
Reset Firefox

Tired of your Firefox browser running slow or having problems. Try resetting Firefox and hopefully this will resolve your browsing problems.

Click on Firefox tab - > Help -> Troubleshooting Information -> Reset Firefox



Dropbox Business

Dropbox for business just gets better with improved with account transfer, remote wipe, and auditing logs. There is still remove for improvement but at least it's getting better for corporate.



Run Dropbox from USB

Here's a great way to run Dropbox from a portable device like a USB. It's a very simple and easy setup and now you can sync your files to your computer and always be on the go.



Amazon Fire

Amazon Fire just turned up the heat on recent streaming competition. Now whose ready to take it to the next level? If your a streaming fan, you might want to check out Amazon's Fire new features and how it compares to the others. It's something exciting to talk about.



Dropbox sharing info

Here's an interesting article regarding a Dropbox sharing user who tried to share a file online and somehow Dropbox knew what they were sharing was not right. Was it that or was it just Dropbox protecting it's files like usual.



Refresh PC

Having computer problems and wish you could restore all your current Windows settings to it's current state. This new software added to Windows 8 can now be installed on other Windows machines so that if your having Window problems, you can easily restore the pc to it's current state.



Decrap Computer

Tired of Windows bloatware? Now you can just install Windows without the useless excess software that many vendors add on. This software strips third party applications so that the next time your restore your OS you just get plain Windows.



Remove Skype Win 8

Don't use Skype and want to remove it from Windows 8, here's how to do it and gain back that extra storage space.



RSS Search

RSS feeds are everywhere and if you want to add more feeds to your reader, here is a handy search engine to find more feeds. It's like the Google Search of RSS feeds.




Want a new way to check ports on your network. This new software makes things simple and easy. It checks if a port is open and then gives you the option to tweak it if necessary. Now figuring out which port to open on your network will be easier to do.



Should I Remove

Want to know which programs you should remove from your computer. This software is a must have if your tired of having useless software on your computer.
I've seen this software recently incorporated into a remote support utility and I was quite impressed. I am surprised that other companies haven't yet adapted this great policy.



Disable Charms

Windows 8 has some annoying features that many users still hate to get use to. If your tired of Microsoft controlling your desktop. Here's a tweak to remove the Windows charms feature from Windows.



Temp File Cleanup

Here is a easy way to clean your computer temporary files for network administrators. It's a handy application to remove any unwanted files.



15 Useful iPhone tasks

Here are fifteen useful iPhone tasks that many people take it for granted. The iPhone has it's pro's and con's but it's not like your ordinary cell phone. This is what makes it different from the others.



Freedom Pop Wireless

Want to to save $1,000 a year from your current cell phone carrier sign up with Freedompop and get want you deserve for the fraction of your cost.



Realistic Bus Stop

The next time you take a bus be careful on what you think might be real or not. This new bus shelter is designed to give commuters a ride of their lives.



Photo to Film

Here's a great software to take those wonderful photo's you love to a movie you want to show or express to  your friends a family. It's very user friendly and with just a few clicks your photo's will turn to a memorable movie.



KC Ignition

Here's a great CD / DVD optimizer for users who need to create 3 or more CD / DVD's. If there's anything that this software can do, is to save space on the media your trying to burn so that you don't have an additional CD / DVD device with a few blocks of files to store. The space saving software.



Dumo Driver Updates

Looking for a better driver update software for your computer. Dumo is here to get things updated and it makes it easy with just a click of the button. All you do is install the program and then it scans your computer for your latest driver and compares the driver from the manufacture. If an update is available it's just a click of the button.




Here is some information if you want to start an FRamily. It's a good idea because it keeps billing separately and if one doesn't pay, they get kicked out and give the opportunity for another individual to join up. There are only a few companies that are worth using these plans with no contract and no termination fees. Check it out if your interested in it.



Screenshots via Win 8

Want screenshots in Windows 8, check out what built in features they already have and how you can easily access them while using Windows. It will save you time, if you learn these steps now so you can always be ready to use it on Win 8.



Car Parts

Looking for deals when it comes to buying car parts. Here is some information you should know before you haggle or buy that specific car part online that will save you money



Free Computer Help

Looking for computer help for free. Here's a great way to get valuable information from this website. All you have to do is visit this site and hopefully it will answer and resolve most of your computer problems.



