
High Def on your TV via your laptop

This is a cheap and inexpensive way to watch high definition via your laptop.
If you currently have a HD or Blue Ray Laptop, you can watch your favorite programs in HD on your television using your televisions HDMI port. It's not plug and play but it can be done.
You would just have to locate the laptop HDMI port and connect a HDMI cable from your laptop to your TV's HDMI port. Set your television input to the HDMI setting and the laptop should recognize the connection. If it does not, you need to use the laptop's new display device by pressing the laptop's command keys ( usually FN+F5 )then goto the windows mobility center located in the control panel, on the external display tile click on Connect Display. You insert a HD or Blue Ray disc and watch the movie on the big screen. It your still having problems try doing a google search for HD or Blue Ray Laptop's via newsgroups or forum. Enjoy.