There is no need to pay to have songs downloaded on to your cell phone. There are so many software's to help you save money on phone perks that should be included with your service. Here is the simplest way to import music into your cell phone.
Still Free - Amazing Stunt
I've seen crazy stuff in my life. But this guy sure wants to be famous quickly. Not only was he able to get this close to Air Force One since 9/11. But he was able to Tagg it. Which means that any crazy terrorist today can do the same thing and possibly take it a little further. I am upset that something like this can be over looked. I hope that this video will wake up security measures.
Windows Live OneCare
Windows Live OneCare is another way Microsoft hopes to make another buck out of consumers. It automates backups, updates, firewall, antivirus, and antispyware. It hopes to cash in on other after market software that has been in circulation for sometime. The nice thing is that since it's Microsoft, you can easily bet you'll have no worries on that it will interrupt it's current operating system.
Family Friendly Locators
GPS tracking is getting better. Now you can track you children movements and where abouts without doing much. The phones built in GPS gives you, your child location in minutes. The only thing to worry from this product is the privacy issues. But at least you can track your kids.
Gmail Chat Sounds
Here is the link on how to disable Audio Chat from your Gmail Account. Gmail chat is automatically enabled. But if you want to disable the sound. Here is how you do it.
AOpen MiniPC
Looking to put a PC in a small area. But your problem is that a standard PC is just too big. AOpen MiniPC is here for you. Although it's cost is a little pricey. It's compatible to the Apple's Mini Mac.
Most of these units price depends on storage capacity and memory. So if you're just looking for a PC to play your favorite media or just browse online. This is a good pick.
Most of these units price depends on storage capacity and memory. So if you're just looking for a PC to play your favorite media or just browse online. This is a good pick.
This flight simulator software takes you to the most realistic scene in flying a plane online. Hopefully you'll get better flying the plane.
Online Backup Services
They've been out for sometime and depending on how valuable your information is on your hard drive. Every computer should be backed up. Anyone knows how horrible it is to loose your system backup. You not only have to start from scratch but have to remember all those programs that you once installed on your PC to re-install them again onto your computer. It's tedious and annoying. But one sure way you can cut down on the restoring process is to remember backing up. It saves you time and it might also save some of your files. Have a plan and remember to occasionally test your backups. It's better to backup that not to backup at all.
Mozy Remote - Free
Sos Online - Prem.
Spare Backup - Prem.
Data Deposit Box - Prem.
Mozy Remote - Free
Sos Online - Prem.
Spare Backup - Prem.
Data Deposit Box - Prem.
Inexpensive Business Cards
Try these site for inexpensive Business Cards and hopefully you save some money
Office Depot
Office Depot
The $100 Laptop
The MIT Geeks sure have an impressive $100- Laptop. Even though they are just suppose to be sold to schools. This might just change the future of Laptop pricing.
Direct Link
Direct Link
Office Beta 2007
It's not just for developers but for anyone who is interesting in checking out the new Office 2007 version. If you have time and can afford to play with the beta version. I suggest you try it and see if Office Beta is for you.
To Auto Update or Not to Auto Update
Here is an excellent article on Windows Auto Update that I wish to share to others.
So you decide if auto updating Microsoft is for you.
To auto-update or not to auto-update
Brian Livingston By Brian Livingston
I published a Woody Leonhard column as the top story last issue while I was traveling, knowing that he's opinionated and always gets strong reactions. Well, he didn't disappoint me.
Reacting to several mistakes Microsoft made in its Automatic Updates downloads in April, Woody railed against Redmond's patching strategy, saying, "Windows auto-update is for chumps."
Woody made some very good points, which Microsoft has done nothing to rebut. There's an important lesson here. I'm going to use this space today to give you the best advice I've been able to pull together.
An April that will live in infamy
For those who don't know the details of what I call Microsoft's April Fool's patches, here's a quick recap, in increasing order of severity:
• An obscure hotfix for XP SP2 machines, patch 900485 from Dec. 2005, was downloaded as a "critical" security patch via Automatic Updates on Apr. 25, two weeks after Redmond's regular Patch Tuesday distribution. Almost no one needed this hotfix, although it seems to have done no harm. It was apparently inserted into the Automatic Updates mechanism by accident, according to some newsgroup comments, although Microsoft still hasn't explained the gaffe.
• Security bulletin MS06-016, released on Apr. 11, made it impossible for some users of Microsoft's free Outlook Express e-mail program to open their Address Books or reply to e-mails. Microsoft acknowledged this on Apr. 26 and published Knowledge Base article 917288. The company describes how to backup, delete, and then import the Address Book to fix OE. But Redmond, six weeks later, hasn't issued a corrected MS06-016 patch to save people from having the problem in the first place.
• MS06-015 , released on the same Patch Tuesday as MS06-016, conflicted with widely used nVidia video drivers, some HP printer/scanner/CD/DVD software, Kerio Personal Firewall, and some other applications, as described in KB 918165. The problem caused Microsoft Office components and some other apps to freeze when accessing files in My Documents or My Pictures, interfered with Windows Explorer and Send To, and prevented Internet Explorer from visiting typed-in Web addresses unless they were prefixed with http. The security bulletin was re-released on Apr. 25 so users could install a version that corrects the problems.
• Windows Genuine Advantage, a Microsoft program that checks Windows installations for valid licenses, was pushed out as a "critical" security update to the U.S., U.K., Australia, and other countries beginning on Apr. 25. It's impossible to use Add/Remove Programs to remove the GA app, which displays warnings (once per hour after 14 days) if the software considers a copy of Windows to be nonlicensed. (Microsoft explains in KB 905474 how to disable the warnings until the next update is installed.)
I consider the surprise Genuine Advantage downloads to be the most severe blunder. Microsoft had previously said the tool would be strictly opt-in, but the midnight installs flooded some companies' help desks with calls from panicked users. No one expects Microsoft to give away its products for free. No responsible company, however, slams its biggest, most legitimate customers with a change of this magnitude with little or no notice other than a press release the day before.
In the face of the missteps described above, Microsoft has said almost nothing by way of explanation. The Redmond company is filled with thousands of talented and well-meaning developers, but they don't drive the corporation's policy in this area. After several inquiries seeking comment, a Microsoft spokeswoman told me: "Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an interview at this time due to lack of spokesperson availability."
I've previously said that home users of Windows (as opposed to advanced users) should keep Automatic Updates turned on. That was because Microsoft assured the public that Automatic Updates would only be used to distribute security updates rated as "critical." Microsoft's abuse of its security upgrade mechanism to stealthily install Genuine Advantage, in addition to April's outrageously buggy patches, is inexcusable. It's clear that corporate executives have made a deliberate decision to use Automatic Updates to install software that benefits the company, whether or not it helps users or has any relationship to users' security.