Attach Drives via Remote Desktop

Need to know how to attach a drive via remote desktop. It's quite simple as long as you follow these instructions. Now connecting drives will be a thing of the past.



Seagate Drive Problems

It's unfortunate many users are still complaining about getting new hard drives with performance issues. One big issue is that the hard drive run's slower than their old one.
In some cases it could be a firmware update, but buyer should beware.



Air Help

The next time you travel, you should get help via this application. It not only tells you what your entitled to but also helps you achieve what you should get legally.
It can also be done online as well but I believe the quicker you file your application the faster you'll get results. Great application for the frequent flyer.



Android Magic Senors

I've seen this a few days ago and was very interested on controlling my cell phone in a very different way. It also doesn't require using more battery life so why not tweak your Android phone.
Just install the app called Gravity Screen and Android will be tweaked to your settings.



Bing Saves

Looks like Microsoft is onto a new feature that saves links to it's popular Microsoft account. It's nothing new but re-designed to make it look different. But what really took them so long. It's not like you can't do the same thing with Google already.



Want to Stream

Want to stream, well these two contenders are back to back giving users the ultimate stream viewing that was limited to many for sometime. Now will modern technology streaming content is a thing of the past. See who the winners are and if streaming is for you.



Free up Gmail Space

Need to free up some space from Gmail. Here are some helpful tips to get more out of your Gmail email.



Gmail new Unsubscribe

Gmail now has made it easier to unsubscribe to junk mail that I hope everyone will adapt to. All you have to do is click the unsubscribe button on the top right hand of the email and it should unsubscribe you. Hopefully this will end most of your spam mail.



Control Pc via Android

Tired of leaving your laptop or tablet at home with remote desktop to control your computer so that you can retrieve important files while on the road. No problem as long as your using your android phone.
These new remote desktop application is a must have for the technician who always wants to be portable. Each software is unique and it's up to you to decide which one works better. Your choice.



Click & Grow

Want to have a green thumb while your still online. Try click and grow and easily have a green thumb while still being able to do the things you love to do.


NSA Proof your phone

I don't know if it works, but it beats not knowing that it doesn't work. When you have the NSA listening and watching your every move. Who knows if they already found a way to undo this tweak.



Slow DSL speeds info

Having slow DSL speeds this is what you should be looking for when your having slow DSL problems at home.

1. Check your computer
        -Reboot by turning your computer and modem/router off and then back on again. Simply rebooting solves most connection problems.

2. Check your web browser
        -Clear the cache (temporary internet files) in your web browser, clear the cookies in your web browser.

3. Check for electromagnetic interferences
        -Relocate the modem about 2 feet from anything electrical.
        -Make sure no speakers, cordless phone bases, subwoofers, or big screen TVs around the modem
        -Move, unplug or turn off any halogen, neon, and/or florescent lights nearby.

4. Check your connection
        -Make sure DSL line filters have been installed for all devices using the phone line.
        -Measure your connection speed at our speed test site. You can run speedtest using these websites: www.speakeasy.net orwww.speedtest.net. After running speedtest, compare the results you are getting with the level of service that you subscribed to. Below is the acceptable download and upload speed for each plan:

            - DSL Lite (up to 768)
              download speed: 224 Kbps down
              upload speed: 64 Kbps up

            - DSL Ultra (up to 1.5)
              download speed: 800 Kbps down
              upload speed: 128 Kbps up

            - DSL Xtreme (up to 3.0)
              download speed: 1.56 Mbps down
              upload speed: 256 Kbps up

            - DSL Xtreme 6.0 (up to 6.0)
              download speed: 3.04 Mbps down
              upload speed: 320 Kbps up


More Remote Software Link

Tired of the looking for the right remote software online. Here are some more wonderful links that can some day be useful to you and others.



Auto Sign-in after Updates

Here's a great way to enable or disable the sign-in automatically after Windows forced updates. This is a great idea for those user's who hate always to be interrupted doing Windows updates, or for any user who wants to secure their computer, your choice. 



Phone Charger with Case

I always love to go portable and every once in a while when I discover a new item on the market, I let everyone know. This device is a keeper because not only does it come with a handy case. But it has a built in charger where ever you go. I just hope it's durable enough to withstand being dropped on a daily basis.




These new charging stations will hopefully change the way you charge you phone daily. Not only does it remove the option to connect the power cord to your phone. But it makes it easier to charge your phone.



