
Download Free Legal Forms

From time to time everyone needs to fill out basic legal forms and the sad thing is that you have to pay for things that are sometimes given out for free. If your looking for legal freebies. Check out this site.

More Free Legal Forms


Get Free Kindle E-Books

Recently bought a Kindle from Amazon. Now here's a chance to get free E-books. You'll be surprised what you'll get for free on the web.


Your own SATA Hard Drive Switch

A neat way to have two SATA hard drives with different operating systems all under one roof. It's a easy tweak that just requires some ingenious thinking.


Google Chrome Portable

Love Google Chrome but don't want to install it on every computer. Here is a simple way to do this. Put it on a portable USB drive and now Google Chrome can go where ever you want to go.



If your City was Nuked

Pretty interesting site to see what would happen if your city was nuked. It's kind of a demonstration on the events that can occur.


Net Framework Removal

Looking for a Net Framework Removal Tool, this automated software will save you the time.


Microsoft KB Lookup

Need to lookup a Microsoft KB download or your computer is requiring a certain KB download but you can't find it on the Microsoft.com website.
Thanks Microsoft for this headache. But here is an easy way to lookup and find your favorite KB information or download.

on the Internet Explorer web address type microsoft.com/kb/ and after the kb/ type in the KB number and it should give your close results to the information that you are looking for.


Obama Panorama

In this date in age security has gotten far advanced than you can imagine. In the generations ahead these features will improve drastically. Here is a sample of how a simple panorama picture can be viewed by big brother.


IRS Stimulus 2008 Payment

If you received a stimulus check last year from the IRS and can't remember how much it was. Use the following website to confirm the check amount so that you can file your taxes on April 15th.


C drive Installation Problems

I recently had a software installation problem when I recently upgraded my SATA drive on my current computer. Instead of the main drive reading C, which is standard for most computers. My computer choose E drive as it's home drive. There is nothing wrong with having E drive as your home computer, except some software's are programed to excute and install on the current C drive. Making installations fail or almost impossible. One way to fix this is to go to the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Mangement -> Disk Mangement. All you need to do is change the drive letter to another drive and move the current C drive to another destination drive that doesn't conflict. If you do everything right there should be no C drive when you open My Computer.

Now to substitute the C drive so that you can install the current program that's looking for the C main drive. All you have to do is to go to Start -> Run -> type CMD and Enter. This will open up DOS and in DOS you just type the following:
subst c: e:\
(in which e is the current main drive that windows is booting up on your computer)


Hardware & Software Manuals

Lost your hardware or software manuals and think your out of luck. Think again with the help of this website to help you find your lost manuals.


College Students who Changed Grades

In this day in age in not uncommon to hear students trying to hack into the school network system to change grades. It's a security risk that all schools face and it was unfortunate that these students got caught.
But what do you expect when you change ninety students grades and residency status at FAMU.


Data in your Documents

If you have ever written a report in Microsoft Word, you never realized that data was hidden in the document on who wrote the report and if any other users viewed or altered the report before it was sent out.
For many users this can be embarrassing and t also can be a security threat because data theft can occur through corporate spies.
Removing this is simple and requires you to download Microsoft Remover Hidden Data tool. Now deleting unwanted metadata from your documents is done easier.


Personal Data on Cell Phones

After last years big elections, campaigns sold staffers their blackberries and made one big mistake. To reset all it's blackberrys to factory default. It's an easy step and not doing this handed over private emails and contact list to users who now owned the phone. Next time your upgrade your cell phone and decide to donate your phone visit the ReCellular Data Eraser.


Menu Commands for Vista

This is a registry hack so make sure you backup your registry before you begin.

This hack creates the Copy to Folder and Move to Folder shortcut. In the long run it will save you precious time.