Pros update manually, novices automatically
Because of the April Fool's patches, I want to clarify my recommendations on who should keep Automatic Updates turned on and who should use the Control Panel to turn it off.
• Advanced users (including companies with full-time IT staff) should never use Automatic Updates. Professionals should first test Microsoft patches — and every other company's patches — on isolated machines. Read the free and paid versions of the Windows Secrets Newsletter that are published 2 days after Patch Tuesday with warnings of problems. Then use patch-management techniques to carefully install the needed upgrades to end users.
• Novice users, who can't or won't read up on reported patch problems before updating their machines, should leave Automatic Updates turned on. Beginners have a greater risk of catching a virus than they do of encountering a serious patch incompatibility.
Some advanced users may disagree with my recommendation that novices should leave Automatic Updates turned on. If you're the main tech support for a newbie, I'd say you can disable AU if a PC has the four items in our recommended Security Baseline ( below), which provides good general security. Patches should still be installed manually within a few days of release, after you check news reports for potential conflicts.
Supporting Grandma's PC means auto-update
We received many comments supportive of Woody's distrust of Automatic Updates, which he's been publicly stating for years. We can give you only a overview here of the positive and negative reactions. As a representative of those who dispute Woody's view, reader Dave Nickason writes:
* "It is irresponsible for Woody to argue for people to turn off AU unless he wants to be the one supporting the unpatched machines of all of our parents, grandparents, and siblings. Some novice PC user like my 81-year old Dad will take that advice, never patch again, and I'll be left to reinstall Windows when his system quits working."
I have to agree that Windows amateurs, which probably includes the majority of Windows users, won't update their PCs unless it's done for them automatically. Given the latest round of MS mistakes, people who support relatives' PCs will have to accept that auto-updates may eventually cause some conflict that requires time to unravel. But this will probably be a less serious problem than dealing with an unpatched machine that's caught hard-to-remove viruses.
Microsoft is a business, get used to it
Other readers also made a distinction between novices and power users, while not applauding Microsoft for its behavior. Reader Kevin Gagel writes:
* "I'm writing in response to Woody Leonhard's article about Micro$oft's automatic updates.
"While I agree in principle with Woody's assessment of M$'s trustworthiness, I cannot agree with disabling the auto-update feature.
"I've witnessed first hand the benefit of having it enabled, as well as seeing how it can fail us.
"None the less, I have witnessed far more 'good' (I shudder to think M$ can do good) then bad by updating systems automatically.
"What users out there have the ability to 'test' a patch before applying it? What users out there will 'know' when it is the right time to apply a patch?
"Since M$'s activation of what they call a firewall, I've witnessed a huge reduction of viruses being e-mailed to us.
"Leaving systems vulnerable because of someone's incompetence is not the answer. Woody should know that there is a larger number of technically inept end users then there are technically savvy.
"I think that Woody could have done a better job (and justice to the end users) if he'd presented a better balanced position of pros and cons instead of just espousing his nonconspiracy conspiracy theory.
"M$ is and allways has been a business looking to make a buck. It will do whatever it takes to protect that, including pushing noncritical "critical patches" that verify the system is not running a bootleg copy of Windoze."
In the view of this reader and other readers, Microsoft has spent many years building up a capacity to install software automatically, and it can only be expected that the software giant will use it for business advantage .
Do one thing at work, another at home
A different opinion was provided by those who are required to auto-update by work policies, but disable Automatic Updates on personal machines, to which they're willing to devote more care. A reader who goes by the name Ralphy writes:
* "Unfortunately, some of us don't have the luxury of a corporate environment. I work for a Department of Defense unit and must have our boxes patched within a certain time frame. It is impossible for our office to be able to 'test,' then patch. We have too many boxes stretched over a large area.
"If it weren't for automatic updates, we would be spending a lot more time doing updates rather than other mission-essential items. I do agree that last round was bad, but out of 500 machines only 3 were bothered by the update that you spoke of. Those were the only ones we had to fix.
"Having said all of that, at home, I do the opposite. I wait for 2 weeks before I run the updates manually. I'll let the rest of the world be Microsoft's test bed and see what works and what doesn't.
"However, I still rated it a good article but not for the business world."
This underscores the theme of, "Those who can, patch manually. Those who can't, patch automatically."
Why Security Baseline recommends MS Update
A few readers questioned two lines in our Security Baseline that recommend using Microsoft Update for MS software and whatever auto-update features other vendors' software may have. Reader Russell Atwood writes:
* "In issue 75, I found it humorous to have a long article from Woody Leonhard on the trials and tribulations of Windows Automatic Update (don't let it happen to you), and in the Security Baseline, instruct customers to do exactly what Mr. Leonhard says don't do (turn on Automatic Update).
I understand both sides, but it still makes me smile with the irony of it.
Great newsletter, keep up the good work."
The Security Baseline actually never mentions Windows' Automatic Updates. It says, "Individual users should opt into the new, free Microsoft Update, an improvement over Windows Update." Both Microsoft Update and the older Windows Update allow AU to be enabled, disabled, or set to "notify only," as you please.
To make myself perfectly clear, I'm adding to the Security Baseline a recommendation that advanced users disable AU and study the latest copy of this newsletter before installing any Patch Tuesday upgrades.
Norton Internet Security imposes auto-updates
Norton Internet Security, a software security suite, complains and asserts control over auto-updates if users choose manual updates instead. Reader John Lambert writes:
* "My Norton Security flags me that I have 1 'problem' affecting my system when I take Woody's advice to select a button other than the option to take auto-update. Should I worry about this?"
This is surely a harmless warning, although irritating. A more serious dificulty is that NIS can change Windows' auto-update settings without notifying you. A reader by the name of Scott writes:
* "Turning off Windows' auto-update may not be enough to prevent a nasty update surprise. Those who use Norton Internet Security should be aware that Norton will automatically turn on Windows' Automatic Updates unless you turn off automantic updates in Norton. You will continue to get Windows' Automatic Updates downloaded and installed whether you like it or not.
Turn off automatic updates in Windows and Norton if you want any hope of control over updates."
Again, my advice is that novices should auto-update, which includes auto-updating Norton Internet Security and other security software. Everyone else should learn to read up on patch problems and then install new patches manually within a few days of their release.
The readers named above will receive a gift certificate for a book, CD, or DVD of their choice for sending me comments that I printed. To send more information about auto-updates, or to send a tip on any other subject, visit
So you decide if auto updating Microsoft is for you.
