** The following information is for experimental purposes only **
Right now this software is still in development but hopefully soon new software will be easily avaialble.
Do a Google search for BackupBluerayv021.zip and extract it to your hard drive. For title keys you'll have to goto www.aacskeys.com or try message boards.
Open the CPSKey.cfg file in the run subdirectory and manually input the keys for your disc. Then open the command line and type cd \backupblueray\run. Type Backupbluray.cmd z: c:\blurayrips\ where z: is your blueray drive letter anc c:\blueraysrips is the directory you created. Once you press enter you begin ripping the disc.
Right now this software is still in development but hopefully soon new software will be easily avaialble.
Do a Google search for BackupBluerayv021.zip and extract it to your hard drive. For title keys you'll have to goto www.aacskeys.com or try message boards.
Open the CPSKey.cfg file in the run subdirectory and manually input the keys for your disc. Then open the command line and type cd \backupblueray\run. Type Backupbluray.cmd z: c:\blurayrips\ where z: is your blueray drive letter anc c:\blueraysrips is the directory you created. Once you press enter you begin ripping the disc.