE to access the web, here are some cool tricks to help you speed up your searching practices while on the internet. If you can remember all of them, you will eventually speed up your browsing techniques.


Select all words in the address bard

Display list of addresses you have typed

When in the address bar, move the cursor to your left on next logical break
 CTRL+ Left Arrow

When in the address bar, move the cursor to your right on next logical break
 CTRL+ Right Arrow

Add www in the beginning and .com at the end of a web address

Delete Browser History

Open an inPrivate Browsing Window

Open a new tab

Open specific tab number
 CTRL + 1-9

Return to home page
 CTRL + Home


Cool Websites to See

Want to go some place different and see what the web has to offer. Take a look at these interesting websites that take you into another world.

What Should I read Next



DocShield is a backup software similar to Shadow Copy in which users have complete control of the files they backup. The great thing about this software is that if you make a change accidently. You can easily restore it with DocShield.



Best Free Android Music Players

Android is growing up and with this are these great free music players. So if your tired of using the default music players, here are some great ones to look at.



Pick a Good Web Hosting Service

Web Hosting has been around for a while and many user's complaints is if there hosting site is good or not. Here is a comparison list from PC Magazine showing the good web hosting service.
In my opinion is that you get what you paid for but sometimes not all hosting companies are created equal. So if your looking for a hosting provider to do more, here's a start.



Great IT Apps

Here are some great IT apps on the go for those technicians who always need to connect and be on the move. It's a collection of applications that most professionals love to use.

Mobile Connect
SonicWall VPN
Microsoft RDP
Daylight Zone
Fing - Network Tools
HP iLO Mobile
Citrix Receiver
Sound Meter


Rounds Live

Here's a new cross platform social site that allows up to 12 friends to share text, videos and browse with other social sites. It's a new way to stay connected with friends while everyone is online and having fun.




Here's a great program that's the swiss army knife of computer tools. Not only does it execute a whole lot of features but also restricts you from using certain things so that your network is always protected. A great tool for the every day network administrator.


Antivirus Doomed to Failure

Antivirus software's is failing to protect users. Now these software giants are focused on protecting computers with Malware's. This not only means the end for Antivirus in the future but a new beginning on the war on Malware. User's now are told to protect their computers with a cocktail of anti-malware software to protect their computers.



Portable Scanners

Interested on purchasing a portable scanner. Here are some great portable scanners that make it easier for user's to scan.



USB Disabler Pro

Tired of figuring out which computer to disable their USB devices. This software helps to pick specific users and grant them or deny them using USB flash drive and memory sticks so that you don't easily loose sensitive company files. It's a great way to take control back from your work environment computers.



EMET security

Here's a memory corruption and vulnerabilities software that works great with Internet Explorer. May user's use this program to be alerted as soon as an exploit is visible before the bad boys get a hold of it. If your constantly worried on the every day exploit, this software is a must have application.



Fix Chrome Remote App

I recently have been encountering this error among user's who use Chrome Remote Desktop and I finally resolved the fix. The error comes up when the main user get's a software not updated error on the Chrome Remote Desktop console. You first step is to update the browser, if all fails and the error continues then just re-install Chrome Remote Desktop all over again and links are provided below.



Never eat a ripe fruit

Here's a great place to see if the favorite fruit you buy is in season or not. It's a great place to go to when your uncertain if a certain fruit is in season or not, so that you can always enjoy that great tasting fruit.



Sign's that your computer was hacked

Here are the common sign's that your computer was recently hacked. Maybe not intentionally but by accidentally, but regardless these are still good alerts to safeguard your account.
If you are a victim, the first step is to change all your passwords on every account. This might take sometime, but list them one by one, until all is done.



Win 9

Looks like Windows 9 set to come out next year is on the right track in giving user's what they've been looking for. But my real question is really Microsoft again trying to fool the consumer. I hope they get this right because there is no question that it's repeating history all over again. But the next time will be the end.