To auto-update or not to auto-update
Brian Livingston By Brian Livingston
I published a Woody Leonhard column as the top story last issue while I was traveling, knowing that he's opinionated and always gets strong reactions. Well, he didn't disappoint me.
Reacting to several mistakes Microsoft made in its Automatic Updates downloads in April, Woody railed against Redmond's patching strategy, saying, "Windows auto-update is for chumps."
Woody made some very good points, which Microsoft has done nothing to rebut. There's an important lesson here. I'm going to use this space today to give you the best advice I've been able to pull together.
An April that will live in infamy
For those who don't know the details of what I call Microsoft's April Fool's patches, here's a quick recap, in increasing order of severity:
• An obscure hotfix for XP SP2 machines, patch 900485 from Dec. 2005, was downloaded as a "critical" security patch via Automatic Updates on Apr. 25, two weeks after Redmond's regular Patch Tuesday distribution. Almost no one needed this hotfix, although it seems to have done no harm. It was apparently inserted into the Automatic Updates mechanism by accident, according to some newsgroup comments, although Microsoft still hasn't explained the gaffe.
• Security bulletin MS06-016, released on Apr. 11, made it impossible for some users of Microsoft's free Outlook Express e-mail program to open their Address Books or reply to e-mails. Microsoft acknowledged this on Apr. 26 and published Knowledge Base article 917288. The company describes how to backup, delete, and then import the Address Book to fix OE. But Redmond, six weeks later, hasn't issued a corrected MS06-016 patch to save people from having the problem in the first place.
• MS06-015 , released on the same Patch Tuesday as MS06-016, conflicted with widely used nVidia video drivers, some HP printer/scanner/CD/DVD software, Kerio Personal Firewall, and some other applications, as described in KB 918165. The problem caused Microsoft Office components and some other apps to freeze when accessing files in My Documents or My Pictures, interfered with Windows Explorer and Send To, and prevented Internet Explorer from visiting typed-in Web addresses unless they were prefixed with http. The security bulletin was re-released on Apr. 25 so users could install a version that corrects the problems.
• Windows Genuine Advantage, a Microsoft program that checks Windows installations for valid licenses, was pushed out as a "critical" security update to the U.S., U.K., Australia, and other countries beginning on Apr. 25. It's impossible to use Add/Remove Programs to remove the GA app, which displays warnings (once per hour after 14 days) if the software considers a copy of Windows to be nonlicensed. (Microsoft explains in KB 905474 how to disable the warnings until the next update is installed.)
I consider the surprise Genuine Advantage downloads to be the most severe blunder. Microsoft had previously said the tool would be strictly opt-in, but the midnight installs flooded some companies' help desks with calls from panicked users. No one expects Microsoft to give away its products for free. No responsible company, however, slams its biggest, most legitimate customers with a change of this magnitude with little or no notice other than a press release the day before.
In the face of the missteps described above, Microsoft has said almost nothing by way of explanation. The Redmond company is filled with thousands of talented and well-meaning developers, but they don't drive the corporation's policy in this area. After several inquiries seeking comment, a Microsoft spokeswoman told me: "Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an interview at this time due to lack of spokesperson availability."
I've previously said that home users of Windows (as opposed to advanced users) should keep Automatic Updates turned on. That was because Microsoft assured the public that Automatic Updates would only be used to distribute security updates rated as "critical." Microsoft's abuse of its security upgrade mechanism to stealthily install Genuine Advantage, in addition to April's outrageously buggy patches, is inexcusable. It's clear that corporate executives have made a deliberate decision to use Automatic Updates to install software that benefits the company, whether or not it helps users or has any relationship to users' security.
Pros update manually, novices automatically
Because of the April Fool's patches, I want to clarify my recommendations on who should keep Automatic Updates turned on and who should use the Control Panel to turn it off.
• Advanced users (including companies with full-time IT staff) should never use Automatic Updates. Professionals should first test Microsoft patches — and every other company's patches — on isolated machines. Read the free and paid versions of the Windows Secrets Newsletter that are published 2 days after Patch Tuesday with warnings of problems. Then use patch-management techniques to carefully install the needed upgrades to end users.
• Novice users, who can't or won't read up on reported patch problems before updating their machines, should leave Automatic Updates turned on. Beginners have a greater risk of catching a virus than they do of encountering a serious patch incompatibility.
Some advanced users may disagree with my recommendation that novices should leave Automatic Updates turned on. If you're the main tech support for a newbie, I'd say you can disable AU if a PC has the four items in our recommended Security Baseline ( below), which provides good general security. Patches should still be installed manually within a few days of release, after you check news reports for potential conflicts.
Supporting Grandma's PC means auto-update
We received many comments supportive of Woody's distrust of Automatic Updates, which he's been publicly stating for years. We can give you only a overview here of the positive and negative reactions. As a representative of those who dispute Woody's view, reader Dave Nickason writes:
* "It is irresponsible for Woody to argue for people to turn off AU unless he wants to be the one supporting the unpatched machines of all of our parents, grandparents, and siblings. Some novice PC user like my 81-year old Dad will take that advice, never patch again, and I'll be left to reinstall Windows when his system quits working."
I have to agree that Windows amateurs, which probably includes the majority of Windows users, won't update their PCs unless it's done for them automatically. Given the latest round of MS mistakes, people who support relatives' PCs will have to accept that auto-updates may eventually cause some conflict that requires time to unravel. But this will probably be a less serious problem than dealing with an unpatched machine that's caught hard-to-remove viruses.
Microsoft is a business, get used to it
Other readers also made a distinction between novices and power users, while not applauding Microsoft for its behavior. Reader Kevin Gagel writes:
* "I'm writing in response to Woody Leonhard's article about Micro$oft's automatic updates.
"While I agree in principle with Woody's assessment of M$'s trustworthiness, I cannot agree with disabling the auto-update feature.
"I've witnessed first hand the benefit of having it enabled, as well as seeing how it can fail us.
"None the less, I have witnessed far more 'good' (I shudder to think M$ can do good) then bad by updating systems automatically.
"What users out there have the ability to 'test' a patch before applying it? What users out there will 'know' when it is the right time to apply a patch?
"Since M$'s activation of what they call a firewall, I've witnessed a huge reduction of viruses being e-mailed to us.
"Leaving systems vulnerable because of someone's incompetence is not the answer. Woody should know that there is a larger number of technically inept end users then there are technically savvy.
"I think that Woody could have done a better job (and justice to the end users) if he'd presented a better balanced position of pros and cons instead of just espousing his nonconspiracy conspiracy theory.