Death of the Desktop

Two companies are pushing hard to kill off the desktop and if this moves forward, we can be looking at a very different future without desktops all together. If Google and Vmware make it possible, your next computer could possibly be a chrome book.



Google Account Access

You may want to review all your linked accounts in Google from time to time and after you read this article you'll be aware that most of the times its not good to link accounts together. I don't want to start a panic but you should be concern.

Google Permission Link



Chromebook OS Troubleshooting

Recently purchased a Chromebook and now want to be able to troubleshoot it's basic problems. Well a few technicians have made it simple to figure out what's wrong and hopefully one day it will help you.
Alt Link


Auto Blinds

Now adjusting your home blinds can be automatically controlled via smart phone or automatically depending on your current settings. It's a great product and I can see a new beginning for the home users. Check it and pick up a Jalousier for under $100-. I am sure you'll get your money back.



OS X Beta

Want to sign-up for OS Yosemite Beta. Here's how and for those user's who don't. Well let's just say you'll have to wait until the OS comes out to see what's new.
It's a great time to review, trouble shoot and learn what's new with this OS coming out soon.



Dell Warranty void

Dell users be warned if you install VLC or KM Player on your computer, Dell will void your warranty. The excuse that Dell is using is that the software overrides Dell's manufacturing specs and damages the speaker. So if you install the software, you void Dell's manufacture computer warranty. Sound ridiculous, yes it as and as for the software makers response. It's that Dell is building computers with poor quality speakers.



Fast ISP

Looking for the fastest ISP in your area. You can stick with Comcast in which in many cases will be your fastest ISP provider in your area. But in areas where in doubt your best bet is to start here and check out the forums for customer reviews and opinions.



$100- Tablet

This new Windows 8 tablet is about to change the tablet market and push Windows 8 to users. Not only will they be stuck with an inexpensive tablet, but have Windows 8 on it to use it daily. Will the consumer market like it or not will be a great challenge for Microsoft. But regardless is still a great deal for a bargain price.



Facebook Ad Scam

I wish this wasn't true but as a recent ad subscriber, I can't really say running any Facebook Ad's has change my new business leads. You be the judge.



EventSentry Light

Hate the Windows version of system monitoring. Here's an excellent add on to Windows that manages and monitor logs. It just makes it more richer and easier to monitor.




Looking for weather around the world. Check out this new site that makes it possible giving you more detail information that ever before. You might just enjoy getting more from the weather.




Looking for a new matchmaking application to make your social life more interesting. Tinder is starting to look real good now. Starting from the campus grounds, now it's going international and soon it will be global. Give it a try, you never know.



Solar Socket

Need to charge your phone on the go, why not charge it with a windows solar charging device. All you do is attach the solar device onto a window facing the sunlight and just plug your phone to the solar charger and your device easily charges. Convenient and simple to use.



New delivery service promises that you'll be home when package is going to get delivered. Now missing a package will be a thing of the past. You'll know when and where your package arrives. Unfortunately it's just available in the NYC areas, but only time will tell when it reaches other areas.



Key Me App

I don't know still if this is a real application and if it is what they say that it is, but per the application if you loose your keys and need to make a copy of the key. It will cost you almost $10- to get a copy of your keys made. I just hope your key doesn't get hacked.



Remo More

Looking to optimize your system check out this freeware to speed up your internet, startup, one click maintenance and enhancements. It's a great utility for Window lovers.



Fix a broken Cat clip

Frustrated that your category cable clip is broken. Here are a few great tips to fix that problem so that you don't get upset. There are not the best fixer uppers but it beat replacing the cable all together.



Home Value

Trying to sell your home but can't figure out if your getting a good market value for you home. This site will give you homes in your area pricing plus an estimate market value for your property.




Monitoring your hard drive is serious business. If you not doing regular backup or monitoring your hard drive status, you can be a victim of having a failed hard drive or lost backup. Your best bet is to understand what SMART does and why you should be concern.



Best Broadband

Looking for the best broadband to connect to the internet. Here's an interesting website to visit to see what's the typical user download experience in your area. This can help you narrow down what to expect in a particular area your visiting for internet download. A must go to site for the every day traveler.



Pc Hardware Buying List

Tired of buying motherboards and computer accessories that just don't play friendly with other products. Well Pudget Systems narrows your choices on which is the best on the block and hopefully now you'll buy good computer hardware for you system to work right.




