
Microsoft Vista

Microsoft new operating system Loghorn is now called Microsoft Vista.
From the look of it. It's in Beta Version now. It has lot's of changes from the control panel to the Internet Explorer browser which has tab browsing.
The setup looks simple. Hopefully there will not be too many bugs to patch upon upgrade. But I will hold off on it for another year after everything settles.
In the past I've learned the good and bad things about having the latest operating system on your personal computer.
The good is that you get everything first and your problems that you discover will be along with others who have the same problem.
The bad is that it's often to buggy and you can't get all of your old software to work with it. It's a pain, because you have to upgrade everything to work with the new operating system. And even if you get it to work. It will be a while before the first service pak comes out. This just cases more problems than you had before and when you think about it. You are fustrated because the operating system does not work the way you wished it work. So if I were you I would hold off until the first service pak comes out. And then hopefully your PC can handle the new operating system.
For now check out the Microsoft Vista and installation snapshots.