"M$ is and allways has been a business looking to make a buck. It will do whatever it takes to protect that, including pushing noncritical "critical patches" that verify the system is not running a bootleg copy of Windoze."
In the view of this reader and other readers, Microsoft has spent many years building up a capacity to install software automatically, and it can only be expected that the software giant will use it for business advantage .
Do one thing at work, another at home
A different opinion was provided by those who are required to auto-update by work policies, but disable Automatic Updates on personal machines, to which they're willing to devote more care. A reader who goes by the name Ralphy writes:
* "Unfortunately, some of us don't have the luxury of a corporate environment. I work for a Department of Defense unit and must have our boxes patched within a certain time frame. It is impossible for our office to be able to 'test,' then patch. We have too many boxes stretched over a large area.
"If it weren't for automatic updates, we would be spending a lot more time doing updates rather than other mission-essential items. I do agree that last round was bad, but out of 500 machines only 3 were bothered by the update that you spoke of. Those were the only ones we had to fix.
"Having said all of that, at home, I do the opposite. I wait for 2 weeks before I run the updates manually. I'll let the rest of the world be Microsoft's test bed and see what works and what doesn't.
"However, I still rated it a good article but not for the business world."
This underscores the theme of, "Those who can, patch manually. Those who can't, patch automatically."
Why Security Baseline recommends MS Update
A few readers questioned two lines in our Security Baseline that recommend using Microsoft Update for MS software and whatever auto-update features other vendors' software may have. Reader Russell Atwood writes:
* "In issue 75, I found it humorous to have a long article from Woody Leonhard on the trials and tribulations of Windows Automatic Update (don't let it happen to you), and in the Security Baseline, instruct customers to do exactly what Mr. Leonhard says don't do (turn on Automatic Update).
I understand both sides, but it still makes me smile with the irony of it.
Great newsletter, keep up the good work."
The Security Baseline actually never mentions Windows' Automatic Updates. It says, "Individual users should opt into the new, free Microsoft Update, an improvement over Windows Update." Both Microsoft Update and the older Windows Update allow AU to be enabled, disabled, or set to "notify only," as you please.
To make myself perfectly clear, I'm adding to the Security Baseline a recommendation that advanced users disable AU and study the latest copy of this newsletter before installing any Patch Tuesday upgrades.
Norton Internet Security imposes auto-updates
Norton Internet Security, a software security suite, complains and asserts control over auto-updates if users choose manual updates instead. Reader John Lambert writes:
* "My Norton Security flags me that I have 1 'problem' affecting my system when I take Woody's advice to select a button other than the option to take auto-update. Should I worry about this?"
This is surely a harmless warning, although irritating. A more serious dificulty is that NIS can change Windows' auto-update settings without notifying you. A reader by the name of Scott writes:
* "Turning off Windows' auto-update may not be enough to prevent a nasty update surprise. Those who use Norton Internet Security should be aware that Norton will automatically turn on Windows' Automatic Updates unless you turn off automantic updates in Norton. You will continue to get Windows' Automatic Updates downloaded and installed whether you like it or not.
Turn off automatic updates in Windows and Norton if you want any hope of control over updates."
Again, my advice is that novices should auto-update, which includes auto-updating Norton Internet Security and other security software. Everyone else should learn to read up on patch problems and then install new patches manually within a few days of their release.
The readers named above will receive a gift certificate for a book, CD, or DVD of their choice for sending me comments that I printed. To send more information about auto-updates, or to send a tip on any other subject, visit
Patch a Cat 5 Cable
Need an Ethernet connection to connect multiple PC's at home. Save some money by patching some Cat 5 cable. It can be a pain because your going to need cable crimps and Cat 5 plugs. But it's nothing that you can get at your local Lowes or Home Depot store. Usually you only need 4 cables to patch a connection. But if you really want to patch the cable correctly here is how to do it. Now you can wire your home the way you want easily.
Ps: Cat 6 is better shielded and you may want to pay an extra penny to get better reliable connection.
Ps: Cat 6 is better shielded and you may want to pay an extra penny to get better reliable connection.
Resize any Picture Online
If you have a picture that you need to resize. Check out this online resizing site to change your picture to a more acceptable size. It's free and if you still need more cropping software to edit your pictures. Make sure you do a google search for cropping pictures online. You'll be amazed on how many site you'll find for free.
Need a Tivo like software for your PC
Take a look at Snap Stream Software for your PC.
It makes it easy compatible with other playback devices such as your pocket PC, TV or wireless network. Watch TV where ever you go.
It makes it easy compatible with other playback devices such as your pocket PC, TV or wireless network. Watch TV where ever you go.
Canon SD430 - Wireless Digital Camera
Here is a camera with class. Not only is it a 5 Megapixel Camera it's connects wirelessly to your 802.11b devices. Get a hold of a new generation of cameras to come in the future. How nice will it be to easily print a picture you just took wireless via your camera. This is just the beginning of more camera like this one to be developed in the future.
Office Online - The New Generation
Today there are several new online office software that will change the future of office applications. Is it's worth the expense, well that's up to you. But there is no stopping what they are prepared to do to sell you that monthly premium. No more bug's, conflicts and no service pak updates to worry about. Only time will tell if it's an investment for you.
Microsoft Office Live
Microsoft Office Live
Security with Absolute
Afraid of your laptop, PDA or cell phone going into the wrong hands. This software is your protection. Whether its your local thief or a dishonest employee. When a laptop, PDA or cell phone is lost or stolen. Just logon to Absolute and the item is history. The software can not be un installed and all valuable information is deleted upon request. Plus the software works in invisible mode and could later on help you catch that thief. Never fear about every loosing another item again.
Access files Everywhere
A while back I suggest a link named LogMeIn to access your files anywhere. This site does the same thing and it's also free. I love the freebees and accessing your PC should be a next generation thing and I just hope things remain free forever.
Your computer is your personal library and address book and how nice it would be to easily remotely access it everywhere.
Your computer is your personal library and address book and how nice it would be to easily remotely access it everywhere.
Maps for Mobile
Need directions and don't have time to write down or print out your directions.
Maps for mobile is a new development that gives your the upper hand in making traveling easier for anyone. Yahoo has also incorporated this technology but the software works only with some mobile phones for now. Hopefully the trend will make the software user friendly to all phones in the future.
Maps for mobile is a new development that gives your the upper hand in making traveling easier for anyone. Yahoo has also incorporated this technology but the software works only with some mobile phones for now. Hopefully the trend will make the software user friendly to all phones in the future.
Want to import contacts to another phone. Try Cellstik.