Go to Start -> in search field type Regedit
Find the folder named HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> ALLFilesystemObjects -> ContextMenuHandlers
Right Click on ContextMenuHandlers and click New Key
A New Key #1 will appear under ContextMenuHandlers
Rename this key as {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} -this creates the Copy to Folder
Select New Key #1 and rename the new key as {C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} - this creates the Move to Folder



In a rush to leave a voice message. This new application skips the voice message and goes to voice mail. It's a must for people who are always on the go and have no time to wait for that annoying greeting message to go away.


Lock You Laptop Automatically

This application has it's own security feature that locks your laptop when your cell phone goes out of it's range. It's great for travelers who need to make sure that security is priority when traveling and leaving their laptop unattended.

My only concern is that what happens if your cell phone is stolen?

Fast Download


Recover Photo's from Camera Phone Memory Card

Their are a few software's that can recover your camera phone's photo's from the memory card and if you are wondering which one's to use. Take your pick.

Pc Smart Recovery

Zero Assumption Image Recovery


Don't Pay for Movies already Owned

If you already own some home movies and want to play them on your iPod or iPhone, Hand Brake is your answer. This software RIPs your movies into a MPEG-4 file. Whether this is legal or not that's another question, but If you own the movie, why not?


Hasten Windows Boot Ups

Tired of your computer taking forever to boot up. Try this software to control the traffic for all your applications booting up all at one time as Window boots up.
The startup delayer will increase your computer's performance overall.

Other Link


Buy & Sell Electronics

Want to buy or sell electronics that's almost two years old. This great website does that and even lets you know up front what you'll get back. If your tired of your new electronic device and waiting for an excuse to upgrade. Here is your chance to upgrade.


Power Wasters Solutions

If you have a power waster device, and want to consume electricity the following items will help you save electricity the smart way. They either power electricty off or cut off power in the off mode.

Bits Limited Smart Strips
Legrands's Isole Plug
Belkin Conserve Surge Protector


Kill a Watt EZ

Here a some of Kill A Watt EZ power waters results. So if you ever wondered how much power these items were consuming a year. Here is the results as per PCWorld.com

These costs may vary:

cable box - $10.33 a year
old CRT TV set - $5.16 a year
VCR - $3.10 a year
Desktop Computer - $6.20
Laptop - $2.06
LCD Computer monitor - $1.03
Wireless Router - $4.13
DSL modem - $5.16
External USB hard drive - $2.06
Computer Speaker - $5.16
Inkjet Printer - $4.28
DVD Player - $3.60
Powered subwoofer - $3.60

Want to save energy visit the Energy Department


Full Page Bookmarks

It's similar to Delicious but differ with gallery of images that you can comment and share with friends. If you love to share your bookmarks, I suggest you take a look at qitera.


Used PC's for XP Copies

There have been recent sales jump of used computer's in the market for their old copies of Windows XP. Since most companies are upgrading to Vista their hardwares need to be upgraded to keep up with their performance. So buying a new PC with Vista preloaded is a must.
But old user's who still have XP licenses benefit because of compatibility issues that Vista still yet has to resolve.
So if your in the market for an XP license, and can't afford a new computer. Buying a used computer from a reliable source would be a great benefit.


Vista SP2 with Blu-Ray Burning Features

Yes Vista SP2 when available will give you the opportunity now to burn Blu-ray disks without any additional software, similar to the way you now burn regular CD's and DvD's. How better the software will be against third party software depends on Microsoft and time will tell.


Windows Cookies Shortcut

Want to access Windows Cookies.
Here are a few shortcuts to make your life simple

Search Method
Go to Start -> Search -> All Files and Folders in ALL type cookies and your shortcut Cookie folder should appear.

Run Command
Go to Start -> Run -> type shell:cookies and your Cookie folder should appear.


Acer Lite Broadband Plans

Acer in now incorporating it's laptops with broadband service. Which will open soon special pricing for lite broadband users.
Now they're will be no reason to pay a monthly broadband rate, when you can just pay for the times your just going to use the internet.


