
Tips for Recording Word Microns

as per Dummies Etip here is a good tip to know

Tips for Recording Word Macros

About the only thing that's not recorded by the macro recorder are mouse movements within the document. The macro recorder will record buttons or menu choices you click, but if you move around the document with the mouse or select text with the mouse, those actions aren't recorded. Remember to use the keyboard for navigating or selecting text while recording a macro.

Here are other tips to keep in mind as you record macros:

Macros are normally stored in the global Normal.dot template. To store a macro in the template attached to the current document, change the setting of the Record Macro dialog box's Store Macro In list box.

If you use the Find or Replace commands, be sure to move to the beginning of the document first.

Avoid any commands that depend on the content of a document that is active when you record the macro.