Cellstik will have more upgrades in the months to come but the convenience is that you can save your contacts from one phone and transfer it to another phone.
The old bad thing about it is that if your upgrading to a different manufacture, your out of luck but have no choice but to buy another Cellstik to make it work, hopefully there will be a fix for this in the future.
Easy, Fast and reliable.
Cellstik will have more upgrades in the months to come but the convenience is that you can save your contacts from one phone and transfer it to another phone.
The old bad thing about it is that if your upgrading to a different manufacture, your out of luck but have no choice but to buy another Cellstik to make it work, hopefully there will be a fix for this in the future.
Easy, Fast and reliable.
Wifi Security Simplified
Looking for a simple Wifi Security system for your home network. This software guarantees just that with a subscription fee. It not only protects you of unwanted intruders but automates windows updates. Too bad no antivirus software is not included. But you can always download the basic version and see if this service works with your home network.
Samsung Blackberry t719
It's about time.
Samsung has integrated the Blackberry and cell phone together so get ready to see copycats from major manufactures. You not only can ditch your blackberry but it will be integrated with your cell phone now and it will be easier to carry.
The keyboard is compressed but this is the start of something more beautiful to come.
Samsung has integrated the Blackberry and cell phone together so get ready to see copycats from major manufactures. You not only can ditch your blackberry but it will be integrated with your cell phone now and it will be easier to carry.
The keyboard is compressed but this is the start of something more beautiful to come.
Pre-N Routers To Buy or Not to Buy
If your looking to buy Pre-N Routers here some information that you should remember.
Right now companies like D-Link and Linksys are developing Routers with Pre-N Specs that have yet to be finalized. If you do buy now a Pre-N Router you might be out of luck when the standards are finalized. There might not be upgraded via firmware and might have to buy another Pre-N Router in the long run.
These companies are producing products that yet have to meet with other Pre-N products that will marketable in the future. So your more likely will be forced to buy another finalized Pre-N products to work with other Pre-N products.
My main point is that you should wait until everything is finalized otherwise your just throwing your money away.
Right now companies like D-Link and Linksys are developing Routers with Pre-N Specs that have yet to be finalized. If you do buy now a Pre-N Router you might be out of luck when the standards are finalized. There might not be upgraded via firmware and might have to buy another Pre-N Router in the long run.
These companies are producing products that yet have to meet with other Pre-N products that will marketable in the future. So your more likely will be forced to buy another finalized Pre-N products to work with other Pre-N products.
My main point is that you should wait until everything is finalized otherwise your just throwing your money away.
Get Ready for LaLa
The new music like Napster service lets users trade CD's on the cheap and recommend albums in a new way. Register now and wait for launch in July. But it caters to your needs by comparing it with your current music selection. The more you list the more you get. You trade CD's with other LaLa members similar to the Netflix for movies.
Will the site be successful, depends on how people use the service. But it's a satisfying service for the still young music service world.
Will the site be successful, depends on how people use the service. But it's a satisfying service for the still young music service world.
Learn How to Play in the Casinos
Here is a great site to learn how to play all those great games they have in the Casinos. It's free and you learn the tricks from the pros. Be ahead make sure you know how to play.
Seen an article but Can't Find it
Hopefully this site will help you end your search and find that missing article your dying to read.
Directory of open access Journals
If you love Journals than this is a great bookmark site to save.
Sit back and enjoy your Journal directory.
Sit back and enjoy your Journal directory.
My Date with Drew
With all the documentaries out there. Who would every think of doing a documentary of going out with Drew. For starters the web site and publicity will go on for as long as it can go on. Great way to start a small business from scratch. Who could figure this would ever work.
So remember the secret to making money is out there. All you need is a good plan.
So remember the secret to making money is out there. All you need is a good plan.
Gmail Email Services Done Easier
In the past I showed you have to setup Gmail via Outlook.
So here is it again.
If your currently using Gmail and want to incorporate this email client with your Outlook software it's as easy as 1,2,3.
Gmail making a better tomorrow.
Don't forget to check out other Gmail services
Gmail Services
So here is it again.
If your currently using Gmail and want to incorporate this email client with your Outlook software it's as easy as 1,2,3.
Gmail making a better tomorrow.
Don't forget to check out other Gmail services
Gmail Services
Microsoft Anti Piracy
If you have a pirated Windows update CD. Your choices are limited. Not only will windows verify if you have a legal copy but it will prevent you in some cases from downloading some of there software's. They insist that all software patches will be available to pirated version but don't believe that, it's just another excuse for them to setup a patch to eventually force you to buy a legal license.
My suggestion to you is try to buy a legal second hand copy from a trusted friend. You can also save the license key from a computer you recently upgraded to and install the license on the pirated PC.
Vista is not far off and remember, when a new operating system just comes out. Microsoft prices drop and it's a great time to buy.
My suggestion to you is try to buy a legal second hand copy from a trusted friend. You can also save the license key from a computer you recently upgraded to and install the license on the pirated PC.
Vista is not far off and remember, when a new operating system just comes out. Microsoft prices drop and it's a great time to buy.
Fix Picture Problem In Email
This is a common cause in emails and if your using outlook or Outlook Express, this is what you need to do.
In Outlook Express -> Select options from tools menu -> click the tab that said Send -> Html Settings -> Put a check in the box labeled Send pictures with messages -> Click Ok
Now when you send someone an email they will get the pictures as well. They must also do the same so that you will be able to see the pictures.
In Outlook Express -> Select options from tools menu -> click the tab that said Send -> Html Settings -> Put a check in the box labeled Send pictures with messages -> Click Ok
Now when you send someone an email they will get the pictures as well. They must also do the same so that you will be able to see the pictures.
Get rid of your Windows Boot Screen
This is a simple Windows hack that you might have to do over every time you do a windows update. But if you can't stand seeing that Windows logon screen here you go.
Go to start -> run -> type MSCONFIG -> in the system configuration utility go to Boot.ini and check on /NOGUIBOOT and restart computer. Now your windows login will not appear save you 2 seconds of boot up time.
Make sure you do not touch anything else. The Boot.ini if done incorrectly will cause problems. So get rid of your Windows boot screen and get on with your life.
Go to start -> run -> type MSCONFIG -> in the system configuration utility go to Boot.ini and check on /NOGUIBOOT and restart computer. Now your windows login will not appear save you 2 seconds of boot up time.
Make sure you do not touch anything else. The Boot.ini if done incorrectly will cause problems. So get rid of your Windows boot screen and get on with your life.
ScanR Documents
Ever wonder how people are able to take a picture from a document using a camera phone and be able to convert and make readable like the actual document.