Increase Vista File Copy

These helpful links will hopefully increase your file copy speed in Vista. It's a shame that you have to use third party software to make Vista copy files faster.

Fast Copy
Super Copier
Tera Copy


Make Vista or XP Run Faster

This tip will help you increase your computer memory. It all depends if you use these sevices or not. If you do not then the tweak is a plus for users.

Disable Windows Indexing
Goto Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and scroll down to Index servicing and set startup type to Disable.

Disable Aero Glaaa and Flip3D
Right click on Desktop -> Personalize -> Windows Color and Appearance -> Classic Appearance Properties and set color scheme to Windows Vista Basic


Gmail Offline

A great thing happened to Gmail a few weeks ago when it decided to give user's the opportunity to go offline with it's Gmail service. Gmail now can compete with Microsoft Outlook, side by side.
Now it's all up to Gmail to mimic Microsoft Outlook in the corporate world.


Microsoft Fix It Web Site

I don't know if this is going to work, but at least now Microsoft new website wants to help you fix all of your Windows problems.


ATM hack in 30 Minutes

Who would ever think that a regular ATM would be this easy to hack in just thirty minutes. That's what an investigative report revealed and it's shocking to know that it already occurred.
When it comes to identity theft, nothing is secure.


Cell Phone USB Ranger

The next time you have Cell phone signal problems, you should take a look at the new USB cell phone ranger at TestFreaks. This gadget is a must for cell phone block out areas.


Is Magic Jack A Scam

Well I've already posted my results and for starters it does work. They're are software compatibility problems with the unit. But hopefully in time they will sort these problems out.
Magic Jack is a great deal on the cheap, as long as you can get your computer to make it work.


SATA drives Confusion

Confused on the difference between SATA drives and performance.
Hopefully the confusion will be gone after you read this information from overclock.net

Info: Is there a difference between SATA and SATA2 cables?
There seems to be some confusion about the difference between cables branded as SATA or SATA2. Many companies that produce the cables and even the retailers selling the cables add to the confusion by branding some cables as SATA and other as SATA2. I even have some Thermaltake SATA UV cables that are clearly sold as 150Mb/s maximum transfer rate. It would then make sense that these cables would not be good to use with a SATA2 hard drive that is capable of 300Mb/s transfer speeds.

Before going any farther I do just want to make one clarification. The transfer speeds of 150mb/s and 300mb/s in no way mean that a SATA2 drive is twice as fast as a SATA drive. Current hard drives are not even able to fully utilize the 150mb/s transfer speed. These numbers are more descriptive of burst speed.

Finally on to the cables. There is no difference in maximum transfer speeds between cables labeled as SATA vs. SATA2. The only difference is that most SATA2 cables have a locking mechanism.

I have been in contact with Seagate about this and here are a couple highlights from our correspondence:

There is really no such thing as SATA2 cables, SATA2 drives use
industry wide standard SATA data cable. You should be able to use your
drive with the cables that you have in your system.
There is no such thing as SATA rated at 150mb/s or rated at 300mb/s. It is
just SATA cable. Don't get confused by the marketing definitions.

Alexander C.
Seagate Technical Support
In summary, both SATA and SATA2 hard drives can be used with any SATA controller. If the SATA controller can only handle 150mb/s then a SATA2 drive will function as a SATA drive. Also, any SATA cable can be used for either a SATA or SATA2 drive. Both drives and cables are fully interchangeable.


Net BrutScanner

On a network and want to know what folders your sharing. This software takes a peak into you system and tells you what's open.

Windows 7 is six versions

It's amazing how the new Windows 7 is looking more and more like Vista licensing again. Why don't they just name it Vista 2.


Chargepod v2

These little devices just make your life easier to deal with when it comes to charging your various devices.


Seagate Drive Flaws

It's upsetting to see a hard drive company having flaws with it's storage device, when they've been in business for quite sometime.
Can someone at least make a reliable hard drive that can last long enough to appreciate it.