Google recently launched a goto meeting bundle that takes video conferencing to a new level. Since Google already perfected the technology a while ago, all they had to do is market it and sell it to the business world.



Chrome Office Suites

Ever wonder how Chrome OS Office Suites works? Simple it uses various Office suites from various companies to give you one complete Office suite. Without it, Office would be hard to compete with it's leader Windows Office.



Park Mobile

Here's an easier way to park via mobile. It's a modern way of parking so that you don't run around and go crazy looking for change. All you do is register online, install the application on your phone and the next time you park with Park Phone Go you just enter your space number and for your parking space. It's that simple and easy to do.



Nuclear Attack Hideout

Ever wonder where one can seek shelter should a nuclear attack take place. Well the US still does these studies and still consider the risk.
Here is some information, in case you wanted to know as well.


Webcam Alert

Worried that your webcam is quietly recording you while your not using it. Here is an easy way to find out what programs you have installed that's access you webcam to record your or broadcast you while your not using it. It's a good way to protect your privacy.



Process Explorer Update

Now this great software not only give you real time information about your computer but it now comes with Virus Total so that you can monitor viruses. This add on feature for viruses is a plus and will now be part of my tools used on a daily basis to fix computer. It should be yours too.



Restart Taskbar or Task Screen

Windows 8 has changed the way you do things when Windows starts acting funny. Instead of re-booting the system when your computer is acting funny. Try this hidden command which is Cntrl + Shift + Right Click from the taskbar and all you have to do is highlight explorer and do a restart.
Hopefully when it restart's everything should run as usual.



Win 8 Update

Having a problem showing the Windows 8 update. Here's is what you need to do so that you can install the Windows 8.1 update on your computer.

Type in the run command "wsreset.exe" and re-boot computer and now you should be able to do the Windows 8.1 update.


Malicious Software

Ever wonder what is malicious software and why you should be concern? Let's just say it's Microsoft way of making sure your computer is not infected with malware and if it finds any it will delete it and remove it after you re-boot.



Pc Maestro Inc

Looking for computer help?
Need help to remove a virus?
Need help to remove malware?
Looking for computer support? 
Need help to cleanup your computer?
Looking for a monthly or annually maintenance program?

These are the few services that Pc Maestro Inc are offering to you.

Here is more information on the company Link

We believe that good business starts by keeping everyone happy.


Disable Office Personal Info

You ever wondered how anyone can remove personal information from Office documents? Now that Microsoft has gone mobile, many user's are concern with their privacy and personal information leaking out on the web. In order to control privacy you'll have to tweak your Office software to disable the personal information memo. In doing so, now you can send documents to anyone without leaking personal information out.



Get Thumbnails back

Here the easy way to get your Photoshop thumbnails back. Microsoft a few years back allowed all thumbnails to be viewed and now they don't do it any longer by default. If you enjoy that feature than it's time to turn back the clock and return your thumbnails.



MAC remote access

Have a MAC and wondering how you can get free remote access. Here are a few tricks to get your remote access working using MAC friendly software. It shouldn't take you that long to be controlling your desktop.



Router Setup Reminders

Here are a few things everyone should do once they purchase a new router and set it up on a network. Not doing so can risk your network and your data from being compromised.



Air Watch

Looking to secure your mobile devices in the corporate world. Air Watch is what you've been looking for and soon it will be acquired by Vmware so it will be very interesting to see what new things both companies will do together.



How Long do Hard Drives Last

This is a hard question to answer and if you find someone who give you a good answer let me know. But here's the scoop from a top backup provider. You decide for yourself.



Electronic Cigarettes

Lately the new electronic cigarettes are becoming big sellers to people who claim that they stop smoking. Although I've seen a lot of people using it. The urge to stop smoking after using the device has it's up's and down. The majority results I see first hand is that some people still can't kick that bad habit.
With this comes your everyday hacker to get your most out of your e-cigarette. So if your in it for the good or bad, now hackers have given you the ability to pimp out your e-cigarette the way you want it.



KolibriOS is an exciting OS that boots in less than 10 seconds thats only 6 mb big. This open source program has been been out for some while and it's pretty powerful. enough to fit in a floppy drive. If your looking for a powerful OS suite this is a great OS to take a look at.