Well you've found that site. It's as easy as taking the pictures, editing the document and emailing it to yourself. Now at least you ahead of everyone else who doesn't have the ability to understand how they do this.
Well you've found that site. It's as easy as taking the pictures, editing the document and emailing it to yourself. Now at least you ahead of everyone else who doesn't have the ability to understand how they do this.
Unlocked GSM Phones
Here is a great site to buy any type of unlocked cellular GSM phone for any service provider. The only drawbacks are that not all of your features may function properly. I just wish manufactures would give the consumer the opportunity to decide what type or model that want. It is your phone!
Google calendar
Have Google well get ready for Google Calendar. Similar to Yahoo Calendar and you better believe that Yahoo will retaliate on taking its Calendar to the next step.
Yahoo Beta Maps
Lets just say that the Beta Version is in good competition with Google maps and now you can get your driving directions emailed to your phone as easy as the way your print your driving directions. Easy, fast, reliable. Try it.
IRS wants your PayPal Account
If you have been using PayPal Account to hide extra income. You've better think again.
IRS is aware of this tax heaven and its having PayPal hand over accounts in excess of reserves. So much for the PayPal plan.
IRS is aware of this tax heaven and its having PayPal hand over accounts in excess of reserves. So much for the PayPal plan.
Html Table on the fly
If you need to create an Html table for your web page.
Here is a fast way to do this.
Your web page will be online in no time.
Here is a fast way to do this.
Your web page will be online in no time.
Mystery Shopper Application
Heard of being a mystery shopper. Well it's all true. As per my friends it takes a while to get started with the program but they will occasionally send you emails and when an assignment comes around that your interested you do it.
Devote yourself to a better life. Join the mystery shopper program.
Devote yourself to a better life. Join the mystery shopper program.
Snobby French Post Cards
Hey I know it's snobby but regardless I still love the French Women.
Send your favorite snobbish eCard to the one you like the most.
Send your favorite snobbish eCard to the one you like the most.
Google Romance
First there was Adam and then came Eve.
Google figures since it's out there why not make a Love & Dating match making site.
I guess they're trying to see if they can profit from sites like Myspace and Friendster. Now I can find a Google date.
Google figures since it's out there why not make a Love & Dating match making site.
I guess they're trying to see if they can profit from sites like Myspace and Friendster. Now I can find a Google date.
More Myspace Layouts
If your a member of the Myspace community hurry up and sign up to be on.
It's a great place to find friends and view new groups.
In the meantime here are great mySpace tips for having that great page when visitors come and vist.
It's a great place to find friends and view new groups.
In the meantime here are great mySpace tips for having that great page when visitors come and vist.
Which is the Best Movie
Want to go to the movies and watch something that everyone is watching, or talking about. Better yet don't want to go to the movies to see another bomb movie that you should of waited to see at Blockbuster. Well here is a great site for your eyes.
Movie Chart. It gives you the listing of the top watched movies that weekend. Giving you insight on what movie you should go and see.
Here is another link
Movie Chart. It gives you the listing of the top watched movies that weekend. Giving you insight on what movie you should go and see.
Here is another link
PlayStation 3 Pricing
The New PlayStation 3 Price is quite steep. I don't know who or how many purchasers will be willing to cough up a PS3 at the same price as a computer. For what it's worth I believe that your better off buying a computer than to spend so much for a game console that only can play games. Sony should know better.
My Humps Blog Template
Here's is a nice blog with extra perks. I love the creativity and love the music activated browser. You minimize the browser and the music stops. You maximize the browser and yes your music begins. Good idea for those annoying music playing websites that just will not stop.
I want my Radio Blog
What's a radio blog. Simple a radio in a blog. Pick the song you want to play and click on it. It loads and presto your radio blog plays.
Here's a sample of how it works Radio Blog Sample
Here's a sample of how it works Radio Blog Sample
Yahoo! 360° - My Page
Here's a great RSS tip for finding the best deals in flights and vacations.
Get a RSS reader at Yahoo or Google and subscribe to your favorite travel deal site like Orbitz, Travelcity, and Sidestep. Then when you need a good travel deal. Just check those RSS sites that you have created and you'll get a bargain everytime you travel.
Get a RSS reader at Yahoo or Google and subscribe to your favorite travel deal site like Orbitz, Travelcity, and Sidestep. Then when you need a good travel deal. Just check those RSS sites that you have created and you'll get a bargain everytime you travel.
Microsoft Virtual Server vs. Linux
Let's just say Linux better be ready now to prove that it's better than Microsoft. Otherwise the winner will just swallow all of Linux technological ideas.
Say hello to a new open source browser.
It's still buggy but it's open source and hopefully it will be another Firefox.
It's still buggy but it's open source and hopefully it will be another Firefox.
File your Tax Return Electronic for Free
Yes you can file your Federal tax return for free. You'll have to create an account with Turbo tax and make sure that you have made under $50,000-. For some people it will be free for others you've guessed it you will be charged. But regardless if you don't mind using Turbo Tax you can avoid paying for any extras.
Make sure you check out my Tax Link to print forms that you file so that you don't pay for a print copy of your return. It's easy, simple and affordable.
For more free IRS tax Link websites visit my Tax page.
Make sure you check out my Tax Link to print forms that you file so that you don't pay for a print copy of your return. It's easy, simple and affordable.
For more free IRS tax Link websites visit my Tax page.
Space Travelers
Enjoy next generation films. Like those galaxy games. Here is an interesting space link for you to keep you entertained.
TextAmerica Photo Printer
If you have been already using textamerica to upload your pictures from your camera phone or camera. This site will be of great interest to you. You now can make a photo album of all your pictures you've uploaded to textamerica. It lets you pick the pictures you want and at the end you have all the pictures you have taken printed to a poster giving you a collage of pictures you choose. I am glad to see that textamerica is taking it serious to move from hosting pictures to photo printing. It's a step in the right direction.
Anytime Traffic
Recently got a speeding ticket. Or received a ticket for something that was not fair. It's time for Traffic school. This website helps you take your required 8 hour course to help you reduce your fine and remove your points.
You take the course online and hand in the certificate with your fine to remove your points. Works differently with other states but it sure great to know that you now can take your eight hour class at your convenience as long as you meet your class deadline.
You take the course online and hand in the certificate with your fine to remove your points. Works differently with other states but it sure great to know that you now can take your eight hour class at your convenience as long as you meet your class deadline.
Fake Resume
The truth is that if you ever want to get ahead in life. It's best to make sure you cover your assets. A site worth viewing.
In school and need to order food from your dorm.