Bluetooth Wireless Camera

This camera is just the beginning. The camera right now can be linked to only one computer with the basic bluetooth range of about 10 to 30 feet, battery life is four hours but can be extended with a usb cable to a personal computer. Not bad for a first time bluetooth product.
Don't expect miracles with this bluetooth camera but do expect to see in the future more bluetooth products being able to do more than just to hook up a wireless ear piece.


Change Register User on a PC

Here is a great tip on how to change the registered owner on a Windows XP computer.

How to change registered owner`s name on Win XP
1- Run regedit
2- Find and go to below key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version
3-Change your name in following subkey :Registered Owner


Your Favorite Artist Music Release's

Want to know when you favorite music artist releases a new single. Don't worry about visiting the artist website or hearing it from forums, radio stations, or news groups.
This handy website will do it all. All you have to do is just enter your favorite artist name and your job is done.


New Sports Calender

Now there is a sports calender for all types of sports. All you have to do is to enter you favorite teams and the calendar populates itself with upcoming games during the month. Now you'll never miss a game because you'll always know when they are playing via email or mobile text message.


Opening XLSX files without excel

Microsoft 2007 is changing the way you save excel files and forcing you to upgrade Excel. And the only way you change you new version of excel files to the old format of .xls is to use Microsoft Compatabilty Pack software. Take control of Office now before its too late.

Microsoft Compatability Pack Link


Clickfree Cable Automates

Need to backup you files to an external hard drive trouble fee. Taking a look at Clickfree should change your mind on how to backup. It automates everything and the best part about it is that you don't have to figure it out.


How to Edit / Delete System File in Vista

This is a good tip on how to edit or delete a system file in Vista. Hope that this information was useful.


Windows 7 Tips

If your currently running the Windows 7 version in beta. Here a some tips around Windows that you should know of. Let's just see if Microsoft this time around makes up a better software.


Happy Pill * FUN *

Take a pill today and understand that it's just one of those days.


Wobble iPhone App

This software application has so much potential. Right now it's making money the common way. But within time this application will be a must for photo tweaking.


Schlage Link

This deadbolt is out of it's world. Besides unlocking the door remotely you can also get a text message when someone opens the door. The fees are high but if it's going to give you security. Then this is the way to go.


1099 Forms

Looking for a free 1099 form. No need to pay for these forms anymore when the IRS has them available online for free.


Block IE 8 from downloading

Internet Explorer 8 is due to come out real soon and network administrators who need to block Internet Explorer from downloading should use this tool kit from preventing the download to occur.
It's better to be prepared now, then to have headaches later.

Microsoft Direct Link


Alter the Boot Order

Some computer's by factory default change the standard boot order of floppy, cd rom and then hard drive. If at any time you wish to change the boot order just hit either the following functions to change the boot order. It varies from computer to computer.





Windows Update Links

Reformatting your computer, use the following links to get the latest updates for your computer so that your computer has the latest updates.

Vista Network Installation Package


OneCare replaced with Morro

Microsoft OneCare antivirus software solution is being replaced with a new free software called Morro. Morro is a spyware and malware prevention software that's free. And it's a Microsoft perk because of the currently existing class action suits that are currently pending. Be on the look out through the Microsoft website after June.


Windows Live OneCare No More

Yes Microsoft has pulled the plug on it's antivirus software and soon it will discontinue it's service. For those who have existing service, don't worry you still have until the end of your subscription. But after June of this year it looks like OneCare is No More.


Phantom Keystroker

Want to drive others crazy when they are using their computer. Just install the Phantom Keystroker on to their computer and watch has their computer gets possessed.


World Card Mobile

This nice application is a must for the business traveler. You take a picture of a business card and the software scan's the card to be put into Outlook or any phone book application. For the few dollars that you spend, this software makes life easier.