Online audio converter

The next time you need to convert an audio file try this new site to do all your conversions online. No need to install any software. Everything is done online so that you can just save your new converted audio file to your computer. Worth checking out.




Here's a new service to unenroll you from other user's mailing list. All you do is install the application and enter your email address and the software searches online for any mailing list. You decide later if you want to unenroll yourself from that list. Simple and easy to do.



Win 8 things to know

Here are some few items you should know about Microsoft's new operation system and when compared to prior versions how things are just quite different than before.



Open Source Books

There has been always a long debate on making books free. Now students are taking a stand and trying to make all books free so that everyone can take education to the next level. But tycoons like Barnes & Noble will never give up their share of the profits from controlling school text books.




I always believe that in order for your business to grow you need to cater to your customers and clients and by doing this it's always helpful to create customer feedback via surveys so that you know what your customers want and how you can service them better.



Schedule Meetings International

In this day in age businessmen need to keep track of their appointments where ever they go. In the past if you had appointments you would use outlook or a similar portable appointment calendar. With this comes the international meeting calendar so now you can schedule your appointments where ever you go worldwide without trying to figure out the time schedules.



Track Personal Fitness

Looking for personal fitness software to track your progress while weight training or staying fit. This program is catered to show you your everyday habits with ultimate goals.




Tired of your computer installing unwanted programs. This software makes sure that you only install what you wanted to install on your computer and prevents other third party software from sneaking into your computer. A must have for users who don't know better.



Cloud Malware Scanner

Looking for a new malware scanner. Why not try Crystal Cloud based malware scanner. Now securing your computer from malware attacks will be done immediately.



Email Ip Leak Test

Want to make sure your email is secure that receivers can't figure out where the message came from. You need to test your email with this leak test verify what comes back.



Secure Instant Message

Ever since the NSA monitoring was uncovered a lot of new companies are profiting from new software to secure privacy. Here's an Android & iOS application to secure messages and block out means for monitoring.
In my eyes all that this is going to do is advance the NSA software monitoring techniques. You decide.

Link for Android
Link for iOS


Crack the Code

After 20 years a dying grandmother's code was cracked online in only 14 minutes. What this tells me about today's technology is that we have come a long way because of the internet. And now anyone can easily solve problems online. Code cracking is just another challenge on the net.



Where to store batteries

Here's the ongoing controversy where to store batteries. I don't know which method makes sense but in a technological world where all electronic devices needs power, there needs to be a better solution and method to store batteries.



Microsoft Calls

In recent months I've been hearing rumors of unknown individuals who are calling themselves Microsoft employees and are calling new potential customers regarding their computer viruses.
Well here is the scoop and why you should be concern.

In a brief summary all that you need to know is that they are not Microsoft employees and can be considered a scam. So be careful and only trust support from people that you contact.



Best Hard Drive

Looking for the best hard drive to store your data files. As per Blackblaze the famous data store provider you best bet is to buy an Hitachi drive and it sure to beat Segate and Western Digital any day.



File Examiner

Want to examine two files and note the differences between them. This software is plus and saves you time and money seeing which file you need the most. Great for cross examining files.




Tired of buying software to do your invoicing and manage your expenses. Try it now for free with Nutcache. The great thing about this software is that you can create your own invoices and then link them to your favorite payment websites for payment. Worth checking out.



Registry Editor

Looking for a registry editor to access the registry even from a guest computer. This software does wonders even if the computer is blocked.



Correct Grammar Mistakes

Here are some great Chrome extensions to fix your grammar mistakes once and for all. It's not always a good idea to send emails and text messages to co-workers, clients and customers with grammar errors. These extensions are here to help your resolve your misspellings.

Grammerly Lite
After the Deadline
Spell Checker
Grammar Base 


Cloud Convert

Here is a better way to convert files to other formats via cloud. Now as technology changes all you have to do is convert these files over to the new technology so that you can easily read them where ever you go. Give it a try and start converting now.



Sharable to do List

Looking for a different to do list that can easily be shared. Well All Things believes that items can be shared so that everyone remembers what to do.



Windows Experience Index

Looking for the Windows Experience Index and wonder if Windows 8 still has it. Well it's unfortunate that Microsoft removed this utility, I guess user's were not truly interested to see if their computer performance was at it's peak because the benchmark was not that accurate.
Regardless if your still interested in getting these stats from your computer, you now can download it for Windows 8 and benchmark your new computers performance.