Check out Campusfood nice idea but will just see how long it works.
Check out Campusfood nice idea but will just see how long it works.
Download Install Full Version of IE6
If you are trying to install Windows updates on a non internet PC or on a dial up PC. It may take forever unless you can do it with another PC with broadband access. But how do you download the full updates. That's simple but you have to go back to the basics. Follow these instructions and life will be easier.
You then will have to go to your c drive -> find a folder named Windows -> and view contents and search for another file called -> Windows Update Setup Files. These files have to be copied and put on a CD so that you can install it on your PC that needs the current update. Remember you can do all of your Windows update this way.
You then will have to go to your c drive -> find a folder named Windows -> and view contents and search for another file called -> Windows Update Setup Files. These files have to be copied and put on a CD so that you can install it on your PC that needs the current update. Remember you can do all of your Windows update this way.
My WAN IP - IP Address
If you need to locate your IP address to connect a webcam or nannycam.
This site will give you just that to make sure your ip address is a private.
This site will give you just that to make sure your ip address is a private.
3am Labs - Innovation at Any Hour.
Travel a lot? Want to log into your computer at anytime but don't want to pay for that service. Simple just use Logmein and you can just do that. If you need to file sync and synchronizing you have to purchase the Pro version. But nothing tells you that you can't easily email that particular file or IM that file to you.
Tivo new monthly rates
If you love what Tivo does. You'll love the new payment plans that they have. Tivo now has a $16.95 monthly plan to meet your needs as long as your willing to commit to there service for three years. You can also commit to a yearly plan but the options change. At least you'll be able to enjoy your favorite shows at affordable prices.
Microsoft NYC Settlement
Purchased Microsoft software from 1994 to 2004? Well Microsoft owes you something then. Everyone is entitled to get a free $12- dollar coupon for each computer. No receipt or purchase necessary. The same goes for Microsoft office products in which you will get a $5- voucher as well. The coupon could be used at any store for technology products not including Microsoft products. Either do it online or call Microsoft at 877-867-6133 but hurry up the deadline is OCTOBER 18,2006...
Windows Media Connect 2.0
Want to Play media files in every room. Download Windows Media Connect and you can easily play music, view pictures and watch movies from your PC to your stereo and TV.
Ready for Office 2007 Beta
I don't think the world is really ready for an office 2007. Microsoft could try to convince us that this is the way to go, if it had more perks. But for small companies, Microsoft is going to have to do better to think that their pay to subscription will work. Why pay for something annually when your old standard office software can still do the work that Microsoft now is telling you to pay annually.
Hurry up and grab any old Office software's that you can before it's too late and you have no choice but to buy the new Office 2007.
Hurry up and grab any old Office software's that you can before it's too late and you have no choice but to buy the new Office 2007.
DPOF - Why is it important ?
Let's just say that if own a Digital camera it already has this feature built in. What it does is that in names and marks all picture and video files. In it's new version it supports multiple size printing and slide shows. The better this feature gets the more easier it will be for us to view video and pictures portable. Now at least you can edit the size of the picture you want to send to another individual to view.
For Space Explorers
If you enjoy space desktop wallpapers here is an interesting program for you. It creates a desktop wallpaper of space. And tells you exactly how space looks like in that precise moment of the day, as long as your logged on to your computer.
PayPal Mobile
Will it work, what can you pay with this service. All of these questions are still yet to be finalized. But it's already possible and hopefully Paypal will not add on additional charges for this service.
Why My Computer will not SHUT DOWN?
Although this tip is not for everyone, it's a start to learn on how to trouble shoot your PC problems.
Most of the times a Windows Update corrected the My Computer will not SHUT DOWN problems. But in situations where problems can't be fixed easily. Forcing the PC to Shut Down does save time if you really don't have any really valuable information on that current PC.
Most of the times a Windows Update corrected the My Computer will not SHUT DOWN problems. But in situations where problems can't be fixed easily. Forcing the PC to Shut Down does save time if you really don't have any really valuable information on that current PC.
TurboTax Manual Update
TurboTax Updates
Recently bought Turbo Tax and want the software updates just in case you need them later on or for what ever reason. Here it is.
Recently bought Turbo Tax and want the software updates just in case you need them later on or for what ever reason. Here it is.
Windows Live
Windows Live is similar to Yahoo and Google Blogs. Microsoft is trying hard to catch up on what it already missed out. I just hope that Yahoo and Google can keep up the speed for Microsoft to stay away.
Password Manager
Automated Password Manager
Tired of remembering various passwords. Try this software for free. You use one password for all.
Tired of remembering various passwords. Try this software for free. You use one password for all.
TV For People
USDTV->>For The People
If this company has it's way. Cable is not only going to be very affordable but you'll pay only for the channels you want. The way it works is simple you pick the channels and based on the channels you pick that's your premium. No more 72 channels of plain nothing. This time you get what you pay for. Coming soon to a city near you.
If this company has it's way. Cable is not only going to be very affordable but you'll pay only for the channels you want. The way it works is simple you pick the channels and based on the channels you pick that's your premium. No more 72 channels of plain nothing. This time you get what you pay for. Coming soon to a city near you.
National Insurance Crime Bureau
Here is a nice site to help you just in case your planning on buying a vehicle or watercraft affected by recent Hurricane Katrina, Rita or Wilma in disaster areas. Most insurance companies pay damages to premium holders and the inventory is later sold to consumers. Don't get caught out there and be aware.
Here is a nice site to help you just in case your planning on buying a vehicle or watercraft affected by recent Hurricane Katrina, Rita or Wilma in disaster areas. Most insurance companies pay damages to premium holders and the inventory is later sold to consumers. Don't get caught out there and be aware.
Glide Effortless
The site is free and you pay extra for perks but the idea is to have a family sharing site where you can share files, pictures, music, documents, contacts and mail.
Even though it has nice perks I would wait for them to get rid of the credit card identification procedure before registering for a free account.
The site is free and you pay extra for perks but the idea is to have a family sharing site where you can share files, pictures, music, documents, contacts and mail.
Even though it has nice perks I would wait for them to get rid of the credit card identification procedure before registering for a free account.
SNARF from Microsoft Research
Hate missing those important emails. Then this software might be of some use to you. It's confusing at first but after getting some use to. It provides a list of important emails that need the up most priority. I hope Microsoft would make this simple, but this is a start.
Hate missing those important emails. Then this software might be of some use to you. It's confusing at first but after getting some use to. It provides a list of important emails that need the up most priority. I hope Microsoft would make this simple, but this is a start.
Let VZ Navigator Show You The Way!