Other Link


Outook Crashing

If your Outlook is crashing you might want to disable all of your add on's in Outlook. And if this resolves the problem then you know that it's one of the add on's software's that creating the problem.
One great add on software that you can consider is installing Xobni. It's very resourceful and it does a lot.


Outlook Duplicate Error

Getting the Outlook duplicate error when you open Outlook. This is what you can do to resolve the problem. You download the software and the software remove duplicate entries. And remember that Microsoft will always be buggie.


Free BitDefender Total Security 2009

It's almost a years worth of free licensing for this product. But at least you can use it for most of 2009 before it expires.


Free 1yr PC Tools Internet Security

Why buy when you can get it for free for 1 year. That's what PC Tools Internet Security is offering. Hurry up no telling how long this link will be active.


Print Job Stuck in Quere

You don't know how many times I hate this to happen. This program will kill the job automatically or your can try to delete the job manually by your self but you have have access to the server print spooler.

Cancel Print JOB Program - Automatically
Open notepad by going to Start, then Run and typing notepad and hit OK. Copy the following script:

net stop spooler
del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.shd
del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.spl
net start spooler

Next, save this document as C:\DeletePrintJobs.cmd

Once saved, navigate to Start, then Run and type or paste that filename in the run box.

This will run the script from the command line automatically and shut down when finished. You should notice that all print queues are cleared and you can now resume printing. If you can’t print after running this script, reboot your computer.

Delete Print Job - Manually
Go to the services and stop the Print Spooler.
Delete all files in the C:\windows\system32\spool\printers directory (you
will probably find you have 2 files in here)
Go back to the services and start the Print Spooler

This should clear out all print jobs that are currently hung. However, this
will also clear out any print jobs waiting to be printed as well. If you
have other print jobs waiting, then you will have to find the 1 or 2 files
associated with your print job in the above printers directory and remove
only those.


Gaming PC

Is your PC a Gaming PC? The only way to find out is to know what games you want to install on your PC and run the system requirements diagnosis tool to see if you computer can handle the game requirements. This will save you time and money.


New Flash Drive Backup

This new flash drive will make your backup jobs simple. All you do is plug in the flash drive and press the backup button and the backup software that is located in this flash drive backs up your computer. It's that easy.


Crime Map of UK

This new Crime Map it's on it's way to America soon. But it's an example on how they use the Google Maps feature to pinpoint crimes in areas that you live in.


Things to do before reinstalling Windows

Need to re-install Windows. Make sure you follow these simple steps to make your job easier. If you choose not to follow these steps. You Windows installation can't take you hours than you first anticipated.



Here's another alternative software and application updater to keep in mind if you need your drivers and applications to be updated daily.


New Fight on Parking Tickets

Get Parking Tickets but have no choice but to plead guilty and pay. This new website can help you fight or pay for your parking tickets. It's up to you to decide if you want to fight for your rights.


iPhone 3G Software unlocked

By the time you read this there should be already an iPhone 3G software unlocked from At&t on the way. Now there is no need to have your iPhone software locked by At&t.


Multi Video Converter

Looking for a video converter to change you video format to another. These two great software's are a good consideration.



Looking for CD burning software to copy music, data, or backup files. This free Windows burning software takes you in that direction.



Need to have all your computer and drivers applications up to date. No need to keep track of it as long as you have Radarsync. It updates your drivers and applications daily.


Solar Laptop Bags

Although not their yet but getting close. Laptop solar recharging bags are perfecting a self charging solar bag. I figure in another year or two it will just be hours before your laptop battery will be fully charged.


Make your own Greeting Cards

If you have twelve bucks to spend and want a personalized greeting card. Here is an excellent place to get started. You can personalize you message as well as create you own greeting cards.


Update Your Blackberry

Need the link to update your Blackberry well here it is. You'll have to plug you Blackberry to your computer using a usb connector to do the upgrade.