Recover Lost Contacts via iOS

Recently encountered a situation in which iOS contacts were lost and not easily recovered. And few tries to see if I actually did it wrong. I was surprised to discover that I am not the only person with this on going problem. If your contact list is very vital to your daily life here are is a great tip on how to re-load them to your existing system.



Micro Drone

If you don't see what I see, don't be surprise when one day this little drone takes invasion of privacy to a new level. Imagine purchasing a drone like this and then video taping anything and everything you can imagine. Wouldn't that be shocking.



Secure Browser

Tired of worrying about malware and viruses and want a browser to protect you against outside threats were ever you go. These secure browsers can help but some of them come with a premium price.

Air Gap
Comodo Dragon


Delete Files ready to burn

Many user's encounter this problem when they are trying to burn a CD or DvD. Which is that they can't delete the files ready to burn. Your fist step is to try to delete the files itself by using the Windows files utility. If that fails you can try to install a program called unlocker and it does a great job of releasing programs that are locked down by Windows utility. And if all fails your last resort is to go to the run command in Windows and type shell:cd burning. This will open up the burning Windows utility folder to delete the file by itself.



Win 8 Security Help

Just installed Windows 8 and wish you had a software to check your security settings just in case you missed something. Well device health helps plug in your security concerns with just a click of a button. Now going online to bank and view your financial holdings will be easily secured, now that you have device health.



Prevent Sleep, Hibernate and Restart

Here's a handy program to prevent Windows from sleeping, hibernate and restarting. It a must have for user's who always want their computer on and want to disable the default Windows settings.



Shirt tuck techniques

Today I took an out of the box link and posted it on my blog to educate those in need of fashion tips. I don't give fashion advice but I know how to mix and match clothes. In the real world if you don't learn how to dress this can either win or loose easy jobs. It's unfortunate that we live in a society that lives on first impressions and if you miss that opportunity, that could be it for you. So for those shirt tuckers here's your link below



Amazon catering to drug dealers

I guess this wasn't on Amazon's list when it got business will be business and I guess in Amazon's world it's either they are going to make the money or someone else will beat them to it. Who knows maybe this is a shopping list for a great chef selling cookies.



Nest Use Data Info

Wondering what Nest and Google are up to lately? There is rumor going out that Google plans to sell Nest information to the power grid giants to see when someone lowers their thermostat settings when the weather gets hot. It's a privacy issue that Nest promises it's customer that it will not let out. But if you remember years ago, this was the same promise Google made to us when they shared our browsing information to advertisers. Only time will tell.




Looking for battery charger to charge you phone in a hurry. This new device is not only portable but speeds up the process in recharging your portable device. The next time your in a jam an running out of power. The LithiumCard is your answer when your in distress.



Fix Chrome not Updating

I recently encountered a problem were for one reason or another Chrome was not updating. My response was to re-install Chrome. But this failed because the trick to fixing the auto update lied in the registry. If your having this similar problem this is how you fix the problem.

Go to the registry but make the following changes

Go to Registry Editor
Double-click at the UpdateDefault or DefaultUpdate
And type 0 to 1
Exit Registry Editor and Go to your browser!
See! The Problem is solved!



Image Search

If your looking for images try Getty image search. Not only are they now royalty free but their library is still larger than most other online image sites.



Beware of Key Generators

Key Generators were once a great way to get a free copy of a pirated software. Now-a-days it's taking a chance that you'll get a free copy or better yet, get a bad virus and malware. I would highly recommend users to stay away from Key Generators unless you can afford being infected.



Win 7 Best Tweaks

Windows 7 has some great tweaks and here are the most useful tweaks for most of our daily Window users. Not only will it help you to save time but will get you the most out of Windows 7.



Pro & Con's of Saving Files to your Desktop

Ever wonder what are the pro's and con's of saving your files onto your desktop. Here it goes and I hope most of you will stop doing this, unless you currently have an online backup storage solution in place. I just can't begin to imagine on how many user's have this bad practice in place.




The first time I seen this I had to get it. Not only does it make it easier to take my charger portable but it simplifies keeping my phone always charge were ever I go.