Verizon Wireless VZ Navigator
Verizon Wireless is offering navigating service. Soon all Wireless providers will follow suit. Figure it will cost you $1- or $2- per trip and the rates are still cheaper than buying a $500- GPS navigating unit.
Verizon Wireless is offering navigating service. Soon all Wireless providers will follow suit. Figure it will cost you $1- or $2- per trip and the rates are still cheaper than buying a $500- GPS navigating unit.
Google Reader Blog
Official Google Reader Blog
I enjoy how Google setup up this RSS news reader. Pretty unique. Hopefully it will change they way we read and email.
I enjoy how Google setup up this RSS news reader. Pretty unique. Hopefully it will change they way we read and email.
EAC - Exact Audio Copy
Although I don't promote to download or copy music illegally. Here is a site per Maximum PC April issue on the best Audio Ripper for Perfect Mp3's. It will take you a while longer than other programs. But it will give you that high quality audio that you need.
Although I don't promote to download or copy music illegally. Here is a site per Maximum PC April issue on the best Audio Ripper for Perfect Mp3's. It will take you a while longer than other programs. But it will give you that high quality audio that you need.
Website Monitoring
Website Tools
Have a domain website that you just want to make sure it's running properly. Try these tools to test the domain service.
Have a domain website that you just want to make sure it's running properly. Try these tools to test the domain service.
Building a Bicycle Camera Mount
Bicycle Camera Mount
With this little invention you can now take mobile pictures where ever you want to go.
With this little invention you can now take mobile pictures where ever you want to go.
hi5 layouts - Lissa Explains it All: Web Design Forums
hi5 layouts -Web Design Forums
This is a good site to find web codes for people with profiles in
This is a good site to find web codes for people with profiles in
PowerToys for Windows XP
PowerToys for Windows XP,
I always loved these little app's. My Favorite are the power toys Alt Tab and Virtual Desktop Manager.I love the way things are easily viewed. Microsoft still has yet to learn why Apple has been so popular.
I always loved these little app's. My Favorite are the power toys Alt Tab and Virtual Desktop Manager.I love the way things are easily viewed. Microsoft still has yet to learn why Apple has been so popular.
Kyocera KR1 Mobile Router
Kyocera PC Mobility
In love with Verizon's EV-DO service but unsatisfied that you can only connect one PC with it. Here's your solution. A wireless router that uses the EV-DO service and then splits the EV-DO service. It's fairly new and hopefully Verizon will not discourage others from doing this. If your currently using EV-DO I would suggest you get the $300- EV-DO router. But at this time I am going to wait and see if Verizon approves this. If it goes well. Don't be surprised EV-DO will be the easier connection of tomorrow.
In love with Verizon's EV-DO service but unsatisfied that you can only connect one PC with it. Here's your solution. A wireless router that uses the EV-DO service and then splits the EV-DO service. It's fairly new and hopefully Verizon will not discourage others from doing this. If your currently using EV-DO I would suggest you get the $300- EV-DO router. But at this time I am going to wait and see if Verizon approves this. If it goes well. Don't be surprised EV-DO will be the easier connection of tomorrow.
WinXp Desktop Wallpapers
Looking for that unique Windows Wallpaper for your desktop. Then try this site. It sure will catch your eye on the fascinating designs.
Pimp-My-Profile codes
Pimp-My-Profile Layouts
Here is another codes page for hooking up personal profile on myspace and Hi5.
Here is another codes page for hooking up personal profile on myspace and Hi5.
$3,500 USB Key
Who said that money can't buy anything. Why did anyone want to spend $3,500 for a USB Key is beyond me when it practically does exactly what any other USB Key would do.
Who said that money can't buy anything. Why did anyone want to spend $3,500 for a USB Key is beyond me when it practically does exactly what any other USB Key would do.
Blog Templates
Started your own Blog and now you want to customize it. This site will help your create the skin of your blog that most websites allow you to use. It's free for now and hopefully you'll be able to find a blog that interest you.
Started your own Blog and now you want to customize it. This site will help your create the skin of your blog that most websites allow you to use. It's free for now and hopefully you'll be able to find a blog that interest you.
Backup and Synchronization Software
Nice free ware so that you can backup all your files at ease. It also helps that it's easy to use.
Nice free ware so that you can backup all your files at ease. It also helps that it's easy to use.
Fastest Growing Registrars
Fastest Growing Registrars
Looking for a cheap, Reliable domain registrars. You might want to check this site out and don't be surprised to see Godaddy on top of the list.
Cheap, reliable and yes affordable. So the next time your ready to renew your domain check out Godaddy.
Looking for a cheap, Reliable domain registrars. You might want to check this site out and don't be surprised to see Godaddy on top of the list.
Cheap, reliable and yes affordable. So the next time your ready to renew your domain check out Godaddy.
.NET Framework
Developer Center
This is one of those software's that many programs require for you to have but it's a pain to find out where to download it from. Save this link because one day you might need it one day.
This is one of those software's that many programs require for you to have but it's a pain to find out where to download it from. Save this link because one day you might need it one day.
Myspace code help
Code help
Have a web page but need some code help to make that web page special. This site will be of some use to you.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Have a web page but need some code help to make that web page special. This site will be of some use to you.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Cable Puts You In Control
Cable Puts You In Control-Home
This site is dedicated to Parents who want to control children television habits. Interesting site for all your parental controls that currently exists.
This site is dedicated to Parents who want to control children television habits. Interesting site for all your parental controls that currently exists.
Windows® Defender (Beta 2)
Download details: Windows® Defender (Beta 2)
Microsoft AntiSpyware is now called Windows Defender. Blocks spyware and from rumors it's going to also going to include Anti-Virus software that will cost $50- a year. At least you'll be able to share this service with three different computers.
Microsoft AntiSpyware is now called Windows Defender. Blocks spyware and from rumors it's going to also going to include Anti-Virus software that will cost $50- a year. At least you'll be able to share this service with three different computers.
Xerox Free Color Printers
Xerox FreeColorPrinters
Yes you too can get a free color printer. The catch is that you have to do a minimum amount every month and if you don't meet the minimum you will be penalized and billed $100- monthly per quota that you don't meet. But the printing supplies are reasonable and it's still cheaper than leasing and in the end the color printer is yours. So go figure if Xerox is your way to go.
Yes you too can get a free color printer. The catch is that you have to do a minimum amount every month and if you don't meet the minimum you will be penalized and billed $100- monthly per quota that you don't meet. But the printing supplies are reasonable and it's still cheaper than leasing and in the end the color printer is yours. So go figure if Xerox is your way to go.
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