Need to make calls for free and cheap. Gizmo is something that you should be looking for. Similar to Skype but requires no special software.


Private Surfing

Some browser's are now convincing you that you can surf online privately. But many just delete cookies and histories. If you want to surf online privately. Take a look at Anymizer and Torproject to surf privately.


Troubleshoot as a Pro - Process Explorer

Already fixing computers and just now seeking for a software to help you make you job easier. This free software can help you diagnose any computer as long as you are able to make sense of it's excellent features. Now troubleshooting computers is a thing of the past.


Iqua Vizor

Looking for an indefinite Bluetooth device, that never needs to be recharged. Iqua has succeeded on developing a self charging Bluetooth device that uses the sun to recharge it's batteries. So once you set it up, all you have to do is point the charger to the sun and your done.


5pm Project

Tired of using post it notes and need a better way to consolidate your ideas and projects. Take a look 5pm project manager. It's an efficient way to organize your things to do list.


First DvD / Blue Ray Hybrid

Japan has made the first Dvd / Blue Ray Hybrid disc to be able to record on one side Dvd media and Blue Ray on the other side. This just increases the storage capacity for Dvd media in the near future. And there's no telling what's going to come next.


USB Phone Cable Drivers

Stuck because you bought a USB cable without the driver and feel like you've been ripped off. Your not alone. But here is some help. The reason for this is that you can get the software free online, but you have to know where to go.

Harry Thompson
Motorola Drivers
Motorola Link
Howard Forums


Understand Ratio & Resolutions

Confused on understanding ratio and resolutions on televisions and monitors. Here is a helpful guide to make understanding easier. Now you know what these measurements mean.



Need to test your memory to see if your computer is running efficiently. This program helps you optimize your memory against program hogs.


Invision TV

Think of it as the Electronic program guide to the web. You tell Invision what you like and it searches your interests. It's the world wide web version of the TV Guide.


Turn Any USB into a NAS

It's not cheap but if you want to turn a USB device into a NAS, it's possible now. This small device makes life simple.


Scunia Software Inspector

Recently installed all your Windows updates on a computer and what to see if the computer is still vulnerable to security threats.

Download Link


Vista SP2 Beta

Vista SP2 Beta is here. If your computer is still having compatibility problems then the SP2 upgrade will hopefully do the trick. But remember it's still full of bugs.


Find Partners your Goods

Need a Partner to promote your goods. Take a look at these firms to help you promote your product. Their will be some fees involved but the expenses in most cases will be lower than when compared to owning your own web site for e-commerce.

Amazon Services


Building an Ecommerce website

If your looking around for a cheap and easy e-commerce web site check out the following links below. It's affordable until your business picks up.


Yahoo Small Business



Another great web site for people who need to design their own logo's. It's an easy task that just requires some creativity.



Need a new logo or just want to upgrade your current logo. This great web site lets you design your own logo for free. Making it easy for anyone to start their own business.


Metageek Wi-Spy

Recently installed a wireless network, but for whatever reason imaginable, there seems to be interference problems. One solution to help you resolve these issues is with the Metageek Wi-Spy. This hardware scans Wi-Fi spectrums and conducts surveys to troubleshoot interference from other wireless devices.



Need to expand your Wi-Fi range outdoors. This bullets pushes 1,000 mW of output power and helps you to connect over vast distances. It's an excellent option to regain additional Wi-Fi ranges.



Looking to expand your wireless Wi-Fi. Meraki maybe the way you want to go. All you have to do is plug in this wall unit and your Wi-Fi deployments are finished. Simple and easy to use.


Facebook Trojan Help

You have a Facebook account and recently got infected by that favorite Trojan. Now what do I do next to remove this Trojan.
Try using Malwarebytes and a trial version of CounterSpy to remove the Trojan. And once the virus is removed scan it regularly.



7 Zip

Start the New Year with a free zip utility software from 7 Zip. Now you can extract a file using one program for free.